We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
Time: September 23, 2013 at 6pm to October 23, 2013 at 7pm
Location: Reggio Emilia
Event Type: first, edition, of, my, book, availabele, on, caosfera, -, torri, di, quartesolo, (vi), italy
Organized By: Lorenzo Abbiati
Latest Activity: Nov 4, 2013
book written in Italian.
the subject is life and life after (and before) material existence.
it goes bejond what is visible and concrete.
basically it starts from a vision and deals with the meaning of life and its main questions.
it wants to be a guide to meditation not a frontal lesson.
it is packed with questions and a few answers to them....provides many meditative topics.
please Richard or JB...let me know if i can mention AOAND as a source of inspiration in it...
http://youtu.be/arM0OPVxKaU I own the entire DVD and double CD
had another truth speaking dream:
people do their best to cover the truth the innovator unfolds the truth with childish eyes looks through reality...
reality is a long wrapped thing........wise people has seen the whole of it, it's like elevating on a top of the highest mountain: success is only watching it, progress is sharing this vision.......
soul is accelerated to the speed of light. for instance Jesus Christ's soul was so light and bright but consistent at the same time that coming back to the center of the universe in pieces returned to us (resurrection)
soul is seprated from mind....religions try to give us a guide to unfold reality and discover the truth.....
the more soul is light the more accelerated is....it's the opposite of the brain...the more it's light the better works and higher is accelerted towards the highness.....more the highness more complete the vision of earth and universe (able to find another soul mate to pass life and life after death)
a light soul contains only the seed of goodness, an heavy soul contains the knoledge of "good and bad" and helps the bearer to be more concrete and to face the terrestrial troubles AND probably does bear the schandal of sexuality......a light soul can't understand the original sin and lives it with pain and doesn't feel good in earth but re called to resurrection.
probably souls are called back from the center of the universe to live again another life. the guardian of paradise had blessed us but a certain memory of the passed life remains.......what is sure is that at the moment of death/resuming our soul the life flows in rewind because our soul is accelerated at an higher speed of light and this generates a sense of peace or sorrow epending depending on how our life has been....this being accelerated also provides us to find a good soul mate for us (all the souls are at once seen)
the infinite has been divided into 2 when two complementar sex human beings were created: and the integrity was still mantained man and woman sharing +infinite and - infinite (mathematic operator)
at the knoledge of good and bad....man was able to bring life (through the medium of his body) but infinite was broken and Caino and Abele tried to divide the land.
people try to go to Church to purify but are still guilty.....the condamn is that giving life is a pleasure to be creator for an istant but is an eternal condamn cause we want to be master of the not infinite loosing the infinity and another ondamn is seeking the infinite again.....
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