Architects of a New Dawn

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Ron Adams
  • 69, Male
  • Westminster, CO
  • United States
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  • Jim Beard
  • Maia Nartoomid
  • Gary David
  • Lily
  • Ilona Glinarsky
  • mikki wiilis
  • philip
  • Doobius J
  • Dawn May Adams
  • Deborah Koppel Mitchell
  • Gerald del Campo
  • Yaron

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At 2:54pm on December 26, 2010, Dawn May Adams said…

Dear Ron:  The last time I contacted you was on March 12, of this year about to end.  Since then we moved, my computer crashed, and then I ,oved to Wasco, CA. where I live now. My son bought me a new computer for my birthday in October, so I am back.  I have just watched the "made for TV" series movie called "John Adams"

Starring Paul Giamatti and Laura Linney. They both were nominated for Emmy's and the movie was too. It was done in seven episodes.  He was a great man but a very stubborn one. He was pretty much responsible for establishing and fighting for our independence and the constitution.  A lot of ego though. His wife was an inspiration.  She was much more level-headed than he and tried to keep him on an even keel. She passed away before he did, and he died on the same day his friend Thomas Jefferson died-Independence Day--July 4. Hope you find this interesting if you haven't seen it before now. Me--I'm always a day late and a dollar short, so you probably all ready beat me to it. :):) Love, Dawn PS. I got the movie from Netflix.

At 8:46pm on March 12, 2010, Dawn May Adams said…
Dear Ron: I'm sorry if I 'm confusing you--at my age that's not hard to do. What I need to be able to do is share your information with her and I'm not sure how to do that--maybe you could help me with that. Dawn
At 8:08pm on March 12, 2010, Dawn May Adams said…
Dear Ron: Don't feel bad about not answering--as you can see I have been a bit lax in that department also. However in my defense I was in the hospital for a while. I would like to get you and my daughter together online, because she is the one in the family who does the tracing of the family genes. I am going to read your letter over and will get back to you.
At 3:12pm on May 1, 2009, Dawn May Adams said…
Dear ron: That's your past descendency, now I would like to know who your recent relatives are. Your father , grandfather, great grandfather, uncles, etc. My grandfather's name was Milo Adams,( who was married to Nellie May Lewis), his fathers name was James Milo Adams,(who was married to Margaret Harriot, whose descendents go way back to the 13th centry through many David Harriots), his father's name was Francis Marion Adams, who was married to Virginia (Ginny) Ford (Nellies mother). Now I know that Thomas Edison, and Henry Ford were good friends to my Grandfather Milo and his uncle Milton Adams. Great Uncle Milton was one of Mr. Edison's best friends, he is even mentined in one of Mr. Edison's biographies. I'd have to go through all of my daughters geneology information to be able to tell you the name of the book it was in. My grandfather Milo had several brothers and one sister. I can't remember all of their names, but I know that there was a Charles, and a Eugene (which one of my brothers was named after) the sisters name I believe was either aunt Eva or May. We have all the names, marriages, deaths, etc. Perhaps if any of these names sound familiar, I can look it up. My daughter has been busy with her new baby and her new grandbaby, so she hasn't been working too much on the research. Let me know if you have any other information, and I will be glad to let you know whatever I can. Thank you so much Ron, we could probably be at least cousins removed. LOL Love, Dawn PS, One thing I loved about the Presidents Adams--they were abolitionists, and pretty nice people from what I have read.
At 2:38am on April 30, 2009, Dawn May Adams said…
My dear Ron; You don't look anywhere near 54 years old, My lodest grandson is close--he's 43, and his father is 66 in September. My youngest child is 46 in June, and her youngest child is my youngest grandchild. I don't look 81 either. I'm sure that's more info than you needed. LOL I have seven kids, 30 grands, and 15 great-grands, and 2 step-g-g-grands. We have huge family and very diverse. I'.ll have to give my daughter Kathie the infor you gave me and see where it takes us. We could be long lost cousins or something. I think we're all related anyway. Love and Peace bro. Your new friend, Dawn
At 2:22am on April 29, 2009, Dawn May Adams said…
Dear Ron: I am old enough to be your grandmother, but from a geneology standpoint--do you have any relatives in the Northern California, Chicago, or Iowa area. My daughters and I are doing a geneology research. My descendents are supposed to go back to the Presidents Adams, or so my paternal grandmother told me. she has passed on many years ago as has all my parents and grandparents. Who knows we could be related. Is there anything you can tell me? Your new friend I hope, Dawn May Adams




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