



Comment Wall:

  • Bruce Kunkel

    Please accept my eternal hug!

    Thanks for this!

    Big love! ...bk
  • Martin Fox

    And to you as well Sylvia. Your vision is so powerful. It touches my heart and fills my spirit with love and hope.

    Peace - Martin
  • Frizzey Greif

    ♥ ♥ ♥
    Thanks for the friendship Sylvia

    heartly welcome in
    Frizzey Lights World
    ♥ ♥ ♥
  • Erin Michelle

    A very humble, big hug to you!
    Love, Erin
  • darius M

    I like # 13
  • Geneva World Peace Festival

    Hello dear Sylvia, nice to meet you and thanks for the add and your good work, Keep giving. We are organizing the Geneva World Peace Festival and Peace Forum at the UN headquarters, Geneva. You and your friends are most welcomed to join our efforts anytime.
  • darius M

    Hola Sylvia...
    How's everything on that side of the wall?? sorry !! I forgot they knocked it down..Guess it is history never to become again..or do things repeat themselves over and over?? It seems from a long time ago our future
    Today I analized thus " how can I possibly live for an eternity, if I and cannot even handle a life span..true for most on coast to coast
    my eye remains open to the things I need see most in myself
    can this reflexion in the mirror really be described by words?
    Lucky for me to have felt the force that need not be spoken
    I so wish to keep control of...a steady grip
    sometimes in the palm of my hand and sometimes in my mind
    the day of reckoning...will be the day I find myself free from myself
    its simply complicating and easy to understand
    cause its all made of the same thing
    the thread of life..interwoven through all its frabrics
    are you and and me
  • carmelo rodriguez

    Hola Syliva: Check out the two videos on my page..See what you think.... thanks Car(a)melo
  • Erin Michelle

    Bon jour! Sylvia,
    I was watching on the news yesterday as Michelle Obama welcomed the school children to the re-opening of the White House to the public. She hugged them as they entered. Big Hug to you.
    Love, Erin
  • Erin Michelle

    Check out the Free Hugs video from Amara Rose!
  • carmelo rodriguez

    They are some of my Grand children and my two daugthers and my 2nd oldest son... I did add music... try to make it like a old film.... I'm learning as I play more with the computer... I'm never used a computer before till my kids gave me this one for christmas. This is like a new world for me.. Thanks for viewing the video Carmelo
  • Sukadev Bretz

    I wish you a wonderful day!

  • Erin Michelle

    Dear Sylvia,
    I was influenced by teachers in my family and even a few in my life and your sincere desire to speak clearly is worth a hundred lessons English. After all, Webster wrote the Collegiate Dictionary with different spellings and English, especially the way Americans treat it, is very casually regarded. My regards to you for learning a new language.
    Love, Erin
  • Geneva World Peace Festival

    Dear Sylvia, With pleasure, I will share ideas and projects for 2012. My office number is: 0041 22 338 94 83 - my cell phone:011 41 76 762 95 64 - my e-mail:
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Thank you Sylvia, I want to be part of the Big Hug!
    Blessings, LeslieAnn
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Such insightful observations regarding my work.
    Yes, I believe we are all one, and not separate, and at the same time we are individually expanding, exploring and growing, which includes joy and sorrow.
    I like to make my faces mysterious and let people decide what is going on which is usually a reflection of their own inner workings...
    I will tell people about the Big Hug!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Yes, I will join! Thanks for the web site.
  • carmelo rodriguez

  • Nancy

    Thanks, Sylvia! I'm on! un abrazo!
  • The Ancient One

    I have come to terms with the future. From this day onward I will
    walk easy on the earth. Plant trees. Kill no living things. Live in
    harmony with all creatures. I will restore the earth where I am.
    Use no more of its resources than I need. And listen, listen to
    what it is telling me.

    - M. J. Slim Hooey
  • Heloiza Averbuck

    Dear Sylvia,
    Thank you again for your frienship :)
    I love your photos!


    This one was taken last Saturday...
  • Ron Alexander

    Hi Sylvia, I am more a writer than an (fine) artist - the illustrations on my page are by Chad for my book Sailing and Swimming with Dolphins.
    I like what you are doing ! There is "magic, power and genius in your boldness." Your new friend, Ron
  • darius M

    love the colr green silvia
  • Ruth Garbus

    Sylvia, what an exciting, powerful idea. I am in Woodstock New York. What can I do to help.
