Legalize Hemp !

Think Anew..Act Anew ! "See" A New Green Earth !!! It is time that hemp, which can be used for items ranging from paper products to carpets, from textiles to food & oil, from construction material to paints, once again be made "Legal" !!!

Whata "You" Think ?

Among It's 'Many' Positive Utilizations : Cannabis (Hemp) 'IS' A "Medicine"..'Not' a drug !

"Viva La Medicina" !

Your brother


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    Ron Tocknell

    I don't think we need 'proof' that hemp is a medicine any more than we need a torch to see the sun. The world is bountiful. It provides plants for physical food and also for spiritual food. We just have to continue to resist the feeble attempt to manipulate our choices. It will pass... cannabis reactionism is just a fad :o)
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    mary rose

    I support the legalization of hemp since not only does it have a medicinal use, it can be made into as many as 20- 50,000 different products that would then all be biodegradable.  Currently Lexus is using hemp to manufacture its dashboards.  I also know that it can be used to make cabinets and other built-ins in homes and other facilities.


    It is also a good source of food as it can be grown as a no-till plant, requires little water and no fertilizer and can be cut for harvest.  The seeds can be used to make oil and other products, e.g., hemp burgers, cereals, and cheese. I also purchased it at Trader Joe's here in California as a protein powder. Very high in protein if things get really bad, groups of people could survive using just this one source as a food supply.


    I also have a backpak, pair of pants, and a shirt made out of hemp that i really love.  The material just never wears out and i wish I had gotten a pair of blue jeans and a pair of shoes when i was living in Encinitas, CA. and shopping at Environgentle there.     


    The ironic thing about hemp not being legal to grow is that the Constitution was written on hemp.  


    We really need to get our priorities straight in this country and stop killing the planet so that corporations can make mega bucks off of their artificially created products.     

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    Very well said my Friend~

    and Thank "You" so very much, for Your Insights, Input & Information !!!:)