Ed Lantz


Philadelphia, PA

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Ed... thanks for joining the site today... hope you find something interesting here and can post some content of your own...


  • Doobius J

    Hi Ed~ I've been checking out your awesome domes. Are you interested in doing an event in Costa Rica? Let me know. Peace, joy and wildness, DJ
  • Gary Schoenberg

    Hi Ed,

    Thanks for friending me. This looks like a cool website. I am heading to the shore for the week with my family and will see if I can get on line while down there and play around a bit on this site. I will probably have lots of down time in the rain.

  • Elisabetta Errani Emaldi

  • No'a Winter Lazerus

    Graci Ed -

    Now on to the creative "blueprints" we Architects adore.

  • alexandra leh

    ...the connective tissue is becoming healthier by the day. kmc and i convened last night for meal & movie, and discussed, among many things, our enjoyment of the evolution...
  • Edie Weinstein-Moser

    oh you made my day...who doesn't like to be called 'beautiful'? Count me in on the event with Michael Beckwith...still wanting to interview him:) Let me know ASAP and I am so there! Is there a date set for the event?


  • Joanne Warfield

    Hi Love,

    We are about 6 hours north putting us home about 1 a.m. It's been wonderful except for horrible traffic except for the coast which was smooth sailing and stunning. It will be good to get home.

    See you soon!

  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Ed... boy you are busy... nice to join your group and read more about you... there is much we have in common it seems and from what I read several touch points for a discussion... let me know if we can talk by phone sometime... this project has many of the same goals as you do, obviously and perhaps we can collaborate in some meaningful way.


  • Frizzey Greif

    Hey Ed
    Nice to meet you here

    welcome in the
  • Joanne Warfield

    Hey Ed, Back from travels for a minute and able to check in here with a real computer. Great things going on. Have fun in San Francisco...
  • John Savale

    Wow! What a great group,Ed! I think I'm going to love it..thanks for starting it,John
  • Joanne Warfield

    Smiles Back! Expanding the circle...

  • Jeff Hutner

    you got it...look forward to seeing you again here and in person :)
  • Dan Gaylinn

    Hey Ed,

    I've got a couple of papers I'm working on that are more conducive to the lay (read: not academic) audiences. When these are completed, I'll be sure to post them to the TM&E group. In the meantime, my dissertation has already gone to press and should be in the scientific literature (Library of Congress) by the end of the summer.

    Love what you're doing. Keep up the good work. If you have time, would like to connect in person while you're in SF next month, let me know.
  • Teresa Hernandez

  • Teresa Hernandez

    Hello to Ed Lantz and the entire Transformative Media Group.

    I am Teresa R. Hernandez and I am currently involved in a massive transformative multi-media event called Woodstock 40th Anniversary free Peace Concert Convergence and Eco-village in San Francisco, California Golden Gate Park on October 25, 2009.
    Boots Hughston of 2b1 Multimedia Inc.,the Council of Light, BEN-HER Media Group, Hearts and Hands Elders and many other spiritual peace activists are collaborating to plan this Harmonic Peace Convergence. Just like Ed Lantz group, we have a vision of collaboration, and transformation to the Mind Shift, Peace Shift and Power Shift towards green technologies, Earth's conservation and a celebration of Oneness on a global scale. Artists, musicians, entertainers, grassroots organizers, educators, multi-media innovators, tech industry leaders in live streaming, virtual presence and interactive media have joined 2b1 in this collaborative venture!

    The TV/Network /Radio and Internet Press Releases are planned for August 12, 2009. This historic global peace convergence is a collaborative, passion project that has contributors from multiple industries and networks. The collaborators are volunteering their talents as a gift of bestowal to their community ( the Bay Area) the state, the nation and the world. The message is hope, change and transformation to a global, collaborative, peace economy society. All are invited to join 2b1 in this peace event. It is our gift to everyone who believes in a better world. Our hearts and minds are open to imagining a better place, a better world and the synergy and umoja that will sustain it.

