Gaia's Dream is an organization who's goal is to feed the hungry people of the world and teach them how to live sustainably, so that we simultaneously solve the global food crisis AND the global EARTH crisis. Gaia's Dream was inspired by a dream I had, where my deceased Mother came to me in a dream and told me to go and feed the starving children of the world, beginning with Africa.

After waking from this dream, I could not shake this from my consciousness, as the synchronizations (seemingly coincidences) began to unfold, and as my heart remained open to the suffering of hungry people all over the world, I decided that I was going to be a part of the solution. Here is Gaia's Dream.
The first project of GD will be titled "Under African Skies". The Under African Skies project's first mission will be to go into Africa and end starvation by providing food, a solution to the current drought and famine, and teaching them how to grow their own food and have access to their own water. Next we will begin to address other aspects of sustenance such as, clothing, hygiene, and shelter. We will address the AIDS epidemic, establish orphanages, and providing spiritual, emotional, and physical healing to the people there. This Organization is a project in the making and refinements will be made constantly as more ideas and more people come together.
I'm thinking of beginning in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda. All input and feedback is welcome, I can't do this alone! I need as much help possible with this everybody! I have never done something like this in my life. Let's start networking and make Gaia's Dream a REALITY, our group is located at Peace Portal.
Click here to join them.