Richard Lukens


North San Juan, CA

United States

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What instrument does Carlos Santana play

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  • Markus

    Hello Rick, thank you so much for your feedback ... I was very quiet again a time ... Now I am back ... And I think this time is like a bigger step :o)

    Blessings and all Love you can share ... and find :o)

  • Markus

    Nothing to thank ... :o) but if you say ... You inspire me ;o)

    Love and Peace ... ... we are walking (wrong sound but soon better ;o)

    Dearest Richard,
    I want to share more... as I'm uploading a video from my interview regarding my book, Holiday in Hell, there's a problem on the upload...but I will figure it out...tomorrow.
    May your day be full of brilliant light,
    Trisha Smith

    Good Morning to All Beautiful People,
    May your every moment be energized with a creative surge in word, action, and thought. May love shine in your eyes, your voice bring life to all around you, and mostly may you have peace in all and all!
    Trisha Smith
  • Catherine Abdy

    Hi Richard

    Thank you for welcoming me. I was guided to this site on 10/10/10 so quite significant ha! Is there somewhere I can write a profile piece on AOAND to start with before suggesting a group please?

    I am a lightworker and Reiki Master and having recently emerged and healed from my 13 year dark night of the soul, ha, am excited about working with like-minded people to remind people who they are and how to live from their heart x
  • keith barnard

    Thank you so very much Richard , and I hope that you and your friends may be able to come to my recital . All my very best wishes........Keith .
  • Soma Khare

    hello...thank u for the add...n thanku for liking my profile pic....n i hav got ur profile from the celebration of women.........!!!!!
  • Soma Khare

    thank u sir..thank u very much for ur valuable comment.....i really liked it.....n i really loved the way u called me creative n inspired...!!! its really nice to add u as a frnd....i alway want to be frnd with nice n gr8 souls like u....!!!!
  • Dan Bromley

    Hi Richard,

    Nice to hear from you - I've added a little more description to my photos. I'll get a few more up soon...
  • Roger S.J. Sattler

    Thanks for the nice personal touch, Richard, and for all you do. Nice to learn you know Port Orchard. It is a great place getting better. I relocated here three years ago to make a permanent commitment to the long term care of my widowed disabled sister-in-law, Christina, 62. She suffered a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) in a '68 honeymoon car accident with my brother, Lee. They were married in Santa Monica and I was in their wedding, home for the summer from community organization work I was doing as a Peace Corps volunteer in the squatter settlements of Lima, Peru.

    Lee transitioned in 2001 from a sudden heart attack at age 57. I lived in his shoes, literally, for two months to assess her strengths, needs, opportunities and resources. I set up a care community for her, then managed it from DC where I lived most of my life after returning from Peru..

    I've helped Christina stay in her home to successfully meet her independent living goals. She has a very special story that I urge you to read on my "Can Lady of Port Orchard" photo album on Facebook. It is great and still in rudimentary form. I think you will find a lot of other things of interest in my diverse site, including this emerging gift from Carlos who I have loved since the 60s.

    I am an eternal optimist with no doubt that we can create the critical mass of positive energy we need to save the planet and humanity. In Nov '96, I received some very clear words as I awoke from a dream..."Combine technology with the Spirit of God to make the quantum leap to eradicate poverty." I believe we are now seeing a re-uniting of spirit and science that will do just that with flood of music and arts that will make the Renaissance look like the L.A. County Fair.

