Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

At two concerts back in the 90's at the Palo Solari amphitheater in Santa Fe, NM, my brother Edwin Rivera handed a member of the band (on two occasions, different years) a small bronze mini sculpture of Carlos playing guitar. These were VERY good sculptures that had a lot of time and effort put into creating them. Edwin etched his name at the bottom of each of these, with an address, hoping that someday he would meet Mr. Santana. You see, for years and forever, Edwin has been a huge fan of 'Santana'. He simply adores his music. Ed is not even sure those personalized minis sculptures made it to Carlos. He doesn't know if Carlos has ever even seen them. I wish I had a photo of these sculptures. However , being a big Stevie Ray Vaughan fan, my brother committed to making me a sculpture of the infamous SRV. This sculpture is very much like the two sculptures that my brother was hoping to put in the hands of Carlos. These sculptures were supposed to be a gift of gratitude to Carlos for all the terrific music and inspiration he has provided my brother over the years. I have attached a photo of the Stevie Ray Vaughan sculptures so that maybe just maybe someone on his band or crew will see the intricate details and know the hard work that went into creating these sculptures. The same time and efforts were put into the Santana sculptures. Thanks for reading ...... Muchas Gracias Carlos! Andrew, brother of the great artist, my brother of whom I am so proud, Edwin Rivera.

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