Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Chloe taylor's Comments

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At 12:52pm on January 5, 2010, Lorenzo Abbiati said…
happy birthday
At 5:47am on January 5, 2010, Sharon Taphorn said…

At 11:38am on October 7, 2009, Markku Nurminen said…
You can find the Ebook on Social Networking and Leveraging Social Media from:
At 8:28am on September 24, 2009, Tony said…
Solo chi possiede il dono dell’infinito, l’innato talento, la tecnica geniale può fregiarsi del titolo di artista, in lotta perenne tra le percezioni esterne ed i riflessi interni, tra la grandezza del genio e le myriacae da esprimere nella natura naturans di segni e forme, volumi e piani, in libertà.
At 6:02am on September 2, 2009, The Ancient One said…
To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take
nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kind
that will stand behind the action. Nothing that is done for you
is a matter of course. Everything originates in a will for the
good, which is directed at you. Train yourself never to put off
the word or action for the expression of gratitude.
- Albert Schweitzer
At 9:58am on August 26, 2009, Chris Anderson/Onefeather said…
Whats shakin' in San Jose chloe?
Expect to hear of signs & wonders from ya :)

At 8:22am on August 14, 2009, narciso favores escala said…
Hi Chloe,
Hope everything is fine. Keep smiling and be positive always... Take care and God bless you.
At 2:33am on August 12, 2009, Ellen Watson said…

At 12:43am on August 11, 2009, Michael B said…
Hi dear Chloe, seems this new site is so far about people marketing other Social/business networks they are into in addition. Oh well, too limited time to deal with all that. But, I do thank you for the invites. Have a blessed week and be happy! ";-)
At 12:44pm on August 5, 2009, Erna Kodjovi Kielemoes said…
Hello!! Thanks for adding me as your friend. Will try to keep in touch but don't spend much time at computer since I have a busy life. Anyway, big hello from Belgium!!
At 11:19pm on August 4, 2009, Billy Gear said…
i don't what happened to section stating we are now friends but it disappeared. most likely i hit something wrong...anyway...once again thanks for making me feel welcome. please, stop by and say hello.....and ps...very nice picture. have a good night and hope to talk soon. Billy Gear
At 8:18pm on August 4, 2009, Imelda Maguire said…
Hello Chloe

Thank you for your friendship. Your spirit is shining through there in your profile pic.

Looking forward to discovering more light and love together here on Architects of a New Dawn.

God Bless and wishing you all the best in your endeavours.

At 8:02pm on August 4, 2009, Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge said…
Hello new friend. I'm very glad to meet you. I just got back from the Hopi Indian reservation. I don't know when you put in the friend request, so I hope you didn't have to wait very long before I got back.
At 7:22pm on August 4, 2009, Rich Salm said…
Hi Chloe.
Thank you for the friend request!
At 7:12pm on August 4, 2009, Ron Alexander said…
Thanks for honoring me by becoming my friend, Chloe. I can tell you are another shining light here. One Love, ron
At 6:54pm on August 4, 2009, Ernesto Angulo said…
thank you. I'm a San Jose native move to Gilroy 15 years ago. If I can intrest you to a performance at the Little Fox Theatre in Redwood City we will be doing a tribute to Santana, Come on down and enjoy the music.
At 6:30pm on August 4, 2009, Terri Arthur Berger said…
Chloe- you are a beautiful girl, and as I look at your groups I see the beautiful concepts that drive you- love, harmony, peace, gratitude, art, spirituality... I'm grateful for your friendship :)
Your friend in Peace, Terri
At 2:48am on August 4, 2009, Kaire said…
Thank you Chloe
with Love and Light!
At 6:05pm on August 3, 2009, Joseph WAP Norton said…

Restoration of our ORIGINAL PROGRAMMING,
REBOOT of our


We have been talking about some of the classes about this and what I know is that, you can actually see it as a harddrive. WE have virusses, program we dont need, and much more that is stored on our harddrive over lifetimes. Our harddrive is full, we cannot store any more information on it and the information that is on there is outdated. So we clear it all out, by rebooting, we restore the original programs and the codes and lightpackets that we receive can be downloaded onto the hardrive and we can start unpacking them.

we are in new times and the process we are going through now has never been done before. All the old stuff has been thrown out and we are in new territory. Old rules do not work, there are no new rules, just new programs for us to completely restore our light body, repair our light body and then grow into the diamond body for ascension.

