Richard Lukens


North San Juan, CA

United States

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What instrument does Carlos Santana play

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  • chad steele

    Thanks Rick, Here's the link to the event
    and here's the website
  • Jade'an "Blue Jay" Jourden

    Thanks Rick......I'm hoping to be out there soon again......we'll def hook up....I need to come see the facility..!!..

    I'm checking the web site today.....

    Peace Brother.....

  • Peace Portal

    Love & Blessings to you and your entire family; plus congratulations on the growing success of AOAND. In Peace, Stephen
  • Celestine Star

    Hi Richard, Great to be on this site. Feeling the love.
    Yes, let's get together soon.
  • gilda

    Sorry I've not replied, this is just a note to say I'll be back the next week I am going in the hospital for a few days or more. So I haven't forgot anyone just to much on my plate.
    Later and Enjoy the brilliance of the day...
  • The Dreaming People

    The Beatles - Good Day Sunshine.mp3 love :-))))))) dp
  • David Hauser

    Thanks you very much!
  • Jennifer Salima Holt, Ph.D.


    i have a show about compassion and peace that blends together sacred chant from many world spiritual lineages. i have a vision of performing it in europe on world peace day. any ideas of who i can contact?

    here's some info below so you know a little more what i'm talking about. by the way, i couldn't get my architect page to accept my video or music...

    salaams, jennifer salima


    Jennifer Salima Holt, Ph.D. is a Sufi music minister whose mission is to build bridges of peace and compassion across all world spiritualities and cultures. She recently produced a CD featuring several original combinations of interfaith spiritual chants (Ecstatic Groove: Sacred World Chant Infusions). Jennifer's multimedia performance, "Songs and Stories of Light, Love and Liberation," weaves together photographic images of compassion with stories and music, taking audiences on a journey into the heart to feel this universal truth: All of us are connected, regardless of our cultural and spiritual identities, and are capable of knowing deep and abiding peace. After the presentation, Jennifer creates a circle where individuals can discuss what the presentation evoked for them.

    For an example of her multimedia work, please click the link below (it takes a minute to load). The song you will watch is "Kyrie Karuna," a sacred song Jennifer created that is based on the Tibetan compassion chant, 'om padme hum,' fused with the Gregorian chant, 'kyrie liaison' (mercy of Christ).

    More information about Jennifer is available at her website:

    She can be reached via phone at (831) 531-4844 and email at
  • Aruna Fjastad

    Hey Rick..yup the real deal! Wonderful website...shall pad my portfolio a bit more when I get the patience to sit longer.
  • Susan Thompson

    Hello Richard, I'm Susan's partner, Richard Hite and I play music, Here is a link to an article written about what I play.
    One of my dreams is to someday play with Carlos. It would be unique and powerfully healing, I think Carlos knows the author of this next article at Robin Tolleson has also interviewed Carlos and he also thinks it would be a great connection for us to play together sometime.
  • Ron

    Hi Richard,
    Thanks for the welcome!. A friend of ours, Alied, advised us about these "Architecs" which are quite new to us. We'll have look around.
    Overhere things are fine, Winter is asiding and the smell of Spring is in the air.
    It takes "Every Kinda People" to make the world go around.... a great song I'm rehearsing to sing.
    Ron & Anita
  • Robert B. (Bob) Gelman

    Thanks Rick. Oddly, I've been getting the emails from the community seems, like over a year now. I hope to be able to contribute something useful and to help create magic here.
  • Erin Michelle

    Hi! Hope you're having a beautiful weekend! Also, hoping you can help me solve my email riddle. thanks! e
  • Jonathan Tien Onn Low

    Thanks a lot Richard! Really appreciate your thoughts. Wishing you well! =D
  • Earl Espero

    Thank you Richard
  • Erin Michelle

    Thanks! for getting back to me. i've been trying to switch my email address for months now but it won't stick. at some point, my new address was entered because now it tells me that my address is already taken (lol!) and it won't make the switch.
    i left messages in the problem section but now it's crunch time. the old address is going to stop being forwarded. could you clear my settings so i can get things straight? e
  • Pat Crosby

    Gracias, Rick,

    Es para mí un gran placer encontrar este maravilloso grupo de almas que residen aquí en el planeta Tierra. Y en la dimensión de Ning.

