whasabe Jonathan Eden


Haiku, HI

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Jan Jorgensen (Cercone)

    Hello there Whasabe!!! Missed you at our Sound And Consciousness concert sat. night....still floating!! Stop by the Chalice again soon for more sound healing fun, we are going swimming afterwards this week. What a gorgeous Marin day!! blessings, Jan
  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Whasabe... thanks for joining the site... looks like you know at least one person here... I hope you meet many more... contribute when you can... check out the videos and groups... join in...


  • Jan Jorgensen (Cercone)

    Hey there...just returned from Shasta with our Thursday singing ladies, thought of you!! Hope your recording project went well. So much has happened since the Chalice day. Stop in again on a Thursday as your low voice adds a nice floor to our singing!! Aloha back, Jan