Architecture of the New Dawn:

This is a living house. It may be built of saplings, thatch, and earth. It can also be built with concrete (stone). It focuses and resonates all of the natural energies and generates a bio-energetic healing force, a Geodetic System. It derives its proportions from Stonehenge, the Giza Pyramid, and the Earth and Moon dimensions. It blends the Chakras, (the bodys energy centers), the I Ching ( the Chinese oracle Book of Changes), cosmic etheric energy, underground streams, sun, wind, water, earth, and fire.
The Vesica Piscis (Fish Vessel) is the symbol of creation, of two circles which pass through the center of the other. All resonances generate this pattern. The Vesica Piscis geometrically links Stonehenge, the Pyramid, and the Earth forces.
The worlds largest underground stream (90% of the Nile River is underground) runs directly beneath the Giza Pyramid. Many underground streams diverge from a large complex spring at the center of Stonehenge. The old temples of Britain, China, Egypt, Mexico, Greece, and Peru always set on blind (below surface) springs. Sacred caves and the Pyramid had spirit holes leading down to a water source.
Animals make trails and burrows along underground streams, and they nest and give birth on blind springs. Dowsers claim that a water stream beneath your bed will make you restless and ill. The streams are travelling paths, and springs are resting and meditating places. Throughout the world, the energy is called the dragon and serpent force, identical to the kundalini bio-energy life force of your body, but on a planetary scale. Springs are the acupuncture points.
Patterns in Stonehenge...Guy Underwood dowsed and surveyed Stonehenge, which he describes in his book Patterns of the Past . He found the stones exactly mark the streams, spirals, haloes, and aquastats (energy patterns) radiating from the central spring beneath the alter stone. The spiral energy flow expands and contracts, reversing its direction with the waxing and waning of the moon. Water spirals always generate loops in multiples of seven (0,7,14,21,28,35,42,49...never more than 49). Each seventh loop is a stronger one. With eight, it begins again.
This corresponds with octaves of sound (do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do), light (black, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, white) the chakras (kundalini, sacrum, spleen, solar plexis, heart, throat, brow, crown, akasha), and the trigrams of the I Ching ( chien-creative,tui-joy, li-radiance, chen-power, sun-penetration, kan-depth, ken-stillness, kun-receptive. These patterns are overlaid in the drawings and described more fully in the temple-house description.
Springs attract ley lines, which are six-foot-wide positive energy paths which travel many miles in exactly straight lines. The lines terminate at mountain tops, cliffs, and springs. Temples, crosses, cemetaries, old roads, and notches in hills are located exactly on these lines. John Michelle describes these in his books, City of Revelation and View Over Atlantis.
The spring in the center of Stonehenge radiates pulse waves as a vesica piscis. Each seventh wave forms a standing wave, a circle which encloses the two circles of the vesica. The standing waves are marked by the stones, which accumulate the resonance and re-radiate it at a steady pulse. The Alter Stone is green sand stone. This is enclosed by a horsehoe of blue sand stones, then a horseshoe of red sand stones, then a ring of blue sand stones, then a ring of red sand stones. The color differences are subtle, being mostly gray. These stones are surrounded by two concentric circles of holes containing pottery and artifacts along with blue stone chips in the inner circle and red stone chips in the outer circle. A third circle contains ashes of Druid Chiefs. They were to participate in the ceremonies from the other side of life. An earth mound surrounds the whole field, and a water ditch encloses that. Earth paths cross the ditch at the ley lines. Two more standing stones beyond the circle align with the summer solstice sunrise and an avenue (the major ley line). Christopher Hills, an arch-druid who presided over these ceremonies, describes this in his book, Supersensonics., an amazing book on consciousness and subtle energy.
The red stones give a positive reaction to a dowser, the blue stones negative. Between them is a static wave field which the Druids amplify by sprinkling antimony (which ionizes in sunlight) on the ground. The quartz crystal in the stones has a spiral structure., similar to the DNA in your chromosomes. Red quartz spirals clockwise, blue quartz spirals counterclockwise. When a small pulse (from the spring) enters the quartz, the crystal expands. It reaches 1,000 pounds per square inch pressure, then collapses, firing a 25,000 volt charge up and down the opposite sides of the quartz crystal. The stone contains waves creating fixed nodes. Where they meet, they amplify or cancel each other. All waves meet at the top of the stone. This great pulse gives the energy to break the surface tension of the stone. All of the stones at Stonehenge have seven energy centers, where the voltage is double that of the rest of the stone. The length of the stone determines the wavelengths within. They are carefully measured, problably matching the healing wavelenths of the brain and Earth. Legends spoke of the stones humming and dancing, and called them men. Dolmen are reclining stones, and menhirs are standing stones.