    Azarra me contó todo acerca de este maravilloso proyecto. Ella, sin embargo, no hacer justicia al alcance de las visiones brillantes, celebrada en este banco de la mente colectiva.

    Con todo respeto,

    Pat Crosby


    Thank you, Rick,

    It gives me great delight to find this wonderful group of souls residing here on planet earth. And in the dimension of Ning.

    Azarra told me all about this wonderful project. She, however, did not do full justice to the scope of the brilliant visions held in this collective mind bank.

    With Respect,

    Pat Crosby


    Translation courtesy of
  • The Dreaming People

  • Clint Shepherd

    Dear Mr. Lukens,
    My Class and I made this video about what we are doing for the people of Haiti. If you can promote this as much as possible that would be wonderful. I hope all is well with you.
    Here is the link and the Embed code:
  • Maja Bibb

    Hi Richard, Thank you for the warm welcome :) My profile picture is actually Bob Dylan my favourite musician :)

    Hi Richard! Good day! It's good to say LOVE with the right and full Portuguese it is very hard to do generally in conexition with sexual feelings. BUT IN ONE PLACE IN THE WORLD WE CAN SAY LOVE FOR FREEDON TO SAY LOVE..and I thanks you to remind me...just because it is very wonderfull FEEL LOVE INSIDE.



  • Jacqueline Janssen

    You made me feel welcomed. Thank you, Jaqi - -
  • Jim Hasse

    Hi Rick, Thanks for the welcome. It's good to be here.
  • Kathleen Bates

    Thanks Richard. Glad to be here :)
  • Aanica

    Hi Richard I just wanted to say hello again and thanks for your help, its such a nice place here and so beautiful I wont even change my page theme! have a wonderful week ahead...


  • Celestine Star

    Hi Richard,
    Would love to come by your office.
    I am house sitting until March 25 in Marin.
    Will give a call when I get back over on the East Bay.
    Loved the gathering was very beautiful
    I can see all the hard work you have put into it.
    Sending blessings and love
  • Jennifer Thacher Finch

    HI. Spring is here in the high desert! I spend my extra time trying to save the ancient native plants and animal rescue.

    More later!!!
  • MorningStar

    Hey there Richard,
    Thanks for the welcome - Re-entry point into the USA is Texas this year, sitting here, resting after a few months in the jungles of Peten, Guatemala. Received a great cosmic vision of 2012, while on the crystal/alabaster grid near Tikal, figuring out how to put into writing. Thinking about how I can be the change and assist others in the process on my next tour around the USA, starting at Easter. Full moon eclipse on the solstice (21-12-2010) this year opens a portal gateway that closes 21-12-2012, I will be in Tikal for mayan ceremony.
  • Michael Ehline, Esq.

    I love MDR. You look familiar.

  • Kent w Purdy

    The site looks awesome. I can feel the good vibes. We shall push forward . Kent
  • cinderella

    Thank you for the welcome and believe it or not that is my real name.
  • Patricia Summers

    Hey there Rick,
    Thank you so much for the awesome welcome!! I just updated my profile so you can read more there........