    LOVE, peace, forgiveness, joy, gratitude, faith, HOPE and care for both of you and for all, Roger
  • Roger S.J. Sattler

    Funny, I was just about to leave the site for now after replying to you when I saw Mick and Tina above from the Live Aid concert. I kid you not...after years...I sent a You Tube video of that performance to a lady friend of mine here just last week! She hadn't seen it. I told her it was the most electrifying performance I have seen. I've watched her perform the same songs on video with McCartney and Clapton and they reveal in a big way Mick's very special erotic talent.
  • Roger S.J. Sattler

    Thanks, Richard, for featuring my Internet image today. Check out the comment I posted and also sent to you via separate message. Peace and love...still crazy after all these years.....
  • Roger S.J. Sattler

    Richard: This is a great you know Vimeo? Seems to fit here. Maybe it is and I missed it.....Peace.........
  • Roger S.J. Sattler

    I see you have Vimeo, which is great, but when I went to upload the one in my last message to you, I got an error message that said it couldn't be found. Yet, when I click on the link in your message, it works just fine. ????
  • Roger S.J. Sattler

    Had another thought, Richard. I know you are just starting out, but you may want to see how you can build other languages into the site, especially Spanish.

    Endless peace and love....
  • Jen Hurley

    Hi Richard, I'm a newbie to ACIM and found AOAND website to be refreshing & exciting...beautifully done website! It's wonderful to see such positivity & creativity being shared among so many people. Look forward to keeping in touch:)
  • Joseph Smith

    Thank you Richard .. I am intrigued by its goodness.. somethings we all need ..
  • Xian Horn

    Bless you, Richard! Thanks for the warm welcome! Looking forward to joining a community looking for light and social change! Here's to better world and the New Dawn! Please let me know how I can support Architects!

    Love and gratitude,

  • Catherine Harner

    Dear Richard, thank you for the Welcome, I am still just crusing around the site, I can certainly see there are many beautiful souls here and I look forward to getting to know as many as I can. Love and Light Catherine
  • Alexia

    Hello Rick!
    Thank you for your warm welcome, I'm very happy to be here.
  • Sue Castaneda

    Thank you Rick -- what a nice greeting! Wyoming is good! Come out and see us sometime!
  • Laura Murphy

    Hi Rick!
    Thank you for your thoughtful welcome! It's wonderful to connect with heartfelt souls during this awesome time! I am blessed to be here.
    Love & Peace!
  • White Spirit Dove

    Thank you for your welcome message...another thread in the web of life. My mission is to connect and share the energy of love and peace, and to observe the goings on of this beautiful planet we call home.
    White Spirit Dove
  • sonia russian-thomas

    Thank you Richard for your warm welcome. It's so good to see so many Light Beings working for the good of ALL and Re-Connecting as ONE.
    Love Light & Laughter Sonia

    Hi Richard
    Thanks for the welcome.
    Not much happening here!
    I do though have to live with TOXIC in my water supply.
    In most of Australia, and here in Coffs Harbour,
    The Local Council have added Fluoride in the water.
    Out protest meeting did not help, and even we supplied
    material that of all the toxic effect and why it was "Forbidden"
    in Europe, - we now have to buy every single drop of water,
    if we want to be healthy.
    Not to forget that that water is used to watering our "Food Chain!!
    For me that is "mind-blowing"!
  • Peter Angelis

    Hi Rick, thanks for your comment, great to be on board! This gathering of cool, radiant people synchronizing, thus creating waves of benevolent shifts and changes in the reality of our world, really reaffirms my faith in humankind!
  • karen Frankl

    Hi Rick,
    Thanks for the warm welcome!!

  • Kathryn Dailey-Holstein

    Thank you so much for welcoming me to this wonderful site. I look forward to being a part of this online gathering of loving souls.
  • yusef mckaskie

    thanks richard i got to know about this site through a mutual freind kelly smith
  • Chris Anderson/Onefeather

    Morning Richard...
    First: Thanks for featuring me! I appreciate it :-)~
    Also, we seem to have a spammer working the site..
    Have a great week!

