Dear Friends & Devotees… Jai Bhagavan!
We were the first to bring BHAGAVAN DAS to Encinitas many years ago, & we are delighted to welcome him back for a Bhakti-filled weekend of Kirtan & Nada Yoga. Don’t miss this opportunity to be with a true “legend in his own time!” (
To experience BHAGAVAN DAS in concert is to receive Darshan of the Guru himself, to touch and be touched by the immortal essence of his Guru, Neem Karoli Baba - as the Light of the Guru is delivered through the mystical and potent voice of BHAGAVAN DAS. His devotion to his Guru as that living inner sound is what he shares and transmits to all who wish to receive this blessing. Living as a sadhu in India for six years, BHAGAVAN DAS studied the ancient science of Nada Yoga under the guidance and direction of his Guru, Neem Karoli Baba. Nada Yoga is the path of devotion to the inner sound current as a means to God Realization. Teacher, performer, cultural icon, lover of God: BHAGAVAN DAS is as rich and manifold as Existence itself. As Ram Das' mentor (author of “Be Here Now”), he ushered in the New Age Spiritual Movement being the first Kirtan Artist in America. His groundbreaking album "Ah" (1971) was the first World Music album from Electric Ladyland. BHAGAVAN DAS’ own autobiography, “It’s Still Here Now, Are You?” is a dramatic & exquisite portrayal of his unique & ecstatic life.
BHAGAVAN DAS’ rare offering to this world is like a singing open heart heralding the Guru's Grace through the sacred vehicle of Sound.
Sunday, June 13th:
The Nada Yoga Temple of Sound Workshop is a profound and dynamic workshop based on the purification and refinement of the chakras (or energy centers of the body) through the vehicle of sound. Bij (seed) mantras are used as well as other specific devotional chants to the deities ruling the domain of each corresponding chakra. Guided visualization meditations are also used in correlation with these bij mantras and chants to enliven and clarify the specific energies that employ the workings of each center.
RSVP for BHAGAVAN DAS "LIVE" Saturday, June 12th - 7:30PM to add comments!
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