Valentina Rise




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  • jb

    and Thank "You" Valentina :)

  • The Ancient One

    Light the Path of Love by Living a Spiritual Life today. Every Soul is Divine and by Living in Harmony with Mother Earth we facilitate Planetary Transformation. All Dreams and Wishes are Possible for those Courageous enough to anticipate Triumph. Believe you are a Master of Light, Believe you are a Teacher of Truth and Believe that you are Born of Love. The biggest Discovery one can make is that of their own Greatness. Experience the Beauty of your Soul and the Joy of your Spirit. Live the Purity, Pleasure, Beauty and Truth of Who You Are! The Transformation we all are waiting for begins this very Moment.

    Micheal Teal

  • The Ancient One

    Be the cause of a Smile. Be the Answer to all your questions. Be Love and Love Only. Compassion is contagious. Share the Sacred that Lives in the Beat of your Heart. Share Life's Soulful Goodness. Share Thoughts of Gratitude. We are One in Truth and Trust. We are Seeds of Hope. We are Greatness and Generosity. The New Earth is here. When the Sun rises in the Morn look to the Heavens and Rejoice for you are the Reason the Gods are Smiling.

    Micheal Teal