Where two streams cross the largest stone circle (the Sarsen Circle), the builders placed a stone on each side. Where three streams cross together, they placed a lintel stone across the top of the two standing stones. Where only one or none cross the circle, there is no stone. No missing stones have ever been found. Reclining stones, supposedly fallen, actually contain notches which exactly mark the energy currents directly below them. It now looks as though Stonehenge is not a ruin at all, but still stands just as they built it. This may be why the Druids have not repaired it.
Gerald Hawkins, in his book Stonehenge Decoded, has shown that Stonehenge also exactly marks hundreds of astronomical events, especially moon cycles, solstices, and eclipses. An eclipse stops the earth current flow during it. How intersting that astronomy and underground water coincide!
As the Vesica Piscis expands, the double pulse of blue and red stones eventually coincides with the diameter of the Earth and the center of the Moon when placed on the surface of the Earth (see the drawing). This is the most sacred proportion of the old number system, called the Cabala, from which all temple shapes and proportions of nature were derived. A Vesica Piscis formed of two circles the size of Stonehenge within the water ditch coincides with the height of the Giza Pyramid. The Pyramid opens up many other proportions of this sort. They coincide in the Temple House in the proportions of one yard in the house equals ten yards in Stonehenge, 100 feet in the Pyramid, and 1000 miles in the Earth. These are ancient units of measure. John Michelle describes this intricate number system very well in his books, mentioned earlier.
The Purpose of Stonehenge...Stonehenge seems to have been built to act as a portal to other dimensions, a cosmic and after-life communications system, a place for meditation and healing, an astronomical calendar, and a channel for the Earth and Cosmic energies to meet and fertilize and harmonize the region with vitality. It is a divine balance of intuition and intellect, of Moon, Sun, and Earth. These are worthy abilities to emulate.
The Temple-House Geometry.. The Temple House is not quite a traditional Vesica Piscis. I designed the house for structural reasons before I stumbled upon the books on sacred geometry and Stonehenge. When I found them, I looked at the design to see how it related. In the vesica piscis symbol, the outer circle which encloses the intersecting circles can be drawn with a diameter of 7.92 yards, which corresponds to the diameter of the Earth (7,920 miles) and the ring of Druid ashes (79.2 yards, negative charge) at Stonehenge. In the temple house, this is the edge of the exposed part of the pool, the kitchen counter, bathroom door, and bedroom storage space. If you make a square of the same perimeter and area as this circle, a larger circle of 10.80 yards diameter can enclose the square. This is the outer surface of the temple house wall, and the center of the bathroom. The bathroom corresponds to the moon placed on the surface of the Earth.The wall of the temple house corresponds to the earth mound (108 yards, positive charge) around Stonehenge. In actual size, the walls would fit within the large red stone horseshoe at Stonehenge. The rain ditch around the temple house corresponds to the water ditch at Stonehenge. Crystals in the floor of the Temple House match the color and locations of stones in Stonehenge. It is an earth floor with a small amount of soil cement as binder, and a waxed surface. The wind tower, described later, corresponds to the large stone circle. The hearth corresponds to the inner horseshoe of stones.
These correspondences and almost all of the ones described later were discovered after I had designed the house, and required no redesign to fit. This convinces me that the design was inspired, as well as an intellectual geometric excercise.
The floor plan fits traditional vesica piscis patterns. The cross-section, however, has spread out the interconnected circles, so the inner circle is smaller and the outer circle is larger. The interconnected circles would fit within the 7.92 yard (Earth, negative) circle if not spread apart. When rolled apart, they fit within the 10.80 yard circle (Moon, positve). This combines the positive and negative energies, and changes the creation symbol to the symbol for marriage. It tightens up the inner circle, creating a more powerful, compressed surge of energy up the central axis.
There is an etheric double pyramid, not solid, formed by the the chimney cap at the wind turbine, spreading out to a base at the center of the house at the 7.92 yards circle, with crystals at the base corners, then inverting and converging at the water turbine pyramid below. Between the two turbines is one octave of sound. This also marries the positive and negative pulses, with its tips touching the Moon (positive) circle and the base touching the square of the Earth (negative) circle.
