

Valparaiso, IN

United States

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  • Gloria

    Hi, call me later.. xoxoxo
  • Gloria

    Hope you are having a great time in Mexico! MUAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  • The Ancient One

    I'm Alive, I Believe In Everything

    Self. Brotherhood. God. Zeus. Communism.
    Capitalism. Buddha. Vinyl records.
    Baseball. Ink. Trees. Cures for disease.
    Saltwater. Literature. Walking. Waking.
    Arguments. Decisions. Ambiguity. Absolutes.
    Presence. Absence. Positive and Negative.
    Empathy. Apathy. Sympathy and entropy.
    Verbs are necessary. So are nouns.
    Empty skies. Dark vacuums of night.
    Visions. Revisions. Innocence.
    I've seen All the empty spaces yet to be filled.
    I've heard All of the sounds that will collect
    at the end of the world.
    And the silence that follows.

    I'm alive, I believe in everything
    I'm alive, I believe in it all.

    Waves lapping on the shore.
    Skies on fire at sunset.
    Old men dancing on the streets.
    Paradox and possibility.
    Sense and sensibility.
    Cold logic and half truth.
    Final steps and first impressions.
    Fools and fine intelligence.
    Chaos and clean horizons.
    Vague notions and concrete certainty.
    Optimism in the face of adversity.

    I'm alive, I believe in everything
    I'm alive, I believe in it all.

    - by Lesley Choyce