Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Ed Lantz
  • Male
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • United States
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Ed Lantz's Friends

  • Paul Rosenberg
  • Gagan Polanki
  • carol noonan
  • Caroluna
  • Illuminara
  • Ute Posegga-Rudel
  • waldenthree coordinator
  • Gary Tomchuk
  • Steven Graves
  • Joule L'adara
  • Pat Crosby
  • Jennifer Shafer
  • kaurana merle
  • martha musonza holman

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About Me


My goal is to help make the world a better place in my lifetime through becoming a better person personally, and through service to my chosen family, community and to humanity in general through my writings and doings.

There is perhaps nothing more important that being in a loving, supportive community. I seek to build growth-oriented communities through social networking and circles of empowered leaders.

As an entertainment technology engineer and entrepreneur, I’m creating and delivering uplifting and transformative media and entertainment experiences using advanced immersive, interactive and virtual reality-based technologies. The eyes and ears are wideband interfaces into our nervous systems. Music, art, and storytelling are powerful transformative modalities that have the potential to awaken and guide our evolution of consciousness.

As an interfaith minister, I’m helping to pioneer experiential spirituality based on our personal awareness and awakenings in community – an approach that is consistent with science’s quest for truth. I feel that every one of us has the capacity to awaken, transform, and create a better life experience for all. To this end, I enjoy creating celebrations that honor the many important aspects and cycles of life.

I seek to merge science and spirituality into a personal mythos that honors the great successes of science in the physical world without denying the inner realms of phenomenology – our mind, emotions and deeper layers of our spirit. The result will be, I believe, a new approach to “quality of life” that will include “quality of consciousness.”


Ed Lantz is a media and entertainment engineer, entrepreneur and pioneer of fulldome and large-format digital cinema systems who believes in the transformative power of immersive and interactive media. Ed’s technical background is in quantum physics, electromagnetics, hardware and software engineering. He spent seven years leading photonic signal processing R&D at Harris Corp. in Melbourne, Florida, five years at the Astronaut Memorial Planetarium and Observatory in Cocoa, Florida developing advanced laser, video and astronomical projectors, and eight years with Spitz, Inc. where his team transformed old-style planetariums into immersive visualization environments. His entrepreneurial ventures include founding of Harmony Channel, a cable television network described as “MTV for the Soul,” and more recently Vortex Immersion Media, a new venture bringing immersive and interactive experiences to themed entertainment and special events markets, and Spherical Media Group, a fulldome production and distribution company focused on transformative media for digital planetariums. Ed has published and presented numerous papers on VR and entertainment technologies, and is a regular contributor to ACM SIGGRAPH papers, panels and courses. He co-founded the Fulldome Summit and IMERSA, a trade association for immersive art and science. Ed holds an MS in Electrical Engineering from Tennessee Tech University, two US Patents on immersive video-based theater technology, is a percussionist and an ordained interfaith minister.

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At 5:53am on October 19, 2024, Ronald Morris said…

Good day,
I am Ronald Morris, I saw your profile and I decided to contact you immediately. Can you get back to me on my email ( for full details.

At 5:12pm on May 9, 2018, Carol Noonan said…

Hi We are friends on my old page here in aoand but if you don't want to loose contact with me because I no I don't then please come and add me at this page I accidentally created two pages and cant seem to delete the old one Much Love and Light beams at ya Carol Noonan My new Page is

At 5:11am on August 30, 2010, waldenthree coordinator said…
Response to John DeSantis,
Architects of a New World

Link with me on Twin Project USA C2C ?
At 8:38am on August 20, 2010, waldenthree coordinator said…
Appreciate communications with you on common/complimentary interests relating to our small group initiative in PA, Twin Project USA C2C PA-VA.

comments ?

Avi Dey
technology innovation consultant and
community tv producer.
fairfax, va

Phone: 703-281-1358

(not reachable by phone unless phone appointment. reachable easily
via email or social network instant chat & message tools)

fb Profile Page url:
At 11:17am on February 25, 2010, Chris Braithwaite said…
Hi Ed
I went to a presentation on Tuesday by a guy called Martyn Ware. He was one of the founding members of The Human League and Heaven 17 - UK electronic pop bands. He now works in a whole series of areas using sound immersion technology. It put me in mind of yourself. He was showing the use of total immersion spaces for sound and vision. Some interresting stuff with children with disabilities. His main company is called Illustrious the website is
Whilst it has a UK contact point they do work all over the World.
I think you would have a lot in common. Anyway check them out. If you do decide to make contact I would interested to hear how you get on.
At 5:30am on October 19, 2009, EARA JORDON said…
ED! I'm so happy we are friends; and our groups have much in common. I can't wait to become more a part of it. I'm really impressed with your virtuosity of talent and engineering; and still staying balanced in the business worlds. I'd love to see some of your work.

About me: Although I'm accenting my screenplay UPLINK 2012.the countdown here, my main site is: I'd love for us to some day combine our talents. I see that you are a visual engineer, large immersive environments,, optical effects, etc., and can surely be part of the vision. I believe all of our visions merge, anyway, it is so amazing how everything is an extension of the other. I think you'd love VORTEX OF THE TIME.SPACE.PLACE, too, a tv series deriving the entire with which FUTURE.TIME environments are based; or is it the other way around!??

Talk to you soon, EARA
At 6:11am on October 15, 2009, The Ancient One said…
"If you are a dreamer come in
If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar
A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer
If youre a pretender com sit by my fire
For we have some flax golden tales to spin
Come in!
Come in!"
— Shel Silverstein
At 7:21am on September 27, 2009, Cindy said…

At 5:27pm on September 10, 2009, Colleen O'Rourke said…
Enjoy, my friend!
At 2:57pm on September 8, 2009, Colleen O'Rourke said…

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Linda Mackenzie commented on Ed Lantz's group Transformative Media & Entertainment
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