  • Teresa Hernandez

    Hi Richard just want to share the great news that both of my teenage daughters Mia and Alina Hernandez of Sunnyvale California have been nominated and accepted to be U. S. Teen Peace Ambassadors to Austraila with the Program People to People. Please help me share their efforts to raise funds and raise awareness for International Peace as Teen Peace Ambassadors. They first got involved in the Summer of Love Peace event and later the Woodstock/ 40th Westfest Peace Convergence in SF 2 years ago. They actively promote California Peace through Literacy and Community service clubs.
  • Teresa Hernandez

    Sisters on a peace journey from Sunnyvale, California to Sydney Australia
  • Sanja Tepavcevic

    Thank you for your welcome wish :)
    It is such a joy finding this community.
  • Douglas Kilburg

    I do appreciate the courtesy concerning the music, though it would be nice to have the Eagles play the RockPile Amphitheatre.
  • Jennifer Carter

    Hi Rick!
    Thank you for this community! I posted some photos of a precious
    time I didn't include in my little list to you...It was so amazing to see how
    the power of a seed can ignite such Joy in children! to know THEY have the power to help it grow into forests...the heart races!
  • Geevani Singh

    Aloha Rick,

    Thank you for this community!!! We will talk before weeks end.
  • Magnetic Wind

    Hi Rick,
    Thanks for the welcome!
  • paaul aadams

    Hi Rick and thanks alot

  • heather anne al-hakeem

    Loving you brother!

    Dear Richard and your lovely wife,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and all my wonderful friends. I just want to leave a note to let you know I'm working toward having a movie produced out of my story Holiday in Hell, a true^tragedy^legal^injustice^drama - a horrific crime committed against me, then not having a law to protect me, ot to vindicate me, and mostly loosing life because of no justice.

    Please keep me in your prayers to make this project be - as human rights are about of what we do to bring peace. In my case, to have the Canadian Criminal Code add a law to enable a Canadian to charge another Canadian, if a crime should be committed against them outside borders of Canada.
    Thank you for your love, support, and especially prayers as there's power in all!

    Trisha Smith
    Author of Holiday in HellDelete Comment
  • Eric Roberts

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Garry Jackson

    Hello Richard;
    Thanks for the kind gesture. It is great to be a part of this wonderful group of souls and minds. I shall add a few things here in the next day or two.
    I hope to hook up with you and others sometine next year.

    All the best from Nashville; Garry Jackson
  • Grettal Gantwerger

    Thanks for the warm welcome Rick. Peace and Love to you. May we all move forward into learning from our souls and living through our hearts. Grettal
  • John Sandford Rawsthorne

    Hi Rck

    Thanks for the warm welcome and will be updating the new profile sometime soon when I've got some spare moments. You know how it is with this big shift!

    Peace... John
  • Alisya Alwi

    Thanks Richard. : )
  • Larry Lowe

    The Abundant Life!
    Fulfillment of Lives Dream!

    There is a dream men have always had-no matter what
    country or time or religion they were in-that they could
    learn to live together in peace and harmony and all work for the good of all with no outside control or force,but so far that dream has not been fulfilled on this earth.In every place where people have given up their
    personal ambitions for the 'Good of the state it has been under some kind of force-either physical,guns or mental
    as in brainwashing of indoctrinating children in
    the the ideas of "nationalism" and patriotism. O so what does that leave us? Is abundant life on this earth impossible as many of the church people tell us? Can a man only hope to grab as much of the pie as he can for himself and forget about everyone else? Some people are content to think so.
    The bible tells us different in El-shaddai,
    (More than Enough)!

  • Ute Posegga-Rudel

    Thank you, Richard, for your warm words! It's a good to feel welcomed here!
    And thanks for your comment on my art work!
    Blessings, joy and love,
  • Mayda Parseghian

    Hi Rick, thank you for the warm welcome, I just came across this site during lunch at work, I havn't had a chance to look at it and add anything yet, but I will soon. Just browsing though it tonight, I'm just amazed at some of the wonderful videos and comments from everyone. Thanks again, Mayda.
  • Koraljka Ida Hranueli

    Thank you !
  • Aanica

    Hello Richard, I am still so happy when I come here, thanks so much for a wonderful place to grow, learn, have purpose~

    Blessings Dear Richard~