A Warning...Christopher Hills was also initiated in the Pyramid and studied the physics of consciousness. He claims that the ray which the pyramid releases upward, called positive green, corresponds to the color green, and is a life force absorbed and released by plants and animals. At the same time, a pyramid also generates a negative green ray downward from the tip. This ray resonates with the downward psychic electricity, causing sickness and mental stress. In the Giza pyramid, four huge granite blocks separated by air spaces above the Kings Chamber filter out most of the negative green ray, while retaining and intensifying one part of the ray, called the pi-ray. This ray of life and death is a powerful channel which can cure or create disease and project the soul to visions of heaven or hell, depending on the frame of mind of the user.
The purpose of yoga is to get the flow (mental concentration) to go upward, withdrawing from the lower chakras, channeling it to the heart, sending it to the brain, then releasing it through the crown chakra at the top of the head. Dr. Hills says that the positive green , negative green, and pi rays flow through each person continually, and can be magnified to any degree through thought concentration (or dissolution with the negative green ray), and by stillness at the center of ones being.
I still qualify as a beginner (an Ovate Og in Druid terms) on this vast subject, and much of this is second hand information. Yet I feel it is a positive, inspired vision. The negative green ray is grounded in this design, but there is still a possibility that the energies could cause harm. My plan is to make the temple house so sunny, airy, watery, lively, and joyous that the dweller will naturally have a positive frame of mind. It may be too powerful to live in, except perhaps for an adept who cultivates his life carefully. It may be a healing place to visit briefly.
The Temple House Energies...The Vesica Piscis Temple House has two streams running beneath the house, north to south and east to west., within clay pipes. They are fed by an uphill surface stream which flows into settling pools. These pools are twelve feet above the pools at the outflow, and this drop creates the flow. Alternately, the house could be placed on a natural spring or crossing streams. Then you would have less control of the energy flows, but a more spontaneous conversation with the Earth.
The clay pipe begins at the bottom of the settling pool. A smaller pipe extends from the mouth of the clay pipe upward into the air. As the water rushes down the clay pipe, it sucks air down the smaller tube. This saturates the water with air bubbles, greatly energizing it. The spin of the water as it flows through the pipe also amplifies and tunes it.
The streams cross directly beneath the house, resulting in an upward geo-spiral of resonances. They converge within an egg-shaped cavity, one foot in diameter, hollowed out of a granite block. The outer surface of the block is shaped to a double pyramid, base-to-base, 2.72 feet in diameter. A valve controls the flow and direction of spin of each stream within the egg. Dr. Patrick Flannigan, described in Secrets of the Soil by Peter Tompkins, measured 10,000 volts in a whirlpool during the moment of chaos when he reversed the spin. He also replicated the vitality of Hunza water, the Tibetan mountain water to which the Hunza people attribute their great health and longevity, by spinning it and suspending in it micro-clusters of minerals. Rudolph Steiner also developed these bio-dynamic methods of treating water.
The water energy charges the quartz within the granite double-pyramid. The pyramid concentrates this energy along its edges and discharges it at the top and bottom tips. It also draws in energy from the surrounding earth. This creates a balanced flow upward and downward of 25,000 volts, of low amperage.
The Water Turbine...The water spins within the egg. A tempered (hardened by a high electric current) copper wire is wound around the inner surface of the egg, and inducts an electrical current through it from the water. This electricity can be drawn off and modified to power the electrical appliances of the house. The water spins up to the top of the egg. Here, a one inch hole releases the water and air bubbles upward into the grotto. This hole is plugged by a clear crystal egg. The crystal egg attaches to a fiber optic thread which is anchored to the base of the larger egg. The crystal egg can move up or down the thread, like a bead, to open or close the hole. The top of the crystal egg is plated with gold. Gold forms a pyramidal atomic crystalline structure which fine-tunes the pyramid.
The water spin greatly increases at the core of the whirlpool. Along the axis, the fiber optic thread (with a gold thread in its center) supports seven crystal beads spaced along the thread. From bottom to top they are ruby (red) , agate (orange), topaz (yellow) , emerald (green), saphire (blue), amathyst (indigo), and the clear quartz egg (violet/white). These resonate and end-fire one into the next, creating a charge of 50,000 volts.
The colder water in the grotto spins down around the outside of the top granite pyramid and exits through pipes which flow to the south and west to the lower outdoor pools. The pyramid/egg sings from the rushing water.
