Congratulations Brooks! This looks very exciting... and timely. It would be great if you or others from Architects for a New Dawn could join us at the 2009 Hollyhock Summer Gathering. Mark down these dates: July 26 - 31.
Hi Brooks,
Thank you for your heartfelt words. You are doing fabulous,inspiring work! And in Marin County, one of my favorite places on earth! I'm very pleased to meet you!
Hi Brooks - Fancy meeting you here! Congratulations on great work. Thank you for providing channels for the opening of the heart and the coming of Peace on Earth - NOW!
So, can we only send private messages to those already linked as "friends"? I don't see that option on anyone's profile other than those I've linked to.
What about adding web links, etc., as I see some people have done?
I received this site, still do not remember the how or even why? I knew it was where I wanted to be. I immediately sent this to a client of mine who knew it was where he needed to be. The most amazing thing was that everyone I sent this to joined with record speed. Please have a look at my site tell you more later
Gratitude and blessings to you for your work here - what an incredible resource! Thanks for your efforts, and for sharing your artistry. I'd like to reciprocate and invite you to visit my page to hear two songs I just posted from my latest CD .
Brooks: Perhaps we should work in tandem. documents the transition, and architectsofanewdawn does the social networking? I can invite our 850-some subscribers to join your network. An idea anyway. I have linked our publishing site htp:// to the architects site at Can you reciprocate?
Please excuse me for taking so long to Thank You for being an integeral part of making this happen! This is a beautiful site and attracting lots of beautiful people. I truly enjoy spending time here getting to know others in this community ............. What a wonderful Journey ....... thanks again for opening the space for me to play an active part in and with!
Hey Brooks - Is there a place on our page to put our websites? I can't seem to locate it if there is. Seems like a good way to share what we are up to. Love ya, Connie
Brooks, what you have created at holocosmos is so energetic and exciting I'm wondering how in the world you keep from busting apart at your bodily seams? This must be exactly how Tesla felt when he got all nutty about electricity. Truly, how can you not get all nutty when you've got something so cutting edge, so innovative, so blown away that you've developed? I'm spellbound by what I've seen at your site. It's truly remarkable. You have created some amazing websites with this breakthrough technology. Some of your websites are truly FABulous! Wow, that's about the best way I can sum it up.
How can we collaborate to use your technology to get the multitudes jumping on the conservation bandwagon to keep further wildlife species from going extinct? How can we use your technology to inspire people by the millions to sign petitions each time the need for signing is an urgent matter of life and death for wildlife species? How can we use your technology to get people involved in wildlife campaigns to end the suffering and abuse of animals being trafficked as commodities? How can we use your technology to inspire tens of thousands of people to raise tens of millions of dollars to assist wildlife conservation and other eco causes around the world? How do we use a site with your mojo to connect eco volunteers with conservation organizations who need them? To connect benefactors with organizations? To connect conservation organizations with each other for cross pollination and collaboration? How do we use your technology to go viral with messages that are so vibrant and powerful nobody can ignore them? How do we use video, podcasts, photos and social media on a techno site like yours to motivate people to join the conservation movement? How do we ... how do we ... how do we ... how do we truly build a New Earth using your kind of technological wizardry as a catalyst for opening the portal to imagination and limitless thinking and action?
Let's chat and get to know each other. I am completely motivated by your website and awed by the gifts you have been given and skills you have developed. I would like to explore some new ways of thinking with you for Earth Healing actions.
This looks super groovy fantabulous naturally... you da mannn
Call me at newZonia. We want to talk to you, mr goovy genius carbon-based individualized expression of the universe? Destiny Calls to Be The Change!
Shine On!
maxx mango
HoloCosmos website states in part - "No gesture is too small to deeply transform the life of another being and to enliven the unfolding of our collective destiny." I Agree! I'm excited by what you're doing, those widgets are badly needed if we wish to reach the greater potentials of connectivity available to us in the New Age.
May you and yours be blessed in this great project, and our own charity work would be happy to collaborate, we support your work.
Hi Brooks,
you have done a really good job to create this page. Thanks in the name of humanity, because all together we will make the change we are longing to see.
Thank you very much Brooks, for creating this wonderful network, with all these wonderful people. Great job.
