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The New Reformation

Creating a Sustainable Future in a non-religious World, taking the Christian Reformation into an new era...a Non Religious World. This discussion group is about deconstructing our old Myths creating new Myths for an evolving world consciousness.

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Latest Activity: Sep 29, 2014

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Comment by Jesus on April 15, 2010 at 2:34pm
unconditional love is the best miracle make one can find.

Comment by Marvin Double on April 15, 2010 at 1:06pm
Love moves through me as water in a river. I can hold it only for a moment before it rushes on. One day I know it will carry me home to it's source.
Comment by Rita O'Gorman on April 13, 2010 at 2:26pm
"paradoxical, facetiously funny"? awe jeeze, sorry, I just meant its hard for people to identify with others as themselves. At the same time, its painful to be separate.
Comment by Ron Alexander on April 13, 2010 at 8:35am
Rita, my dear, are you being paradoxical, facetiously funny or just pointing out the Truth from a different angle, angel?

The presence of fear is a sure sign that you are trusting in your own strength. W,77
Comment by Rita O'Gorman on April 13, 2010 at 8:05am
Marvin, I think that is the stumbling block, to identify with the human race as a whole. It seems easier to point fingers and find fault, judging everybody. But it creates such misery inside, such anger and frustration. Often people think the cause of their suffering is others and you can't change others; you just can't win because you don't see the truth of the Christ in all.
Comment by Marvin Double on April 13, 2010 at 7:22am
I am reminded today that, when I am healed I am not healed alone. The spiritual work we do benefits everyone one because we are in fact all one. All else is illusion.
Comment by Rita O'Gorman on April 7, 2010 at 9:46pm
Oh, one more thing. I think you need to spend your life seeking to come to know that you can't know. But, I can't be sure of that. he he he
Comment by Rita O'Gorman on April 7, 2010 at 9:42pm
Expectations...hmmm...disappointments...maybe anger and guilt. This is truly God school. We make schools and we put students through all sorts of pretend test, which have nothing to do with real life,only information in our memories. We make much of books and knowledge but truth?...I have sought, I have read, I returned to school in my 40's for a degree. I worked on my masters in my 50's and read, read and read. And now, in my 60's, I am giving it up. I have come to the place where I know the finger pointing to the moon is not the moon.

You must have been disappointed, I would have been. And yes, we are told to seek the Kingdom, I have been there, done that. Somehow I feel a rest in the thought that all there is, is a God with no name, no image, unknowable...I have to laugh...God is no-thing and everything. But you see, Ron, there is no way to know that till you have exhausted your energies and are old. I really think I have been given a sainthood of sorts in as much as to know you can't know is the Kingdom. To know you can't take your next breath without that it was given you..that is grace. Amazing...
Comment by Jesus on April 7, 2010 at 8:02pm
Ron you are so right. In my life it is very simple God, Family and then Job as long as I keep that way seems to keep a nice balance in my life. Thank you for sharing as I always appreciate what you have to say.
Comment by Ron Alexander on April 7, 2010 at 3:10pm
"Thoughts are things; form things, the finger pointing to the moon." Rita, this quote is very meaningful to me. As I was recovering from the shock of Mom shockiingly virtually leaving me out of her will last year, I started reflecting on quotes like "the best and most beautiful things in life are not things." Then I heard from a friend who travels to the Amazon that a Shaman told her that "thoughts are things." in gratitude, ron
By the way, I have successfully reframed the inheritance into a Divine One, using a Jesus quote - "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and All shall be added." This has delightfully proven true to me.

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