The electricity created by this turbine flows through the copper wire wound around the inside of the egg, drawing from the infinite range of harmonic currents within the egg. It also emits a beam of current upward and downward into space and the Earths core. It should be low enough amperage to not shock the people. This is a totally theoretical turbine, never built before, an unknown. It would need to be built and tested first. The house would operate without it if it proved too dangerous.
The turbine is the base of the temple house, source of the Kundalini energy, represented by the color black, the stone black quartz, the musical note is so, a deep G note. The I Ching trigram Chien, means the Creative.
The Grotto...The air bubbles rise from the tip of the pyramid, to fill the grotto above with air. Canadian miners developed this method to use a flowing stream to entrain air bubbles and then release them at a lower point into a closed chamber, thereby pressurizing the air , then piping the pressurized fresh air to the miners. They called it a trompe, meaning fall. The air fills the grotto until it pushes the surface of the water down to the top of the entrance, where the air then bubbles up to aerate the pool. This air compresses to four p.s.i., the weight of the water in the pool above it. You can swim down through the pool into the grotto and float, meditate, and play there. The water can be heated by sunlight entering the settling pool (enclosed in cool climates), and by heat tubes connecting with the fire above.
This is the sacral (base of spine) chakra of the temple, red, la(A-note), the Tui(joy) trigram of the I Ching symbolized by joyous vapor. Christopher Hills describes this trigram in his book, Supersensonics : The joyful bubble of life and spirit. The tone of levity rising after intense compression of the gravitational force. The entrance to the grotto transmits this tone to the pool. The surface of the pool resonates the air in the temple, which has a torroidal (donut) shape which also shapes the sound. A clear glass ball at the center of the grotto contains a ruby. Ruby flouresces in ultra-violet light. The charge from the pyramid should cause it to flouresce. The glass globe contains a trace amount of neon gas. The neon ionizes with the charge and emits red light. The walls are colored to match the chakra.
The upper airy part of the grotto corresponds to the spleen chakra, orange, ti(B-note). Here, a glass sphere contains an agate and flourescing orange gas. This is the Li(radiance) trigram. The clinging fire which radiates after the first bubble of joyful spirit begins to rise from the creative intelligence. The flame of radiation which results from intense concentration clings to its source.
The grotto converges into an air tube leading upward. This contains a ball valve, which holds the air in the grotto or allows it to pass upward. This is a bindu (Hindu word for lock, to hold the breath). As it opens, it tones the tube above as the water below pushes the air upward. This is the solar plexus, the diaphragm, do (C-note), with a yellow topaz within a sphere of flourescing yellow gas. It is the Chen (power) trigram. Dr. Hills describes this trigram: Thunder. Power. Electrical tension and lightening. The arousing of energy and consciousness.
The Hearth...The tube of compressed air rises to the hearth. The air blasts the fire for high-efficiency heat or blows gently for low heat. Green glazed ceramic pipes line the fire to remove the heat to the grotto and pool below. The pipe contains an inner pipe with an osmotic membrane (such as a pig skin) covering its lower end. Salt water fills the inner pipe , and fresh water fills the bottom of the outer pipe . The osmotic membrane on the inner pipe allows water to pass, but not salt. A salt molecule will bond with several water molecules at once, and so draws water into the pipe. Osmotic pressure will pump water many feet. The outer pipe is sealed and the air drawn out, creating a vacuum. As the fire heats the top end of the pipe, the water in the inner pipe evaporates (at a lower temperature due to the low pressure) filling the outer pipe with steam. The steam condenses on the coldest part of the pipe, which is the lower end immersed in the grotto water, and releases the latent heat of condensation through the pipe wall to the grotto.
The hearth is the heart chakra, an emerald within a green flourescing glass sphere. The heart chakra actually has five nodes closely spaced, slightly above center. It is the only chakra with multiple nodes, and corresponds to the pit of a fruit, containing the seed essence of the whole. It is re (D-note), the Sun (wind) trigram. The gentle penetration surrenders to the creative, the faculty of super-penetration of the hidden motives of self and people. The instrument of ceaseless time. Prepared action. This is the Earth level for living, green plants, food preparation, family relationships. You can sit in the hearth, with the vapors from the spirit hole rising around you, imagining the chakras, following the sound and light, and begin to project. The sound is Om. The final journey, on leaving the body, would be cremation.