This is why it is so important to clear and restore, the original programming has coding we can use for this process. Those programs were distorted over the years and do not work correctly anymore.

So time to re-boot the computer and move on to new territory, so we can finish the cosmic ascension and return to a light body.

Restoration of our original programming from the time we came from source, when we were created in Source.

Our physical human body and light bodies have gone through many manipulations and adjustments over millions of years.

In us we hold the entire history of adjustments and manipulations that were made to the physical human body. Our light bodies hold the entire history of the adjustments that were made to them over millions of years.

This is a complete reprogramming of your light bodies to Source as they were at the original creation, what is called "the Spark".

The same for the Human physical body, a complete reprogramming of the human body to accept all ascension processes that were originally programmed into the human physical body before they were altered to adjust to the present times.

It is sort of like rebooting your computer, you wipe everything clean and restore all the original programming, we will do this for the human physical body and all light bodies all the way up to Source.

I have undergone this process myself some time ago and for me it felt like all old thought systems went away, the chatter in my head about what was wrong and right, was gone.

It seemed as if I started all over, but this time I could just follow the flow, have new information come in and understand it right away instead of having to go through all that I knew first.

The other thing was that every adjustment that was made to my physical and light bodies was instantaneously experienced. I know at one point it also felt like they took out my brain and there was just nothing there. When I got it back everything was so clear, there was this instant understanding of many things that I could not comprehend before that.

The changes to my physical body became completely activated instead of partially. The changes to my light bodies were even more profound and I could see multi-dimensionally at all times.

Now this was my experience, and it might be slower or faster for others.

All I know is that you will return to the original design of your light bodies and human physical body, which will allow for complete restoration and return to source, to our origin.

This will allow for all of you to become fully integrated into your source being.

We have done many workshops for the cosmic ascension and in many of those workshops there were light codes released into your physical and light bodies.

The complete restoration to your original programming allows for those light codes to be fully activated.

It's like many of the "new" programs are already in you waiting to be opened. These light codes are the activations and programming for you to return to your original state of source. For the complete restoration of your original source being.

We will start with the complete clearing of old programming. Old systems that were useful at one time but not needed in this time. It is a complete clearing of our hard drive.

I can explain it like sort of a chatter that is on there, the chatter is interfering with you receiving fully the information from your own source being and from there source itself.

This process will be done with the assistance of the Arcturians and will take about one week. And we will start with the human physical body first.

After this week we will restore the original programming for the human physical body. More light codes will be brought in and put as packages on your now clean hard drive, ready for you to open when you have reached the correct frequency.

I know many already have those light packages and they will be put on the hard drive the moment we restore the original programming. You can see it this way. If you know something about computers, when you download a new program, it usually comes in compact form and needs to be opened with another program.

The program needed to open the light packages was in our original programming, it is not there anymore. So when we restore our original programming, we have the program needed to open these light packages that contain the activations and codings needed to restore ourselves back to our original being. The light packages and codes also contain information needed for you to follow your path back to your origin.

Once we have restored the original programming we can start clearing out the light bodies. This process will be done the third week.

We originally started as light beings created from source. Many adjustments were made to the light bodies to sustain a life in the physical dimensions. We lost contact with many of our light bodies as we lost contact with source.

During the third week, all the adjustments will be cleared, all the old programming will be cleared and once this has been completed in about one week, we can restore our light body programs back to the original programs we had when we were created from source.

Light codes will be brought in to activate the original programming once you have reached each level of integration and frequency. So the light bodies will become fully active and in its original state of being when you have reached that level.

What this does is that it allows for the source energy to flow without interference through all light bodies.

This whole process brings to you the original programming of your physical and light bodies. This is what we were and what we return to. Our origin, our Spark, our Source.

A complete reboot of our bio-computer system and a complete reboot of our universal, galactic and cosmic consciousness. Complete restoration to our origin.

The first part will take place on Sunday August 2nd at 9:30
At 5:50pm on August 3, 2009, Fenton Loyola said…
Hi Chloe,
thank you for adding me as a friend.
peace & blessings,


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