BTW, is that a golden maze (labyrinth) around your neck?
My einglish is very bad, and so is my technology, but I think and undertand that all of you are doing a good job on a very good idea... it gives me hope in the future of this crazy world, and more than that for my children. Thanks for you all today you have made me smile.
i'm happy to find this network, can't believe i hadn't already!
i founded another Ning network with similar intentions, let's work together!
peace&LOVE allways!
You are absolutely right - we ARE the architects of our own reality, we ARE the ones that we have been waiting for !! Find more videos like this on A New Dawn "Reality is what we believe it is within certain limits and those limits are variable. We do create our own reality!"
Dear Colleague, Although the USA is not a member of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, I am sending you this article, basically for the last paragraphs on the need to develop a corps of reconciliation bridgbuilders. Best wishes, Rene WadlowLaurent Nkunda to the ICC ?
Rene Wadlow
The Special Session of the Human Rights Council on the eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on 28 November 2008 was the beginning of the end for self-proclaimed General Laurent Nkunda and his Congress for the Defense of the People (CNPD).
The Geneva-based Council had taken a long time in getting around to highlighting the human rights violations in the administrative provinces of North and South Kivu. The United Nations has some 17,000 peacemakers in Congo (MONUC), the UN’s largest peacekeeping mission, but their capacity is stretched to the limit. Their mission is to protect civilians, some 250,000 of which have been driven from their homes since the fighting intensified in late August 2008. Despite the MONUC troops, there have been large-scale occurrences of wilful violations of human rights and humanitarian law by all parties in the conflict, with massive displacement of populations, plundering of villages, systematic rape of women, summary executions and the use of child soldiers.
The eastern area of Congo is the scene of fighting at least since 1998 — in part as a result of the genocide in neighboring Rwanda in 1994. Efforts at reconciliation, reform and reconstruction have not been carried out in the eastern provinces. The illicit exploitation of natural resources, the inability to deal with land tenure and land use issues, the lack of social services and of socio-economic development have created the conditions which led to the current violence.
Systematic rape and the use of child soldiers are crimes which are covered by the mandate of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Rape is a violation of international humanitarian law. Additional Protocol II to the Geneva Conventions prohibits “violence to life, health and physical or mental well-being of persons, in particular murder as well as cruel treatment such as torture…outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment, rape, enforced prostitution and any form of indecent assault, slavery..”
Laurent Nkunda’s CNDP, also the pro-government militias often called the ‘Mayi-Mayi’ as well as the regular army of the Democratic Republic of Congo recruited and used child soldiers in the ongoing conflict. Child soldiers who attempt to escape have been killed or tortured, at times in front of other child soldiers to discourage further escapes. Child soldiers are forced to commit crimes, including murder and rape. Such crimes are a major barrier to community reconciliation and to successful reintegration of demobilized children as communities and even families fear the return of such brutalized children, who are consequently shunned. The use of child soldiers is contrary to international conditions to which the Democratic Republic of Congo is a party.
The 28 November session of the Human Rights Council sent indirect signals to the Rwandan government that its support for Nkunda might be more costly than it was worth. Although the African governments, members of the Council, did everything they could to avoid criticizing anyone and even the European Union governments kept things very general, the talks in the hallways and over cups of coffee left no doubt that the situation could not continue. The Asian countries, such as India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, which provide the great bulk of the UN forces were getting tired of having their troops considered weak and largely useless, unable to fulfil their mandate of protecting the population. The Asians pushed behind the scenes for changes.
The warnings finally got back to Kigali, the Rwandan capital and to Joseph Kabila, President of RDC, and a deal may have been struck. What follows is logical but there is no proof: The number two of Laurent Nkunda’s CNDP, Jean Basco Ntaganda, his chief of staff, had an arrest warrant of the International Criminal Court out against him for war crimes committed earlier when he headed his own militia before joining forces with Nkunda. In December 2008, Ntaganda, known as ‘the Terminator’, switched sides, denounced Nkunda and said that he and his men would now work with the Congolese army. Virtually at the same time, there was an agreement between the Congolese military and the Rwandan military to stage a joint operation against the Hutu militias on the Rwanda-Congo frontier. It was during this operation that Rwandan forces “arrested” Nkunda and took him out of the Congo to Kigali.