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • Lisa Jones

    Thank you! There's so much to look at and see.. Fun.
  • Stephen Rubick

    Thank you Rick for the welcome, I came across this site and followed my instincts. Having been a fan and friend of people close to Carlos, i.e. Steve Kahn, I know this project will bring light. I am looking forward to contributing.
  • Pat Maltais

    howdy Rick....I honestly can't remember, but prob picked up the link from my other sites I frequent. Hope all is well with you...pat:)
  • Michael du Frane

    Happy Earth Hour all 7 Billion(ish) of u two leggeds out there...remember be kind to eachother and Mama Earth.....and u can say the World Cultural Liaison of The International Association of Educators for World Peace said so....m;o)
  • John Greene

    Thank you for the update. If it wasn't for you, I would not have known about Earth Hour. Keep in touch!
  • Celestine Star

    Hi Rich,
    Does Tues, March 6th work for you?
    If so let me know where to meet you.
    Can we communicate via my
    Looking forward to our meeting.
  • Jared Goldman

    Thanks for the welcome. I just became a grandfather!!!
  • Fred Torres

    Thanks Richard, I just heard about the site, and the initiatives, today. Thanks for the add.
  • Shivana

    Thanks for the Welcome! It feels really good to be here. Slowly finding my way around the site...
  • Karen Alkire

    Hi Rick,
    We had snow here the other day .. melted by the next morning .. today is a bit overcast but I can see the sun just waiting for the opportunity to come out for a while .. ... visiting a friend today recovering from cancer surgery .. and bringing over some healthy food .. yes, I still love to feed people .. just like I did on the streets in Santa Cruz ... : ))
  • Mark J. Herrick

    Hi Rick ...
    I'm glad I remembered the AOAND group from the Santana site I saw months ago.
    It just came to my mind last night and I did a random search and found it.
    Please ...
    Post my original song; Become One, anywhere you think it will do the most good.
    I would also like to keep my presence visible to all the AOAND members
    offering my "free" new music course. Is there a way to keep visible and not
    get buried in all the people and become old news on AOAND?

    My new pattern music theory will help a lot of people including kids learn music fast.
    It took forty years to discover the Harmony Matrix® and the universal music code.
    I hope to do a 3D movie with one of the big animation companies.
    I have a storybook that relates to this work as well.
    It should get great public attention over the next few months as "New Music Theory".

    Do you have a way of bringing my AOAND page to Carlos Santana's attention?
    I know he would be interested in The Major Harmony® Project.
    I'm featuring professional musician on my new website.
    They are all sharing a word of wisdom and musical insight with the kids who are trying to learn music. I would really like Carlos to say something to the kids, if he would?
    The world needs to learn Harmony! Together, we can make it happen!

    Thanks, Mark Herrick
    AKA - Major Harmony®

    Hi Rick , always i send you positives from Scotland ,...trying to soak up our thin slice of sunshine , & listen to the birds & bees ,...glad you're enjoying my songs pal ,
    'hope you're in a happy place .

    Lloyd *
  • Peace Portal

    May you be blessed!
  • Mark J. Herrick

    Thank for helping!
    I understand the thing about contacting Carlos!
    I just have to trust that Harmony will happen at the right time!

    I was wondering?

    I have a complete album of Christos Isla songs.

    I'm selling my CHRISTOS ISLA™ cd on CDbaby.

    If I present them on my AOAND page will I retain my copyright for the song?

    Is there a general page for listening to songs on AOAND?

    I haven't seen my Become One song listed anywhere but on my own page.

    I don't want all my songs to become public domain.

    Some people have already purchased the album

    and I wouldn't want them to think I was being unfair.

    I would like to share my other songs with the AOAND members!


  • Cobbin McGee

    Thanks for welcoming me! I found the sith through Carlos Santana's facebook page. I am at viewer's far right in the photo. This was the 1987 Drum Major squad of Florida A&M University Marching "100" Band.
    Looking forward to fleshing out sustainable cultural features, with you and other like-minded people.
  • Tom Johansson

    Thanks for the welcome, Rick.. It will take me a little while to learn my way around the site. Once there, I look forward to contributing,.. Thanks Again
  • Michael Gagne

    Thanks for the nice greeting Rick. I like this site but havent figured out to have it use me. I aspire to more than just another social network experience. You all seem like gregarious innovative communicators and I am looking for immersion in that thing that can make us all live up to the highest expectations of ourselves. Any ideas?