Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

And of course increase their population.

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The bee thing does not sound good... hive collapse is on the rise...

I don't know anything about the subject, but it seems like something to pay attention to....

can anyone find some expertise in this area and refer some information or links to this discussion??
In this area, it seems to be a combination of seasonal differences, mites and temperature changes. All the garden bugs have been under stress. I've used ladybugs and green lacewings in mild years but, when the weather swings wildly the spider mites and aphids devour everything. I've noticed the bees in the cherry trees have dwindled in the last five years. But, the garden bees have gotten thicker every summer. I grow lots of herbs like oregano and thyme to attract insects and I'm hoping for a hummer to stake out his claim, no luck yet. I've noticed the health of the bees especially depends on the health of the garden. There are a lot of orchards that hire bees, from here to Stockton they truck the bee hives. It's my guess the bees encounter too many stresses in different orchards and from the travel. The timing of the blossoms has been less predictable in recent years. More stationary hives might help the bees adapt and more honey never hurts.
Love, Erin
Bees really like borage so I plant a lot of it. I know someone whose sibling trucks his bees down to the central valley from Oregon or Washington for hire and I never thought about the stress of it but I am sure it is very stressful and unnatural for the bees. Kind of beyond what any bee should be put through.
Here's one video on YouTube about the bees.
The some information I've got before through the meditation is that it would be vital to keep as many as possible areas covered with the natural species. The divided plants does not have the whole cosmical information inside of them and it makes the nature sick. What makes it even worse, is that the garden designers and the plantations use so limited list of the species. The decisions are mainly made just by how the plants look outside. Huge amount of the chemicals is being used. I used to work as a gardener for two years, but I just could not go on with it, because what I saw through the meditations showed that it brings more harm than the benefit.
Still there is one more solution for divided plants, as the most that are used in our gardens are divided anyway. Instead of planting huge amount of the same plant into one place to grow them more mixed and closer to the picture, that it appears in the nature. The threes, then bushes, perennials and by using the ground cover plants it makes it almost no effort to avoid getting weedy. The other thing is even hard to explain. Even if there are many of the same species, it is possible to create something like personal profile for each and every plant.
Planting from the seed. So many plants are not planted from the seed, but instead of it from the cuts or in the test tubes. By planting from seed on own garden the third generation of the plants has already genetic information much closer to it's natural form and also has stronger resistance for diseases and pests. That reduces the need for using the chemicals.

Well, what am I telling here at all? The tomatoes that look beautiful in the shop, are not so beautiful for our health. The electric light, stone wall instead of soil and a lots of chemicals. So, what do we eat and what do the bees eat? But the plants are still looking good - big flower bulbs and colorful leaves.

Richard Lukens said:
The bee thing does not sound good... hive collapse is on the rise...

I don't know anything about the subject, but it seems like something to pay attention to....

can anyone find some expertise in this area and refer some information or links to this discussion??
I have been looking into natural bee keeping. We have a wild bee tree on our property. I have taken a class in bee keeping, but they talked about ordering bees and using antibiotics etc. I live in eastern Kansas. I would like to start some hives with wild bees from the area. I am worried that importing or breeding bees may be an issue. I would love commentary from bee keepers on this subject.
I heard a report that cell phone technology is confusing the bees natural ability to find it's way around to do the things they normally do.
well! summer's over. it was a wild season. lot's of hot weather and a truly dry and devastating spell with a massive spider mite infestation. but the honey bees have been here all summer. and thick. they're all over the lavender, the bee balm :) and the roses. they weren't here at the usual time in the spring. there were some bees that caught the cherry trees in blossom and some birds that flocked to devour the cherries.