    Congratulations on your own collborative efforts in Los Angeles.I was born in Long Beach and lived in L.A. County all my life until 2001. Now I am in the Bay Area.I have joined various social peace portal collaboratives (AOAND, ipeace.me, and Frizzey Lights ) to learn how best to continue to spread the vision of global oneness.
    Don't forget your friends in Los Angeles - Prevent Hate.org and the folks at the Museum of Tolerance who are also working towards collaborative multi-media events to bring about social-political-community and global transformation. Prevent Hate will be joining us for the Woodstock collaborative--- peace and non-violence message. We are expecting 200,000 or more peace givers
    (guests) in Speedway Meadows, Golden Gate Park on October 25, 2009 for this free peace collaborative event. Please plan to enjoy this day with all of us -either in person or via virtual live streaming! We also are supporting and endorsing Jeremy Gilley UK from peaceoneday.org for promoting world peace on International Peace Day on September 21, 2009.
    There are multiple opportunities for all to participate in spiritual, visionary,Transformational Media collaboratives.
    Frizzey Lights in Europe and Christopher of Global New Media Project in Florida also share our common passion.

    Thank you Ed Lantz for starting this group at AOAND to share projects, ideas and vision in a collaborative, non-competitive mind set.

    I am also a member of Richard Lukens AOAND Bay Area Architects group.
    In peaceful synergy with all of you,
    Teresa R. Hernandez Peace Activist Teacher Sunnyvale, California

    For more information about this transformational collaborative ( Woodstock 40th Anniversary- West Fest) do not hesitate to call
    Benjamin F. Hernandez Founding Member of Hearts and Hands Elders and President BEN-HER-Media Group ( 408) 243-6690 benhermediagroup@gmail.com
    Together through our combined efforts, we can each be the change we seek.
  • Colleen O'Rourke

    Hi Ed, I am delighted to join your group and extend my hand of friendship to you. Love and joy, Colleen
  • Colleen O'Rourke

  • Colleen O'Rourke

    Enjoy, my friend!
  • Cindy

  • The Ancient One

    "If you are a dreamer come in
    If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar
    A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer
    If youre a pretender com sit by my fire
    For we have some flax golden tales to spin
    Come in!
    Come in!"
    — Shel Silverstein

    ED! I'm so happy we are friends; and our groups have much in common. I can't wait to become more a part of it. I'm really impressed with your virtuosity of talent and multi.media engineering; and still staying balanced in the business worlds. I'd love to see some of your work.

    About me: Although I'm accenting my screenplay UPLINK 2012.the countdown here, my main site is: www.future-time.tv. I'd love for us to some day combine our talents. I see that you are a visual engineer, large immersive environments, multi.media, optical effects, etc., and can surely be part of the vision. I believe all of our visions merge, anyway, it is so amazing how everything is an extension of the other. I think you'd love VORTEX OF THE TIME.SPACE.PLACE, too, a tv series deriving the entire multi.media with which FUTURE.TIME environments are based; or is it the other way around!??

    Talk to you soon, EARA
  • Chris Braithwaite

    Hi Ed
    I went to a presentation on Tuesday by a guy called Martyn Ware. He was one of the founding members of The Human League and Heaven 17 - UK electronic pop bands. He now works in a whole series of areas using sound immersion technology. It put me in mind of yourself. He was showing the use of total immersion spaces for sound and vision. Some interresting stuff with children with disabilities. His main company is called Illustrious the website is www.illustriouscompany.co.uk.
    Whilst it has a UK contact point they do work all over the World.
    I think you would have a lot in common. Anyway check them out. If you do decide to make contact I would interested to hear how you get on.
  • waldenthree coordinator

    Appreciate communications with you on common/complimentary interests relating to our small group initiative in PA, Twin Project USA C2C PA-VA.

    comments ?

    Avi Dey
    technology innovation consultant and
    community tv producer.
    fairfax, va

    Phone: 703-281-1358

    (not reachable by phone unless phone appointment. reachable easily
    via email or social network instant chat & message tools)

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