The possible Rwanda-Congo deal is that the Congo would protect Jean Bosco Ntaganda against the warrant of the ICC in exchange for his changing sides, while Rwanda would protect Laurent Nkunda but get him out of the Congo as he was causing a backlash against Rwanda. It is said that Nkunda was helped by Rwandan businessmen and factions within the army. It is possible that the government of Rwanda turned a blind eye rather than actively helping Nkunda. The deal may be that both Nkunda and Ntaganda would keep out of sight until the world’s attention, never very focused on the Congo in any case, turned to other matters.
However, both Nkunda and Ntaganda merit trial by the ICC. The courts of both Rwanda and Congo are inadequate at best. Rwanda and Congo could indicate their inability to provide fair trials to the men and transfer them to The Hague for trial. I would not hold my breath waiting, but what happens in the two cases is a test of the effectiveness of international justice.
Meanwhile, there are dangers that fighting and human rights violations in eastern Congo will continue unless measures are taken to deal with root causes of the conflicts. The people in eastern Congo have lived together for many centuries and had developed techniques of conflict resolution, especially between the two chief agricultural lifestyles: that of agriculture and cattle herding. However, recent economic and political factors have overburdened the local techniques of conflict resolution and have opened the door to new, negative forces interested only in making money and gaining political power.
UN peace-keeping troops are effective when there is peace to keep. What is required today is eastern Congo is not so much more soldiers under UN command, than reconciliation bridge-builders, persons who are able to restore relations among the ethnic groups of the area. The United Nations, national governments, and non-governmental organizations need to develop bridge-building teams which can help to strengthen local efforts at conflict resolution and re-establishing community relations. In the Kivus, many of the problems arise from land tenure issues. With the large number of people displaced and villages destroyed, it may be possible to review completely land tenure and land use issues.
World Citizens were among those in the early 1950s who stressed the need to create UN peace-keeping forces with soldiers especially trained for such a task. Today, a new type of world civil servant is needed — those who in areas of tension and conflict can undertake the slow but important task of restoring confidence among peoples in conflict, establishing contacts and looking for ways to build upon common interests.
thanks for your friend request, i hope you'll stop by and meet the members @, they'd love to hear about your work here!
hi brook how ya doing hope all is well wow many people are joining our site and its growing thats cool anyways about me im doing great just chillin and you know cheking aoand whose online and stuff
Gabriel DeWitt
Jan 2, 2009
Rick Ingrasci
Be well,
Jan 3, 2009
Brenda McMorrow - Music for Opening the Heart
Thank you for your heartfelt words. You are doing fabulous,inspiring work! And in Marin County, one of my favorite places on earth! I'm very pleased to meet you!
Jan 4, 2009
Leonard G. Horowitz
Jan 4, 2009
holly stephey
Jan 4, 2009
Connie Baxter Marlow
Lots of love,
Jan 5, 2009
Amara Rose
What about adding web links, etc., as I see some people have done?
Thx, Brooks!!
Jan 5, 2009
Mike Balitao
Jan 5, 2009
David Woolfson
Jan 6, 2009
Dave Fisk
Jan 6, 2009
Jan 7, 2009
Karen Monte
Jan 7, 2009
Michael Diamond
Jan 9, 2009
Brian Crissey
Jan 10, 2009
Brian Crissey
Jan 11, 2009
Glad we can work together!
Jan 13, 2009
Free Digital Universe
Jan 14, 2009
Mike Balitao
Jan 14, 2009
Jan 16, 2009
Connie Baxter Marlow
Jan 16, 2009
Jeanette McDermott
How can we collaborate to use your technology to get the multitudes jumping on the conservation bandwagon to keep further wildlife species from going extinct? How can we use your technology to inspire people by the millions to sign petitions each time the need for signing is an urgent matter of life and death for wildlife species? How can we use your technology to get people involved in wildlife campaigns to end the suffering and abuse of animals being trafficked as commodities? How can we use your technology to inspire tens of thousands of people to raise tens of millions of dollars to assist wildlife conservation and other eco causes around the world? How do we use a site with your mojo to connect eco volunteers with conservation organizations who need them? To connect benefactors with organizations? To connect conservation organizations with each other for cross pollination and collaboration? How do we use your technology to go viral with messages that are so vibrant and powerful nobody can ignore them? How do we use video, podcasts, photos and social media on a techno site like yours to motivate people to join the conservation movement? How do we ... how do we ... how do we ... how do we truly build a New Earth using your kind of technological wizardry as a catalyst for opening the portal to imagination and limitless thinking and action?
