Toba Valley is a pristine wilderness valley about 100 miles north of Vancouver, BC.
I don`t live there yet -- I live somewhat south of it -- but I own land up there with a group of people. It is my intention that it be the prototype of a new form of human settlement based on harmonizing and integrating with nature, rather than separating, subduing, and dominating nature, which has been the basis of human settlement for at least 40,000 years. It will literally be the architecture of a new dawn and a completely new paradigm of human settlement.
There are some shifts happening with the ownership of this land and there are opportunities for new participants to get involved.
Here is a link to my friend`s posting on Facebook about it...
am familiar with ning. thanks for the comment. what was disappointing is that becasue i wanted a new password since i forgot mine it stripped all my previous material and page and groups and everything... weird.... I had to start all over, even with my profile...I wonder if all ning sites do that. that really sucks. strange huh!
I prolly wont come back
Hey Richard,
Our paths have had crossed already somewhere on internet but still your questions, despite the fact they were asked so long time ago, deserve to be answered. Eventually.
At the time I joined the Architects site I was in a process of joining many activity groups over the internet trying/testing the waters whom or which group of people involved in the process will recognize our mission.
As far as I remember I was recommended by Yaron.
Anyway to keep you updated what's happening in UK, things are going according to the great plan. "Fortunately" I am not in position to share any details. The only thing I can reveal at present is:
When the project is a big project, then establish a big beginning, a big middle, and a big end.
About the big end you probably read about on my website, the beginning is a personal/family story where there is no space for that at present and the rest is only to be filled in between.
Anyway the reason I joined you is all about my father who is a great architect and I am here to share his project/this particular idea leading to global peace.
In Spirit of Global Peace Forever
Some info on my facebook page as well.
There is very little private land in British Columbia, especially like this!
It is a rare and special thing, especially in this time of potential ecological catastrophe with the gulf oil spill.
You probably didn't have THIS in mind, but we are trying to raise $25,000 by August to fill a budget shortfall for the Seeds of Knowledge Mayan School in San Mateo Ixtatan Guatemala. The Seeds of Knowledge School is facing a crisis and needs to pay its teachers! Any ideas? Bart Solowiej spent a month there setting up a computer lab for the school
Hi Richard... thank you... *blush*... I've never been featured before. I feel so honored. Something drew me magnetically to this site... it's beauty and warmth resonates.... we are all one... united at last. ONENESS. Namaste ~Cierra.
Thanks for the message. I just learned about you; six of my housemates are coming tomorrow. I cannot. Am sorry to miss this amazing event. What's up next?
Hi...I am not sure how to add info about me....I am in Toronto, Canada and I am looking to start a production company in film and media about our place on the planet and how we can live here with more ease and respect. If you are in Toronto, and would like to be part of it, then leave me your contact info....Thanks.....Essena
The pleasure is all mine, dear Rick, thank you to you. I am very happy to be here. j'aissaierai and from time to time to contribute.
Concerning my country, Senegal, poses me any questions you want, I'd be happy to give you the best fan possible answers.
Thank you again and you read plaisri
good day
thank you Rick, I joined because I'm not content with the world the way it is, and being here is "doing something" about it. Staying connected with like minded people helps us grow in strength and numbers, spirit and love.
Hey Richard
How is it going ... across the big pond!
I didn't know that you were at the helm of this project ..
how is your connection with Carlos ( a past employer of mine)
This Portal is awesome .. and just needs more respect in the light of future worlds! from some members!
Looking forward to hearing from you ..
Stanlode Of Eng
Hi Richard
Yes, I am on Kauai. I am a craniosacral bodyworker and a retired periodontist. Let me know when you come over and where you are staying. I live in Kilauea on the North Shore
That looks like a beautiful venue. Best of luck with it.
I did not realize how long ago (Oct) you wrote the note to me until after I replied. I went to the site in response to a different note, then saw yours. Anyway, let me know when you return.
I am not a musician. I am a community tv producer. want to participate on "Heritage Music Circle' (HMC) discussions and follow up with talented region based music solos & bands ?
if yes, that's a mission of my facebook group, HMC.
Hey Rick. It tis' me... of Capitola College - Earth Day heritage!!! Nice portal. I can't believe I haven't spent more time here yet. Have to figure things out a bit more first, and then will probably progressively get more involved. Take care! :o)
I am at Northern Virginia. my community tv show is "Our Family Origins" . Been doing it for many years as an unpaid community service for my northern virginia commuinty.
Yeah, congrats! Lookin' good... and, going up a notch is ALWAYS welcome and exciting news! Hope I eventually help in some small way. This could easily be the next SpaceBook for progressive thinkers! 500,000,000 here we come!
