Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Teresa Collins
  • Female
  • Aptos, CA
  • United States
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  • Eileen Workman
  • Marshall Lefferts
  • Keth Luke
  • Peace Portal
  • Bruce Kunkel
  • Claudia van den Elsen-Westendorf Pieters
  • Mike Balitao
  • Amy Lenzo
  • Brooks Cole

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Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 8:52pm on February 10, 2010, The Dreaming People said…
At 10:02am on May 11, 2009, The Ancient One said…
Friendship Is A Promise
by: Larry S. Chengges

Friendship is a promise
spoken only by the heart
It isn't given by any pledge,
It isn't written on any paper,

But friendship is a promise
that is renewed
every time two friends meet and smile
and enjoy the good times
that come from simply
being together.

It's a promise to share
both glad and sad times.
A promise to think
of each other fondly
whether near or far apart.

Friendship is a promise
spoken only by the heart...
A promise that you and I
will always share.
At 2:45am on January 22, 2009, Pierre said…
Hi Teresa
general feeling in SA? very difficult one, but my personal guess is that it is more positive than before, although the average South African in the street is extremely critical and sceptic against anything American. Such a pity, because 99,9% of those have never been to USA or spoken to an American before. (For them, George Bush is the typical American!) I am so fortunate and blessed that I had many opportunities to get to know Americans and that I am better informed - much better informed).
have you perhaps heard of Jane Veiss before? - USA lady who communicates with dolphins (inter species communication)
warm regards
At 2:57am on January 21, 2009, Pierre said…
ok, thanks for the directions - a bit far for me to ask for a coffee invitation! I have a cousin in San Diego - how far north are you from there?

warm regards
At 4:35pm on January 19, 2009, Nike said…
Welcome, Teresa!
Beautiful photos; thank you!
In Obama We Trust,
At 2:50pm on January 19, 2009, Claudia van den Elsen-Westendorf Pieters said…
Dear Teresa,

You are indeed a lucky woman.
Isn't it the wish of many to swim with dolphins. Such a beautiful, sweet and intelligent creatures.
When swimming with the dolphins, can you get in contact with them?

A few years ago when I went to Sardinië (an Italian island) people told me we could possibly see some dolphins.
I stood on the deck for a very long time, but then I had to go to the toilet. Sitting at the toilet, I heard people shout: "Dolphins, dolphins." I hurried back on deck, but unfortunately, by the time I was back the dolphins were gone :-(
Luckily I see al ot of other magnificant and beautiful animals :-)

Interesting, inspiring and spiritual story about the sand spirals. A kind of inner knowing perhaps?
Must feel very strong, walking the spiral in and out again, meantime praying.
For me it feels like a very ancient and natural thing to do.
How beautiful you did this spontaneously.

You are a cat lover too? Yes the four are my little rascals :-) Great company too.

Love and warm regards,
At 2:12pm on January 19, 2009, Pierre said…
ok, Aptos is then part of Santa Cruz. I have a cousin in San Diego (best weather in the USA?) Well, South Africa's weather still beat you all ;-))

You also looking forward to the big day tomorrow?
At 1:34pm on January 19, 2009, Richard Lukens said…
Teresa... glad you found the site... looks like you know my friend Brooks... what's up in Aptos? I lived there years ago.... remember it fondly...

At 12:49pm on January 19, 2009, Pierre said…
Hi Teresa

welcome to the site! Where in CA is this town of yours? (besides being on the coast it looks like).
pierre (from South Africa)
At 12:37pm on January 19, 2009, Claudia van den Elsen-Westendorf Pieters said…
Hi Teresa,

Welcome on AoaND!!!

Great photos. Is that you with the dolphin? If so, what a lucky woman you are :-)
And the sign on the beach, does it have a meaning? It's really beautiful.

Thank you for sharing.

Love and warm regards,


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