Lack of sanitary water is the greatest health risk, lack of potable water resources poses the most likely cause of conflict between nations over resources. Water is critical to life, it must be addressed as the center for life giving of any community. The technology described below is one design, tested with a working mini-model 20 years ago in the California high desert, which like too many good solutions is still waiting for implementation.
Simply stated, the WATER FARM is a complex of interrelated systems utilizing many successful time-proven technologies that have been configured specifically to produce a single stand-alone system capable of being fully operational without any requirements for outside energy sources. It does this by utilizing almost 100% of the sun's radiant energy, processing and purifying literally millions of cubic feet of atmospheric air in a single day of operation, while extracting viable quantities of ultra-pure water in addition to a marketable surplus of electrical energy and other commercially viable products.
Although this technology can be configured to any application, the smallest economical unit covers one acre of land (43,560 square feet), providing an aesthetically pleasant and flexible outer structure. The enclosed area directly beneath the installation can be adapted for any use imaginable: a refrigerated warehouse, for example, or a fully controlled clean room environment for industry, schools, hospitals or domestic residences. Also, this technology may be retrofitted to any existing structure, providing the same benefits. All utilities, including sewage disposal, potable water, electrical power, heating / cooling and a acclimatized, purified environment are possible for the space enclosed beneath the WATER FARM installation.

Water can be produced from two sources: directly from the atmosphere; or from a combination of the atmosphere and any moisture sources available to the installation including grey waste.
In desert regions, where the only moisture source is the atmosphere, a one-acre system will produce approximately 14,000 gallons of potable water per day of operation. If installed contiguous to a source of greywater, the same system will produce approximately 30,000 gallons of potable water per day of operation. The quality of the greywater is of no consequence; anything from seawater to agricultural, residential or limited industrial wastewater can be successfully processed within the system. In fact, the facility operates more effectively under heavy loads of greywater processing.
The finally produced water is too pure for most practical uses and must be remineralized, or treated appropriate to its application or ultimate use. All silicates and impurities filtered and processed from the greywater are composted or broken down to their basic elemental structure and separated. The task of pre-treating the ultra-pure water output from the plant is merely a matter of introducing additives relative to its end use.
That is, the system's potable water output can be "programmed" to suit the most rigorous or specific needs of local industry, agriculture or domestic applications. With respect to domestic applications, the people receiving drinking water from the facility are consuming a product specifically engineered for human consumption. All run-off and wastewater can be recycled through the system.

Atmospheric air is scrubbed to remove airborne debris. The water condensed from this processed air is then purified and sent to the system's holding tanks. Approximately 5,000,000 cubic feet of air is processed by a one-acre installation per day of operation. The by-products of this process are then added to the system's composted materials.
Operational energy is provided by a combination of highly efficient, low maintenance, photovoltaic, thermal storage, and gravitation technologies. In fact, through the use of corrosion-resistant materials in all of the system's components, and the nature of their function and design, the entire facility is extremely low-maintenance. The operation and technical monitoring of the facility can even be conducted remotely, via telephone or satellite link if desired.
All components of this highly efficient plant have been designed, manufactured and proven in the industrial environment over a period of many years, and are specifically configured to meet the unique requirements of this system.
Other technology to augment the WATER FARM system can include, magnetic energy and temperature differential conversion, as well as other alternative clean energy sources as they are proven viable, safe, and harmonious with the geographic use and need where implemented.
NOTE: The inventor of this technology passed away some five years ago, his partners are still alive and can be contacted. A new team of architects is requested to combine the technologies with new upto date technology as the WATER FARM described here was designed over 20 years ago. Using gravitational separation one can imagine how all waste can be combined with atmospheric elements and then broken down to basic elements for programming. Energy comes from methane, as well as water wheels in the tubes carrying water condensed from air at the top down to the bottom, dna spiral turbines suppliment photo-voltaics, and the temperature differential between the top (hot air) and the bottom (cold waste water) can also be converted to electrical use. If one designs a system with entropy in mind, resistance can be removed to a great degree, creating a surplus -
this is called Prosperity.