The Throat...The throat of the chimney contains a saphire in a blue flourescing globe. A collar around the throat precipitates the smoke particles with a negative ionic charge, and also grounds out the negative green ray descending from the tip (chimney cap) of the pyramid. Blue ceramic heat pipes in the wall of the throat transfer the heat of the fire to the pool and grotto below. The throat narrows, then widens into the sauna above. At the top of the throat, a blue ceramic hot tub recieves the heat from the hot air rising around it. It is mi (E-note).
The trigram Kan means, The abyss. Water. The deep center or heart, symbolized by the pit or ravine into which the waters gravitate downwards and inwards. Resonates with polarized (reflected) moonlight. The moonlight shines through the sauna windows, into the hot tub water.
The Sauna...The sauna corresponds to the sphere of the moon in the Vesica Piscis diagram, and the top half of the pyramid. The chimney cap is a copper conical pyramid. It rotates about its center of gravity, sealing against a ring around the rim of the opening, yet touching nowhere else in its revolution. It also serves as a bell , with the gong lowering its center of gravity to hold it open or shut. The inverted cap spreads the rising air to the tips of the propellors of the wind turbine above, increasing its power.
The Sauna color is indigo, with an amethyst crystal. The tone is fa (F-note). It is the brow chakra, also known as the third eye or pineal gland. Consciousness rises to the brow and finds stillness. The trigram is Ken (the mountain): The equilibrium neutral point between positive and negative. Keeping still, inertia, and the resting period at the end of each phase of movement. The quiet heart or stilling of the mind as in Nirvana, (not flowing). Balance or annihilation. The wind has a chance to spread out here and rest before rushing up through the chimney.
The Wind Turbine...The wind turbine consists of a two-bladed propellor spinning very fast on a horizontal axis. Above the propellor, a wind tower catches and spins natural wind into a tornado, creating a suction upward at the center. The suction draws air up through a cone at the base, focusing it through the propellor 35 to 50 times stronger than the wind passing by the tower. The propellor is on a fixed axis and much smaller than a typical wind propellor gathering this much power. A permanent magnet in the tip of each blade sweeps by the copper wire armature wound around the rim of the truncated cone, thus generating electricity. The solar and fire heat rising from the chimney draws additional air up through the cone from around the base. Also, as the sun heats the Earth, the air just above the ground grows warmer. This air is held down by the cooler air above it, but this is unstable. The warm air bubbles up, and when the bubble breaks, it rushes upward, spinning, and all of the surrounding air rushes in and up with it. The tower and the heat of the house fix the location of this warm air bubble tornado, creating wind in summer where there was none. The tornado turbine was developed by James Yen at Grumman Aerospace, and described in Popular Science, June, 1977.
The propellor is the crown chakra, the pituitary gland, the thousand-petaled lotus, which it appears to be as it spins around. It is the tip of the pyramid, point of departure, control point for the lower chakras. The sound is Hmmm... The color is violet and the crystal is quartz.The tone is so (G-note). The trigram Kun means receptive: The negative extreme receptive polarity. The principle of manifested light we see as lux or psychic brightness of quantized energy. The primal power of Yin, the female compliment of Yang, which completes the creative. Earth, Mother, Shakti, reflected light.
The Wind Tower...The wind sound is Huuu..., the sound of the highest plane. The center of the tower is a vacuum, which will likely glow from the charge passing through it. The diamond represents the color white or ultra-violet. This completes the octave, returning to Chien, the creative. The positive extreme potentiality of the projective. The dark principle, the unmanifested light or Akasha, which is invisible, creative, action, heavenly, represented by sky, man, Yang, Shiva, primary radiation.
The Cosmic Current...The rising negatively-charged current of water vapor draws down a stream of positive hydrogen from the atmosphere.
Clouds of hydrogen, drifting in space, fall into the Sun. The intense gravitational compression increases the particles energy until the radiation pressure exceeds the gravitational compression, and the hydrogen shoots out from the Sun at 10,000 mph.
