Legalize Hemp !

Think Anew..Act Anew ! "See" A New Green Earth !!! It is time that hemp, which can be used for items ranging from paper products to carpets, from textiles to food & oil, from construction material to paints, once again be made "Legal" !!!

  • The carwash assistant and the garbage bag

    I admit I tend to bang on about illusions a lot... but only because they play such a vital role in keeping us in our place.Here's a little short story for you. It has a point so bear with me:One day a very ordinary fellow was on his way to work at the car wash. He was no different to you or me. He…

    By Ron Tocknell

  • Whata "You" Think ?

     Among It's 'Many' Positive Utilizations : Cannabis (Hemp) 'IS' A "Medicine"..'Not' a drug ! "Viva La Medicina" !Your brotherjb

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  • Watch PeaceDay Broadcast Here

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  • The illusion of power

    What gives one person power over another? In the wider animal kingdom (of which, let us not forget, we are a part), there is a huge diversity of strengths and weaknesses. The lion, for example, is much stronger than the gazelle... but the gazelle is much faster. these strengths and weaknesses are…

    By Ron Tocknell