mostly, it was a season out of sync and in total abundance at the same time. the hummingbirds came to say hi! and then bye! in June. the finches are flourishing in the bushes and the rest of the birds nested successfully in the beginning of the summer. there were more bugs then i've ever seen. ladybugs, dragonflies, butterflies and lots and lots of bees. after July, there have mostly been honey bees. i hope everyone's having a sweet season too! love, e
Last few Spring thru Summer cycles have been slow starters and this year it was quite cool for much of Summer, so most of the home grown things were not ready until just a few weeks ago. Towards first of August, we finally got some hot weather;but then it was so dry that eveything suffered.Unusual weather! What I have done is to plant my herbs, bulbs, squashes, and tomatoes, and so forth, right along with the natural things that grow here. Looks like weeds to other people, looks like paradise to the birds and insects, and it protected my more tender human crops from cold and from that intense dryness. The hummers were happy and so were the bees. Have strewn varieties of clover for about ten years, because I wanted some to use for herbs. The bees love it !I'm learning what grasses and wild plants grow well in among the herbs and others, and what they can be used for And I watch the life that shares it to decide what to have where. One friend asked why I was growing nightshade among the roses and lilies. Bees and butterflies love it and so do the humming birds. Didn't know what it was. I had just been watching all of the activity around it. And I know it's a problem for horse and cattle, so try to keep it in a specific area. Little by little, the things I'm planting year after year are beginning to turn into strong flower and herb gardens. As they do, I move the wild things further back where civilized folk don't have to be offended; but what beauty in a mullien, and in the butterflies enjoying nightshade, and the sea of blue with chicory...and now, when other plants have succumbed to frost, the huge purple of the milk thistle. We've just become too civilized for Nature folk to be able to provide for as much variety as bees and other insects require in habitat. Too many house and lawns, not enough joyful wild abandon! I have a front area where people can visit, lots of trails loaded with backberries along the edges, elderberries in the back, and wherever/ however much the kids decide to plant in food garden. Still to go in are an assortment of fruit and nut trees, and a variety of berries. We'll share with Nature!

I have a compilation of info and petitions added below here. Please check it out and add anything that should be in the list as a comment on the note, then I will add it into the list that I have posted here and there.

By the way some of the petitions may be out of date, if so just move on to the next (and tell me about the old ones if you want)

The links may not be "clickable" so just copy and paste them in your address bar. Any problems let me know.

After that research, spread the word and help in any way you can and PLEASE make sure to keep supporting this site (Architects of a New Dawn) as in my opinion we do need to do petitions, go to meetings, share info with others, etc, etc but we need a place to spread positive energy, to encourage creativity and all the things those encompass and Arechitects is the absolute perfect place for that so when wandering around and doing things like research and the like don't only do facebook or whatever, we need this place.

Thanks and Peace,





Below is a summary of the chemical and brand names of the commonly used neonicotinoids. These are toxic to our honey bees. We are asking growers who are using these materials and who are dependent on honey bees for pollination, not to use these products currently until more research is done .

Actara, Platinum, Helix, Cruiser, Adage, Meridian, Centric, Flagship, Poncho, Titan, Clutch, Belay, Arena, Confidor, Merit, Admire, Ledgend, Pravado, Encore, Goucho, Premise, Assail, Intruder, Adjust and Calypso (This list was generated by The Senior Extension Associate at Penn State)"  ..........Source......











PETITIONS: (some may be out of date, if so please skip that one and do the next ones. (and let me know which are expired please)



I visited with a bee keeper who has been in business many many years in Florida.  Most of their bee boxes are in Orange Groves and along the wetland areas.  They have told me that they lost a great population of their hives in the last few years due to 2 things.  The first being spray for misquitos and the second but most important Genetically Modified Seeds being used in the farmers fields.  For some reason, what they have found, is that the hives that pollonate these crops fail and die because the male bees become impotant and can not reproduce. They have told me that most bee keepers are up in arms but they have to fight very large corporations like Monsanto and that their message may be heard to late to save the bees.

Thanks for sharing that Poppers,

I think one of the biggest things people can do is be informed and vocal. And by vocal I mean to everyone. We need everyone to start realizing it's not only ok but it's necessary to bring up things like what is happening with the bees when talking to family, friends, neighbors, in stores, in the work place, in school, contacting media and on and on. When it becomes more and more talked about more people look into it and also more people that were aware but were silent start talking and a few things happen...

Less will use those poisons and seeds....some of the people that have investments in those companies will not continue to support those companies....those with stock go to stockholders meetings and get loud and make it clear profit does no good when it comes from damaging our future... politicians will see they may lose office unless they change their stand on these issues....workers at those companies can have an effect by speaking up and so forth.

We are in a new place and there is an awakening, but it needs to go much further, people need to realize they are empowered, they have power, they can and should speak up.

Prayer, energy work, creative efforts, teaching, etc all are good and necessary but the hands on work is needed too and speaking up by the masses is needed. 

It's simple...we have 7 billion people on the planet and only a few CEOs making the decisions. We can decide the fate of the world, it's just that we (all of us) have to decide to take on that responsibility.



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