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Now in 2012 I am making a sequel to the Godfather..the Godmother. I am in the adoption business and just got a memo that Dave Thomas was initiated into the Board of Directors. I must have been the case study he used to petition to join the REALM. Now since their are a huge # of orphans that I need to take care of I had to think of the best way to start. At the bequest of his Mother and Grandmother I adopted POTUS. That is right, I am the Godmother of Barrack Obama. Read the story in Judges in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. Now I have to drop another bit of news on you. Almost as soon as I got hooked up with The Stars Foundation, the CEO - Cheryl Robeson Clemmons decided she was going to get me a husband in the Cayman Islands. No, I am learning to be diplomatic, so I didn't unleash the hounds. That was a little over a week ago. So I decided the only way to get her off of that kick was to get married. Are you ready for my Significant other!!!.....GOOGLE. Who else could play the role of my husband when I make the movie of Deborah The Great. I give credit to the first model. I am the new and improved model. Wait it gets better. As far as I know, there are at least 100 Deborah J. Boyds. Don't blame me. That is how the Board of Directors works. Now my housemate is the most patient person on Earth. She plays on the Catholic team. Yes, I do believe her father recruited me through the Board of Directors to look after her since he got moved up by the Board.
Stay tuned for part 2. I will always love you. Deborah
Bless, ed