Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Follow the blog ;-)

Music (sound) is the closest to what happened in the "beginning" though the authors from times past have somewhat got it wrong.

In the "beginning" there wasn't "The word..."

There was "Sound..."

A Beautiful "sound" that "Created" everything that we see...

Think cymatics. It's not only here on Mother, but in the whole universe. We've yet to discover it outside of our solar system though...

If you don't believe me that's ok, but Re-Member this or maybe better yet think about this...

Why are You (and I) so moved by music or a special song? - Regardless of what type of music that might be?

It's embedded in our DNA.

On Earth As It Is In Heaven

And that is why You, Me and Others...

Follow the Flow...

We Follow the sound like a river that flows...

Be Well My Friends.

Enjoy. And see if you can Feel "it" deep down...

And I mean down to the bone...

That which moves You and that which moves Me...

It's One and The same...

Of course the list is endless...

And if you really want to hear some interesting music get a hold of Bachir Attar's "Next Dream"

And I WILL Be Loving You Always...

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