Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Ray Leone Ganado
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  • Malta
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  • Sukadev Bretz
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  • Craig Wiley
  • Claudia van den Elsen-Westendorf Pieters
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Ray Leone Ganado's Blog

We are Divine

Divinity is within us all, all we have to do is learn to recognise it and start to express it daily, within all our actions.

Posted on January 28, 2009 at 9:51am

A hint for the economic crisis

It's not what you want that counts most, but what you actually need. Blessings to you all.

Posted on January 18, 2009 at 8:32am

Good Will in action.

One good way to help with the ascention of the planet and all sentient beings upon it, is an act of Good Will daily. It could involve a physical act, or some psychological help to some one who has some problem. A spiritual insight to help lift and encourage or simply just a loving smile to a stranger. Helping to create an aura of peace to troubled areas on the planet by visualization, is another good way to help.To produce peace one must help by creating it oneself, as a start.Good Will in… Continue

Posted on January 11, 2009 at 2:49am — 12 Comments

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At 9:03pm on June 25, 2009, stephanie sutton said…
Good Will has been a key understanding for my entire life.
I understand the power of Good Will and know that through harmlessness and fierce caring will we bring the New Dawn into being. Bless You@! Stephanie
At 8:20am on February 22, 2009, Ray Leone Ganado said…
Hi Sukadev, that is defenitly a sacred idea
At 3:50am on February 21, 2009, Sukadev Bretz said…
May Peace Prevail on Earth!

At 7:19pm on February 14, 2009, Nike said…
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
At 1:37pm on January 23, 2009, Claudia van den Elsen-Westendorf Pieters said…
Hi Ray,
Just a quick word. I've been very busy the last few days and still are.
But I will get back to you on sunday and answer your mail :-)

Love and warm regards,
At 10:55am on January 21, 2009, Nike said…
Dear Ray,
There you are! Now I have to send my computer off for repair, tomorrow, so after tomorrow I'll be out of the Architect's loop (little joke) for a bit, myself. Yes, now I've found (almost too much?) Maltese information, and got a world clock that has digital numbers, but it's not fun, like the spinning arms on the other! (so i kept that one, it seems to take a deep breath, when you enter another continent, and then, goes crazy! Then when it stops, it takes another breath, very funny. So, are you on Italian time?) I've always been in the arts but the "career" was interrupted by medical issues, so now, it's the Art of Living (smile), no, my family is my mother (81, amazing), and sister.... and my Great-Souled-Dog! So, elderly, and young, at the same time! (me) (laugh, please) Yes, what a great day yesterday was... watched almost every minute on TV (still going on) Champagne toasts, all-around! This is TRULY a new dawn, the USA is "back", in a good way, I think--- he is the one, I think, that can even attempt to clean up the messes his former(s), have made! Oh, another ???, do you mean parrots? And do you speak mainly Spanish, Italian, or English... there is Arabic there, too, yes?
Thank you, always fun to hear from you! Nike (well, for about 24 hours!)
At 4:11pm on January 18, 2009, Nike said…
Hi Ray,
Never mind that dumb ???, I was trusting a source that was mixing up Malta with GILBRATER... so, no wonder I asked such a dumb question!!! So anyway, what I still don't understand is, when you put in Europe (World Clock), it doesn't have Malta there! I was just trying to see what time it would be, there! Cheers, Nike
At 9:35am on January 18, 2009, Nike said…
Dear Ray,
Just a ???, what flag flies over Malta? I was looking in the World Clock, and I know it used to be English.... but I didn't see it listed
just wondering (if you put another location into the clock, the arms spin furiously forward or backwards-- old fashioned clock face--- this is somehow funny!)
At 11:00am on January 17, 2009, Nike said…
Hi Ray,
Oh, you are funny!
He is (my dog), a superlative soul--- I always say, if 1/2 the people, even 1/4, of the world had his "thing" (soul, outlook, temperment, whichever term you like!), this world would be so different!
thanks for making me laugh (aloud) & best wishes (Tuesday will be a new "dawn", of its own, i think) (we're getting there!) Nike
At 1:36pm on January 16, 2009, Nike said…
Dear Ray,
Yes, I completely agree.... we are so proud we have him, and gave him the platform he deserves! (finally, we did something right!) (smile)
I just hope people are patient, he faces so many problems-- but I have such confidence in him; more than any other political leader in my time, certainly! It's wonderful to think so much of the world is celebrating together! (you said it better, you write very well, I can only agree!)
Best, Nike


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