Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Seeking funding for green solar enery technology for developing countries

I am seeking funds to take the SUN=E design to manufacturing and distribution. This is a green, sustainable low tech, thermal solar approach towards electrical generation.

The technology I am promoting is clear and straight forward, and has been implemented in various forms (I have a proof of concept from a Professor in Physics regarding the SUN=E approach).
The direction I am working on with this technology is to scale down the size from a large municipal utility, to a version that persons in developing countries can use and own. This approach will serve people in rural areas and where the cost of infrastructure to provide electrical power is (and has been) prohibitive.
I am interested in sending you my project overview and funding request, I will need a signed NDA to protect the project. The project name is SUN=E / Lowell Rojon

I look forward to answering all of your questions, I have faith that I will find the assistance to realize this project. I am very certain that this technology will make a major difference in the lives of people around the globe.
I have already been told by a vary influential member of the Indian Goverment that they would be interested in one million units for comunities in India when available. I also have contacts in Brazil, China, Africa and Latin America that have expressed interest.

Please send me an NDA (non disclosure agreement) regarding the project titled SUN=E.
Lowell Rojon / Executive Director

I will send you the full project description and funding request.

Thank you again for your interest and for all of your efforts to change our world for the better.

Blessings and Health
Lowell Rojon / SUN=E

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