This solar wind accelerates to 300,000 mph by the time it reaches the Earth, and one million mph at Pluto. The solar wind pushes the Earths magnetic field into a widened head and long comet tail. The solar wind is drawn into the Earths iron core. As the solar wind spirals in, it collides with particles and fields, loses momentum, ionizes the upper atmosphere, and gathers in the null (neutral) regions of the fields to form the Van Allen radiation belts, which buffer the Earth from the direct blast of solar radiation. These belts collapse when intense solar flares overcharge, then discharge, them. The concentrated charged particles flouresce as they spiral down through the ionosphere toward the poles, resulting in a westward streaming of light, called the Northern Lights and Southern Lights. Protons spiral into the South Pole , electrons into the North Pole, as huge ring currents of electro-magnetism around the Arctic and Antarctic Circles. They filter in with less intensity over the entire Earth. They continue down to the core, accelerating their frequency with pressure and heat, until they repel out the opposite poles, protons north, electrons south, and some from the rest of the globe. The Earth is a small Sun, regenerating matter into energy.
Also, physicists believes that as photons of sunlight, non-material and invisible, collide with particles in the upper atmosphere, they give up some of their energy and convert into electrons, positrons and visible light.
The regenerated solar wind sweeps back behind the Earth and recombines in the comet tail. Sunrise and sunset create a surge of pranic energy, when all things are especially alive and colors are most intense. The polar ring current creates a magnetic field which travels in horizontal waves, an electrical field which travels in vertical waves, and an east-west field which travels parallel to the ring current. All materials resonate to one, two or three of these fields (only gold resonates to all three), detectable by pendulum. A pendulum turns clockwise in a positive field, counterclockwise in a negative field, back and forth in the null region. By attaching magnets in different orientations on the pendulum, you can select which field it responds to.
Water draws hydrogen, releases electrons. Earth does the opposite. Dry, positive air draws moist, negative air in huge spiral weather patterns. Ions travel far more easily through air than earth, so a spirit hole in the ground directs and concentrates the flow.
Eckankar...Eckankar, the study of soul travel, claims this is the channel of consciousness. Here are excerpts from Dialogues With The Master by Paul Twitchell.
In order to understand cosmic power more clearly, let us start with those finely divided particles which can be divided no further. They represent atoms, which are broken down into protons, neutrons, and electrons. They fill all space. Now to get down to some basic facts about creation. When you think a strong thought, this causes a whirlpool in the ethers within the aura, or perhaps outside the aura if this process is generated from the superior beings. In the worlds, at the command of the Lord of the Universe, then we can actually see a process of the whirling of the great spiral nebula in the heavens, spinning, coiling upon itself, integrating, forming a mass of matter at its center...
The spiritual power will start the creation of the whirlpool within the individual, and this little spiral nebula goes out into space, touching another, and there the thoughts come together in harmony or otherwise. ..
This ether, called the Eck, is our primal substance, consisting of primitive atoms, mostly hydrogen, which are descending constantly from the highest worlds, breaking off from the spiritual current and completely passing through the Sun and Earth in a spiral motion...When it descends below the Second Grand Division [the Tropopause, above ten miles high], it becomes a two-fold stream of positive and negative, or Prit and Kal, forces.
The spiraling motion of atoms always is toward the center of the Earth. This is the Eck power flowing through man. That is, if man has been awakened to accept this within himself, as the power of God...
Huge clouds of hydrogen occupy vast regions of space. Often these clouds lie closely to the Earths surface, and within them the electro-magnetic fields which, when stirred by a powerful thought force established by a prayer group, a master mind, or the Lords of this world, start causes which must have effect somewhere, somehow, even though it be the creation of new worlds. This is often the beginnining, or cause, of wars, great prosperity periods, and other cycles of mankind.
Activity in the Eck force manifests both gravity and electro-magnetic fields. The inflow of the primal substance is gravity, and the whirling motion that causes the inflow is an electro-magnetic field. Since we are concerned with the cosmic power on the Earth plane, let us think of it in its lowest form. This is for understanding only. All teachers of the so-called truth are emphasizing love and hate. They teach only the ethical nature of God.
The power is so far above this that normal man has little concept of what it is. Here is how it works through man, who is in constant control of it. The power is embodied within him by the Master and always is working out Gods cause, always on a universal scale, and not for any individual purpose... The power operates in a clockwise spiral through the devotee to whatever he touches, either physically, mentally, or spiritually...
It is like working through an electro-magnetic field which, when powerful enough, permits the creative forces to operate; but when weakened allows the Kal, or negative forces (which spiral counterclockwise) to take over and destroy.
Now man is composed principally of hydrogen and oxygen, and therefore considered an electro-magnetic field. Especially when seen through spiritual eyes...