Let's chat and get to know each other. I am completely motivated by your website and awed by the gifts you have been given and skills you have developed. I would like to explore some new ways of thinking with you for Earth Healing actions.
Blessings to you too, my new friend.
Jan 17, 2009
maximillian mango
This looks super groovy fantabulous naturally... you da mannn
Call me at newZonia. We want to talk to you, mr goovy genius carbon-based individualized expression of the universe? Destiny Calls to Be The Change!
Shine On!
maxx mango
Jan 19, 2009
Scott Tweedie
Jan 21, 2009
Peace Portal
May you and yours be blessed in this great project, and our own charity work would be happy to collaborate, we support your work.
Jan 21, 2009
Jan 21, 2009
you have done a really good job to create this page. Thanks in the name of humanity, because all together we will make the change we are longing to see.
Jan 22, 2009
Love and peace to you,
Jan 22, 2009
Claudia van den Elsen-Westendorf Pieters
BTW, is that a golden maze (labyrinth) around your neck?
Love and warm regards,
Jan 22, 2009
Myriam Rivero
Jan 23, 2009
Jan 25, 2009
Humanity Healing Foundation
Jan 29, 2009
i'm happy to find this network, can't believe i hadn't already!
i founded another Ning network with similar intentions, let's work together!
peace&LOVE allways!
Jan 30, 2009
Find more videos like this on A New Dawn
"Reality is what we believe it is within certain limits and those limits are variable. We do create our own reality!"
Jan 30, 2009
Always happy to meet a new friend on the path!Please use our petition page - get involved.
A New Dawn
Jan 31, 2009
Gill Dal Din
Jan 31, 2009
Andrew Cameron Bailey
Feb 1, 2009
Rene Wadlow
Rene Wadlow
The Special Session of the Human Rights Council on the eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on 28 November 2008 was the beginning of the end for self-proclaimed General Laurent Nkunda and his Congress for the Defense of the People (CNPD).
The Geneva-based Council had taken a long time in getting around to highlighting the human rights violations in the administrative provinces of North and South Kivu. The United Nations has some 17,000 peacemakers in Congo (MONUC), the UN’s largest peacekeeping mission, but their capacity is stretched to the limit. Their mission is to protect civilians, some 250,000 of which have been driven from their homes since the fighting intensified in late August 2008. Despite the MONUC troops, there have been large-scale occurrences of wilful violations of human rights and humanitarian law by all parties in the conflict, with massive displacement of populations, plundering of villages, systematic rape of women, summary executions and the use of child soldiers.
The eastern area of Congo is the scene of fighting at least since 1998 — in part as a result of the genocide in neighboring Rwanda in 1994. Efforts at reconciliation, reform and reconstruction have not been carried out in the eastern provinces. The illicit exploitation of natural resources, the inability to deal with land tenure and land use issues, the lack of social services and of socio-economic development have created the conditions which led to the current violence.
Systematic rape and the use of child soldiers are crimes which are covered by the mandate of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Rape is a violation of international humanitarian law. Additional Protocol II to the Geneva Conventions prohibits “violence to life, health and physical or mental well-being of persons, in particular murder as well as cruel treatment such as torture…outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment, rape, enforced prostitution and any form of indecent assault, slavery..”
Laurent Nkunda’s CNDP, also the pro-government militias often called the ‘Mayi-Mayi’ as well as the regular army of the Democratic Republic of Congo recruited and used child soldiers in the ongoing conflict. Child soldiers who attempt to escape have been killed or tortured, at times in front of other child soldiers to discourage further escapes. Child soldiers are forced to commit crimes, including murder and rape. Such crimes are a major barrier to community reconciliation and to successful reintegration of demobilized children as communities and even families fear the return of such brutalized children, who are consequently shunned. The use of child soldiers is contrary to international conditions to which the Democratic Republic of Congo is a party.
