Walking the Path with Spirit

A 6 week journey Beginning
January 26th, 2010
Online conference
1:15pm Pacific/4:15 Eastern/2115 GMT/0715 in Australia
Investment $99.00 CAD
Accelerate your journey and live your life with more joy, harmony, peace, and love.
Learn more about who you are, why you are here and what you came here to do. Connect with your Spirit to enhance your Earth life.
Each week will explore concepts and processes to assist in merging with our higher selves in everyday life, create a vision of our higher purpose, and how to work with light and love for healing, and growth, to connect with the universal mind and how to bring this loving energy into all that we do.
Expand your vision, your light, and your service to humanity as you walk hand in hand with your spirit self.
What am I talking about when I say ‘Walking the Path with Spirit’? More and more people are embarking on the journey of spiritual growth, of wakening to a wonderful journey of self discovery. We are explorers, exploring the strange new world of our inner beingness, our outer beingness, our connections to each other and all that is. Just as our ancestors realized that the world wasn’t flat and there was this new frontier to discover, we are awakening to this frontier with us, our spirit self. You’ve heard the saying, “I am a physical being having a spiritual experience.” You really are a “Spiritual Being having a physical experience”, and we each are awakening to this understanding.
Many of us in the New Age movement have been spending years working on developing that spiritual being. Now is time to also remember that we are indeed having a Physical experience and we need to merge ourselves more fully with our physical. I understand this new age, spiritual awakening or journey to enlightenment to be a time of a great shift in conscious of mankind. And with that shift comes new awareness’s of who we truly are. We gain a deeper understanding into our life, the universe and everything. As we gain greater insight and understanding to we really are, we begin to see the world around us change. As Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. So, as we begin to walk planet earth in this wonderful physical vehicles we created for ourselves (the human body), it is time to merge with our spirit selves and begin to walk our path integrated more fully with our spiritual self that already knows all this and begin to watch the things we look at change before our eyes.
Are you ready to begin this year with a clarity and focus? Are you ready to start walking each day merged with that inner being, who you know when you trusted, life flowed better, you had better results or your missed some big disaster in your life, and when you didn’t trust it, you wish you had? Are you ready to start living your life with the passion and joy that you know you came here to live and experience? If so, begin by walking the path with spirit.
It doesn’t matter what level you at, this workshop will give you some practical tools and personal growth to accelerate you along on the human journey. We will have 42 days to work, plan and share with each other and begin this year of truth, trust and passion with focus and love.
Check out
www.playingwiththeuniverse.com or email sharon@playingwiththeuniverse.com for more information.
*the picture is of two of the guides that are always around me*
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