We could get into very deep secrets beyond the horizons of intellectual thinking of man, but you must realize that science and religion are related. Effected are the results of everything we see upon Earth. Now, if you could know what happens if you are a follower of the Pranic system of yoga, you would not use it. The arousing of the chakras within you only arouses an astral motion which sets off the whirling of the Prit, or creative force, within you. You must go all the way to the JOT, or thousand-petaled lotus [crown] for results in the use of the Eck power; and sometimes this takes years, if you are arousing the Pranic system. Therefore, you only arouse the lowest forms by use of this system.
Try taking a shortcut to God. Look within for the Light and listen for the Sound. If I have bestowed you with the use of the Eck power, there is very little effort needed in reaching the great deity Sat Nam, and the master will escort you to the plane in the inner world to broaden your understanding and give you wisdom. Why waste your time going through excercises which may take a lifetime to reach a certain goal, and then find there is an easier way?
You wonder why the Kal force is so much greater than the love force on the Earth plane. It is very simple, but I wont go into it here. However, when you become proficient in your understanding of the negative disintegrating forces, you will learn of the deepest secrets of all the universal worlds. Then and only then can you become one with God, and learn to live in me forever. Contradictory, isnt it? But for your understanding, the negative force is a much maligned subject and must someday be corrected for the knowledge of the races...
Construction...There are several possible ways of building the Temple House, either with willows or bamboo, or with cement. Willows can be planted in two concentric circles, with mineral dust as fertilizer for fast growth. As it grows, one weaves it into a framework. Then thatch straw into the formwork, cover that with adobe mud, bentonite clay, then sod. Bentonite clay expands eightfold when it becomes wet, sealing the walls. It shrinks in dry weather, letting the walls breathe. The branches of the willows extend above the structure and continue growing. Bamboo can be woven into a complete torroidal structure, then covered with thatch , mud, and sod. Bamboo sprouts roots at the knuckles in soil, and branches at the knuckles in air. The interior walls are treated with linseed oil (from flax seeds) or wax to glaze them. The willows or bamboo continue to grow tighter with time. The structure will require pruning and replastering. Clay is a natural preservative, creating fossils from dead organisms. Africans mix cow manure and blood into the mud for greater strength and water tightness. This woven structure is flexible and strong, good qualities in earthquakes. Use as much straw and as little mud as possible for lightness and insulation. The soil can be further lightened by adding vermiculite or perlite, natural volcanic stone similar to styrofoam which is used for hydroponic gardens and insulation.
The southwestern American Indians sometimes built clay structures, then filled them with straw and set it afire, controlled the air flow, for a three-day burn, so it became a ceramic structure. The Getalfkin Institute is reviving this technique, with plans to build a whole village in Arizona or southern California.
These materials and techniques will not earn you a building permit. Cement will give a permanent, clean, well-proven structure which you can reasonably show to a building inspector. Steel reinforcing bar interferes with the Earth and crystal energy fields, and it attracts positive ions. Concrete then accumulates those ions, making a person feel stressed and tired. Your body needs free electrons and negative ions to operate its chemistry, and a steel and concrete structure strips them away, sapping your auric field. Lime cement is lighter, breathes, and is healthier. It can be reinforced with nylon reinforcing rods, used in structures for electronics which cannot have interference. Fibermesh, inch-long fiberglass strands, mix with cement to bind it together, giving tensile strength, similar to the way straw holds adobe together.
Windows can be bottles and salvaged automobile windows grouted into the structure. Quartz glass, available in Europe, transmits the ultraviolet spectrum of sunlight, which conventional window glass blocks out. U-V light is a disinfectant and important for health. For a northern climate, the windows can be insulated by blowing soap bubbles between the panes or into the bottles. Soap bubbles insulate as well as fiberglass insulation. They burst and drain out as the sun warms them. One cubic foot of soap solution insulates 1000 cubic feet of window, for almost no cost. The compressed air from the grotto would rise through a tube to blow the soap bubbles into the windows.
Conclusion... The Vesica Piscis Temple House creates extroadinarily powerful forces, harmonies, and benefits. It offers free energy, fertility and vitality, a portal to other dimensions, great enhancement to mental and spiritual abilities, a dwelling in tune with the Earth and her rythyms. It opens a gateway to discoveries which could transform the planet and her people. We have reached the heights of ancient Atlantis, with similar knowledge and tests of character. This Temple House strives to balance intuition and intellect, heart and mind, nature and technology, gentleness and power. It requires the greatest wisdom to handle such a creation.