I'm in film & tv production... primarily in a technical sense. After 25 grateful yrs of it... I'm looking for new hat tricks! I'd like to be busier producing thought provoking projects of my own in lieu of the mindless ones that "pay my bills"... or else, get out of media all together and just live a very simple life. Right now, I can't decide which... but, I'm actively trying to re-invent myself to a degree. I look forward to examine what is happening here more closely.
Thanks for your visit, Richard!
"let me know any ideas you have for this site as we want to start making changes and need input from people around the world"
Well, I would like to meet various people from various countries to listen to their music and to read lyrics and books... I like country style and fictions like Westerns, Richard. As for Tashkent I live in, this city is under construction for every day - new buildings and even the whole new streets. I live here for a long time and never saw the rains at this time. While it is still hot here, about 37 C, the climate is changing on our planet and I watch the rain from my window right now. July is the very hot time here and therefore it is so pleasant to feel autumn's approximation..
Many thanks for your message; I am extremely excited about joining this wonderful network....I'll be working on my profile over the next few days and will submit it as soon as I can. I am a musician and play the cello amongst other things and want to put some of my music up there to help strengthen our spiritual and musical connections.
I am the partner of Stanley Whitehouse, with whom you have made contact so you can see where I fit in and how I found out about this. We both feel so uplifted by the energy of the Architects of a New Dawn; really enjoyed your Awakening presentation, thank you thank you thank you!
nice meeting you here... Just returned to Cincinnati, OH from Niger, West Africa where I was teaching kids in an international school for three years. Being back and watching the CREATION of new journeys in my work with life coaching, wellness coaching, creative thought, mystical poetry and self-expression... all THIS has been a FLOW of timeless wonder.
Thank you brother. Not sure how I'll contribute to this forum, but have enough interest in the "vision" to want to possibly add some value. Still working on navigating the terrain, and will consider setting up a profile soon. I'm attempting to find a meaningful way to integrate the "known" with the pragmatic reality of life here in the good ole US. More to come. Any suggestion s as to how to use this site efficiently would be appreciated. I'm not an artist, musician, or any of a myriad of right brain types, but I "see" there value and pray for their contribution to be heard. I attended a Carlos concert last night in NJ. First time in over 30 years. My brother still has the magic, and has learned how to harness the spirit in even more profound musical ways. So I stopped in to this site today and we'll see where it goes from here. Peace. Jim Hofford
We found this website while searching Google Images for inspiration/ideas. Liza is a mosaic artist and Larry her husband/assistant, are concerned and wish to communicate through our art, a sense of caring and encouragement for those who are like minded. Should you have time, please visit our website at for a better idea. Most of the work done over the past five years is depicted (most not available).
Your courage and effort is gratifying.
I looked at your wonderful "Pavilion" facility. It looks like it would be a wonderful location to host a "Internation Romany Festival" in 2011 or 2012 ?
If you are city would be interested in hosting such an event, perhaps it would be appropriate to contact the Romany Museum located in Museum Of Romany Culture located at Czech Republic to see if they would be interested in collaborating with your city as was the case in 2007 event at Khamaroro ?
Thanks, Rick, for the welcome,
To answer your question, my youngest daughter in Zanzibar sent me the invite this morning and I was happy to respond. Ghana has been my permanent home since 2001 - it is an exciting time to be living in Africa, with an incredible combination of potentiality and challenges. There is an energy that is very tangible, and it is critical now for the people to channel it in ways which will benefit all mankind. I hope that in my small way that I am able to make a positive contribution. This is a time of change - with energy rising, with consciousness rising, with hope for a "new earth", and I am happy to be living just now in the "Home of All Mankind".
Best wishes,
I pray that the Angels of Light stand by your side.
Protecting your Spirit and Soul from the
dark forces that seek to cause you harm;
I pray that the Angels of Light walk with you.
Guiding your path and continuously lighting your way;
I pray that the Angels of Light surround you.
Ensuring their Love and the love of the Creator
continues to flow through you, Keeping your
Spirit high and your Soul warm;
I Pray that you continue to let your Love of Life
develop into a Life of Love.
As the light of your Soul becomes a beacon
Of truth, peace, hope, and Love to all around you.
HI RICHARD Thank you for the welcome
I have been inviting by a friend
the site is interestingt my I'm sorry my english is bad but I want to participate for change of our world
Hi Richard, I am totally embarrassed that I didn't answer you way back when. Please feel free to feature my art work at any time.
Love your photos! This is a fantastic website, and being a friend of Dania, I know how hard you all work to make this keep happening.
I teach, so my painting is always on the back burner.
Best always, Joy
When did they and why did they decide upon this big change, or was it happening when I was deep into computer problems, probably is the answer. What happned to my old page with my picture just curious, probably in the spam mail, good. I reckon it is okay to change at a whim when nobody is looking, anyway you can find me on facebood I think unless they too are changing, who knows.
