Barbara Ocskai

Snohomish, WA

United States

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What instrument does Carlos Santana play
his heart and a guitar

Comment Wall:

  • Steve H

    Love your answer there to the question what does Santana play!

  • Steve H

    Hi, I don't know if the number of people online in accurate, I know a lot of what I like about here is wandering around and seeing what people have shared. It's a different pace than some other social sites, not necessarily as much real time interaction, but a lot of great writings and art and music and such. If you go to the home page and scroll down it has some of the latest posts.
    I would love to see this more active as so many creative people that want change have been drawn here, but even if it isn't as busy as I'd like to see it's still a great resource. I've met some nice people here. A couple years ago I was wandering around and saw a poem with photos of art by  alady on here and I like it and commented on the post which ended up leading to her saying she'd be glad to share some of the art in some of the Music for Peace songs videos I made, and that never would have come about without this site, so that right there makes it worth it for me. I still would like to find others to collaborate on Peace projects with so if you have any ideas please let me know.
    As for helping to get this place active and live up to it's potential, a few things I'd suggest would be reach out to a few people, post in a few groups and encourage people to stop in. I think a lot may have signed up and then without much interaction have drifted away, but a word from someone and they'll wander back if just for a while which could lead to more focus on weaving awareness, creativity and a desire for Peace together.
    Thanks and Peace,


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    Have a nice day

    Thanks God bless.