

Charleston, SC

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Aanica and Barek... welcome to the site... let us know what's up with you if you have time... look forward to seeing more on your page...

    All the best to you both,

  • The Ancient One

    My friend, you touch the world on a much deeper level than you currently perceive. Do not concern yourself with the number of people you believe you need to lead or serve at one time to make a difference. For knowingly or not, you change the world with every interaction you have with a fellow brother or sister. Lead by example, it is truly that simple. Offer love and you will find your world more loving. Serve the person in front of you and you will find the world a more caring and hopeful place. Smile and laugh with the person you interact with and you will experience a happier and more peaceful world. Do whatever brings you joy, and the same world that you once cried in, you will now smile and dance in.

    - James Blanchard Cisneros, You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey From Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 102-103
  • Steve H

    I don't know what the name of this little flower is but it's beautiful. Enjoy! Peace.