The only change I want to see is to DUMP THE WAR AND MILITARY, no hate just time
Perhaps, each day should have a presentation by a member. Simple to elaborate in the top left column. An editor could work with them to develop their message during the month up to their presentation day. It would add a dynamic that could grow into the 24 hour TV station. Just a thought. Thanks for all this.
Hi Rich,
I've posted a new video ( youtube) of our latest theater production.It's called MitilĂ and it's about peace, unity and creation. Help to spread it.
un abrazo Wolf
Andrea Goldsmith
Toba Valley is a pristine wilderness valley about 100 miles north of Vancouver, BC.
I don`t live there yet -- I live somewhat south of it -- but I own land up there with a group of people. It is my intention that it be the prototype of a new form of human settlement based on harmonizing and integrating with nature, rather than separating, subduing, and dominating nature, which has been the basis of human settlement for at least 40,000 years. It will literally be the architecture of a new dawn and a completely new paradigm of human settlement.
There are some shifts happening with the ownership of this land and there are opportunities for new participants to get involved.
Here is a link to my friend`s posting on Facebook about it...
Jun 21, 2010
Andrea Goldsmith
Jun 21, 2010
bob banner
am familiar with ning. thanks for the comment. what was disappointing is that becasue i wanted a new password since i forgot mine it stripped all my previous material and page and groups and everything... weird.... I had to start all over, even with my profile...I wonder if all ning sites do that. that really sucks. strange huh!
I prolly wont come back
Jun 21, 2010
Jun 21, 2010
Arlita Vialpando
Jun 21, 2010
Dionicio (Dan) B Nisnisan
Jun 22, 2010
Marek Zielinski
Our paths have had crossed already somewhere on internet but still your questions, despite the fact they were asked so long time ago, deserve to be answered. Eventually.
At the time I joined the Architects site I was in a process of joining many activity groups over the internet trying/testing the waters whom or which group of people involved in the process will recognize our mission.
As far as I remember I was recommended by Yaron.
Anyway to keep you updated what's happening in UK, things are going according to the great plan. "Fortunately" I am not in position to share any details. The only thing I can reveal at present is:
When the project is a big project, then establish a big beginning, a big middle, and a big end.
About the big end you probably read about on my website, the beginning is a personal/family story where there is no space for that at present and the rest is only to be filled in between.
Anyway the reason I joined you is all about my father who is a great architect and I am here to share his project/this particular idea leading to global peace.
In Spirit of Global Peace Forever
Jun 25, 2010
Andrea Goldsmith
There is very little private land in British Columbia, especially like this!
It is a rare and special thing, especially in this time of potential ecological catastrophe with the gulf oil spill.
Jun 26, 2010
Beth Neville Evans
Jun 29, 2010
Jun 29, 2010
Kate Horan
Jun 29, 2010
whasabe Jonathan Eden
I hope to contribute music in the near future,
Blessings, Whasabe
Jul 2, 2010
Anne Rogers
Jul 3, 2010
Rminta Jonyniene
Jul 8, 2010
Michael Picucci
On blog is last months article I wrote for titled: Spontaneous Remission From Collective Insanity. Enjoy!
Jul 8, 2010
Jul 8, 2010
Pat Maltais
Jul 8, 2010
sauel blaise joseph ndiaye
Concerning my country, Senegal, poses me any questions you want, I'd be happy to give you the best fan possible answers.
Thank you again and you read plaisri
good day
Jul 8, 2010
curtis mason
Jul 8, 2010
Wendy DeMos
Thank you !
Jul 10, 2010
Cobbin McGee
Jul 12, 2010
mark thomas
Jul 12, 2010
lori jay ryan
Jul 13, 2010
Kathy Sittloh
Jul 13, 2010
MariTrini Nowland
Jul 14, 2010
Michael Fitzgerald
Jul 14, 2010
How is it going ... across the big pond!
I didn't know that you were at the helm of this project ..
how is your connection with Carlos ( a past employer of mine)
This Portal is awesome .. and just needs more respect in the light of future worlds! from some members!
Looking forward to hearing from you ..
Stanlode Of Eng
Jul 14, 2010
David H Dinner
Yes, I am on Kauai. I am a craniosacral bodyworker and a retired periodontist. Let me know when you come over and where you are staying. I live in Kilauea on the North Shore
Jul 18, 2010
David H Dinner
I did not realize how long ago (Oct) you wrote the note to me until after I replied. I went to the site in response to a different note, then saw yours. Anyway, let me know when you return.
Jul 18, 2010
waldenthree coordinator
if yes, that's a mission of my facebook group, HMC.
