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April 21st the end of the 2nd Harmonic Convergence Prophecy
By Dr. Jose Jaramillo
The Aztecs left to us the prophecy of 13 heavens and 9 hells. Not a lot of people know what this prophecy is all about. It is important before we go further in the explanation of this ancient prophecy of divine time, so we need to go back to the past and understand where this future telling was coming from. Why do we think it was left to us exactly for this time at the end of the cycle?
This prophecy it will last only 1144 years from 843 AD to the exact moment in time of August 16, 1987 then a new cycle of divine time will be open, another prophetic round will begin, another prophetic round of 13 Heavens and 9 Hells will be open for all of us to redeem ourselves from the old time but this time each cycle of heaven and hell will last only 360 days. Be ready and learn from the cycles of time because everyone will be tested only if you know about the cycles of divine time you will be saved.
In order for us to understand this Mayan-Aztec Prophecy of the 13 heavens and 9 hells we need to go back to the time of the Classical Maya. We need to especially study the ancient site of Palenque in a place that at one time was called Naah Chan "The House of the Serpent". Some others called this house ‘Xbalanque’. This mystical place was the home of one of the greatest Mayan Kings ever in the history of the Mayan civilization. His name was Lord Kinich Janaab Pakal II, everybody referred to him as Lord PAKAL.
Whether mythological or historical, Lord PAKAL was born on March 23rd, of the year 603 AD and he was the son of Kan Bahlum Mo and Queen Sak Kuk. He was ceremonially proclaimed King of PALENQUE on the exact day of July 29 of the year 615 AD at the age of 12. He received his crown as the eleventh King of PALENQUE by his mother the Queen Sak Kuk.
We interject here, because one needs to know that the year 1987 was the year of the Harmonic Convergence Prophecy. It was a year in the Mayan counting of 52 years cycles of the Sun and the Moon cycles.