The 28 November session of the Human Rights Council sent indirect signals to the Rwandan government that its support for Nkunda might be more costly than it was worth. Although the African governments, members of the Council, did everything they could to avoid criticizing anyone and even the European Union governments kept things very general, the talks in the hallways and over cups of coffee left no doubt that the situation could not continue. The Asian countries, such as India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, which provide the great bulk of the UN forces were getting tired of having their troops considered weak and largely useless, unable to fulfil their mandate of protecting the population. The Asians pushed behind the scenes for changes.
The warnings finally got back to Kigali, the Rwandan capital and to Joseph Kabila, President of RDC, and a deal may have been struck. What follows is logical but there is no proof: The number two of Laurent Nkunda’s CNDP, Jean Basco Ntaganda, his chief of staff, had an arrest warrant of the International Criminal Court out against him for war crimes committed earlier when he headed his own militia before joining forces with Nkunda. In December 2008, Ntaganda, known as ‘the Terminator’, switched sides, denounced Nkunda and said that he and his men would now work with the Congolese army. Virtually at the same time, there was an agreement between the Congolese military and the Rwandan military to stage a joint operation against the Hutu militias on the Rwanda-Congo frontier. It was during this operation that Rwandan forces “arrested” Nkunda and took him out of the Congo to Kigali.
The possible Rwanda-Congo deal is that the Congo would protect Jean Bosco Ntaganda against the warrant of the ICC in exchange for his changing sides, while Rwanda would protect Laurent Nkunda but get him out of the Congo as he was causing a backlash against Rwanda. It is said that Nkunda was helped by Rwandan businessmen and factions within the army. It is possible that the government of Rwanda turned a blind eye rather than actively helping Nkunda. The deal may be that both Nkunda and Ntaganda would keep out of sight until the world’s attention, never very focused on the Congo in any case, turned to other matters.
However, both Nkunda and Ntaganda merit trial by the ICC. The courts of both Rwanda and Congo are inadequate at best. Rwanda and Congo could indicate their inability to provide fair trials to the men and transfer them to The Hague for trial. I would not hold my breath waiting, but what happens in the two cases is a test of the effectiveness of international justice.
Meanwhile, there are dangers that fighting and human rights violations in eastern Congo will continue unless measures are taken to deal with root causes of the conflicts. The people in eastern Congo have lived together for many centuries and had developed techniques of conflict resolution, especially between the two chief agricultural lifestyles: that of agriculture and cattle herding. However, recent economic and political factors have overburdened the local techniques of conflict resolution and have opened the door to new, negative forces interested only in making money and gaining political power.
UN peace-keeping troops are effective when there is peace to keep. What is required today is eastern Congo is not so much more soldiers under UN command, than reconciliation bridge-builders, persons who are able to restore relations among the ethnic groups of the area. The United Nations, national governments, and non-governmental organizations need to develop bridge-building teams which can help to strengthen local efforts at conflict resolution and re-establishing community relations. In the Kivus, many of the problems arise from land tenure issues. With the large number of people displaced and villages destroyed, it may be possible to review completely land tenure and land use issues.
World Citizens were among those in the early 1950s who stressed the need to create UN peace-keeping forces with soldiers especially trained for such a task. Today, a new type of world civil servant is needed — those who in areas of tension and conflict can undertake the slow but important task of restoring confidence among peoples in conflict, establishing contacts and looking for ways to build upon common interests.
Feb 2, 2009
Feb 2, 2009
Mike Balitao
Feb 6, 2009
Myspace Comment Codes
Feb 14, 2009
LeslieAnn Butler
Just wanted to stop by and say hello.
Mar 4, 2009
Silja Saareoks-Kaldre
All the luck, love and harmony for your life!
Mar 5, 2009
Apr 8, 2009
Apr 10, 2009
Gill Dal Din
Apr 16, 2009
Silja Saareoks-Kaldre
Thank you so much for joining the group! Have a wonderful day and enjoy the rest of the weekend! -Silja
Aug 22, 2009
Frizzey Greif
on this great place !!!
Aug 23, 2009