Jul 18, 2010
Michael Cottrell
Jul 19, 2010
waldenthree coordinator
avi dey
Jul 20, 2010
Michael Cottrell
I'm in film & tv production... primarily in a technical sense. After 25 grateful yrs of it... I'm looking for new hat tricks! I'd like to be busier producing thought provoking projects of my own in lieu of the mindless ones that "pay my bills"... or else, get out of media all together and just live a very simple life. Right now, I can't decide which... but, I'm actively trying to re-invent myself to a degree. I look forward to examine what is happening here more closely.
Jul 20, 2010
Vlad Maccoohin
"let me know any ideas you have for this site as we want to start making changes and need input from people around the world"
Well, I would like to meet various people from various countries to listen to their music and to read lyrics and books... I like country style and fictions like Westerns, Richard. As for Tashkent I live in, this city is under construction for every day - new buildings and even the whole new streets. I live here for a long time and never saw the rains at this time. While it is still hot here, about 37 C, the climate is changing on our planet and I watch the rain from my window right now. July is the very hot time here and therefore it is so pleasant to feel autumn's approximation..
Jul 20, 2010
Heather Stratfold
Many thanks for your message; I am extremely excited about joining this wonderful network....I'll be working on my profile over the next few days and will submit it as soon as I can. I am a musician and play the cello amongst other things and want to put some of my music up there to help strengthen our spiritual and musical connections.
I am the partner of Stanley Whitehouse, with whom you have made contact so you can see where I fit in and how I found out about this. We both feel so uplifted by the energy of the Architects of a New Dawn; really enjoyed your Awakening presentation, thank you thank you thank you!
Kind regards, Heather (Stratfold)
Jul 21, 2010
Cezarina Trone
nice meeting you here... Just returned to Cincinnati, OH from Niger, West Africa where I was teaching kids in an international school for three years. Being back and watching the CREATION of new journeys in my work with life coaching, wellness coaching, creative thought, mystical poetry and self-expression... all THIS has been a FLOW of timeless wonder.
Jul 21, 2010
James M. Hofford
Jul 21, 2010
L. L. Wheeler
Your courage and effort is gratifying.
Jul 22, 2010
waldenthree coordinator
If you are city would be interested in hosting such an event, perhaps it would be appropriate to contact the Romany Museum located in Museum Of Romany Culture located at Czech Republic to see if they would be interested in collaborating with your city as was the case in 2007 event at Khamaroro ?
Jul 22, 2010
Rod McLaren
To answer your question, my youngest daughter in Zanzibar sent me the invite this morning and I was happy to respond. Ghana has been my permanent home since 2001 - it is an exciting time to be living in Africa, with an incredible combination of potentiality and challenges. There is an energy that is very tangible, and it is critical now for the people to channel it in ways which will benefit all mankind. I hope that in my small way that I am able to make a positive contribution. This is a time of change - with energy rising, with consciousness rising, with hope for a "new earth", and I am happy to be living just now in the "Home of All Mankind".
Best wishes,
Jul 24, 2010
Michael Robinson
My Dear Richard,
I pray that the Angels of Light stand by your side.
Protecting your Spirit and Soul from the
dark forces that seek to cause you harm;
I pray that the Angels of Light walk with you.
Guiding your path and continuously lighting your way;
I pray that the Angels of Light surround you.
Ensuring their Love and the love of the Creator
continues to flow through you, Keeping your
Spirit high and your Soul warm;
I Pray that you continue to let your Love of Life
develop into a Life of Love.
As the light of your Soul becomes a beacon
Of truth, peace, hope, and Love to all around you.
Love and Eternal Blessings,
~ Michael ~
Jul 24, 2010
Chris Cirincione-Coles
I am so sorry that it has taken me a year to respond.... yes, I am Diane's niece.
Jul 24, 2010
I have been inviting by a friend
the site is interestingt my I'm sorry my english is bad but I want to participate for change of our world
Jul 27, 2010
Joy D Baker
Love your photos! This is a fantastic website, and being a friend of Dania, I know how hard you all work to make this keep happening.
I teach, so my painting is always on the back burner.
Best always, Joy
Jul 28, 2010
Joy D Baker
Jul 28, 2010
Jackie ONeil
The only change I want to see is to DUMP THE WAR AND MILITARY, no hate just time
Jul 29, 2010
Thea Kynthia
WOW ! THANKS!...don't know how I missed this...
but since ALL time is NOW...I'm sure that the
field of resonance is set in motion.
Jul 30, 2010
Maya Zuckerman
Jul 30, 2010
J. David Morrison
Jul 30, 2010
Wolf Eisenhuth
I've posted a new video ( youtube) of our latest theater production.It's called MitilĂ and it's about peace, unity and creation. Help to spread it.
un abrazo Wolf
Jul 31, 2010