Architects of a New Dawn

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Tetka Rhu
  • Female
  • Brisbane, Qld
  • Australia
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A journey through Time

Written: 13th January, 2010

While meditating this morning I am guided and inspired to share my story through the last 6 years of my life.
You will find your own answers, if you resonate to the words.
I am guided back to the time when my marriage ended.
The night of my Son's Wedding Reception. The end and The Beginning.
Outside of the reception hall, fireworks were happening; eyes focused on the display, nobody saw or felt the fireworks that were happening within me.
I am a Fire Being, born in April/ Fire Sign. 30yrs of marriage ended, right there, right then through a whole pile of little natural circumstances beyond my control.
Scanning Australia in my mind, there were a couple of locations that felt okay, however bells didnt ring. Further afield I went....mmmm...America, I have always wanted to go there....Okay lets do it.
You have to appreciate at the age of 49yrs at the time, I had never travelled anywhere in the world except for a plane trip to Western Australia and one to Queensland -obviously in Australia, so this was a biggy.

I knew I was undertaking a journey of facing all my fears.
The fears being lack of money/indeed even handling money, as I had never had to think about it and being alone and on my own.
Perchance, a friends daughter was living in America, so I made a phone call and it was organised to begin my journey in Boston - the home of the freedom fighters.
4months later I was on a plane on the 26th March, 2000 with nothing but a suitcase and my art. I had walked out of a lifestyle where I knew seeming security.
I had let go the idea of planning my future and decided to fly by the seat of my pants, go with the Winds of Chance.

Another whole story in there.
Fear stalked my every step.
Tears of remorse of what I had left behind, namely my son, my grandchildren and my 2 Malamute puppies filled a lot of my waking hours for the first few weeks.
I turned 50yrs in Boston, oh how I missed my family at that time.
Life moves on;
I was guided forward and met some amazing people, circumstances simply opened up despite my fears.
3 Months was spent in America, a country that welcomed me with open arms, I didn't want to go back to Australia, however again, choices had to be made.
Do I run away from my emotions, or do I go home as I had booked a world trip, next stop was England. I knew it was time to go back and face my self. When I flew back into Australia, I felt no joy - I wanted to be back in America.

Next step...I had nowhere to live.

My sister and her family opened their hearts and doors. Their home was my home. Here I stayed for 2months.
I planned to stay in Melbourne, Victoria. I planned to do Spiritual Empowerment Readings. Poof, the doors were shut.
I kept hearing, "You will walk a different path to what you have ever known" Okay, lets get on with the show.
One morning I woke up and knew it was time to put down roots.
2weeks later, saw my meagre belongings packed with my art paints, paper, etc into my car. A 21hour drive lay in front of me.
Arriving in Brisbane was awesome, I felt a thrill of excitement for the first time in years. I found myself a Unit after staying with a friend for a week ( I had met her in Sedona, Arizona, on my American travels)
Still nothing opened up on the work front. Money was quickly running out.
At this point, you have to appreciate I was a very proud person and to get Government Benefits on a Widows Allowance-cause I was over 50yrs- was extremely humiliating in the beginning. Big learning and lesson, I grew up in a family where appearances to the outside was everything.

Boy, that lesson had to be learnt.
Time seem to stand still, no doorways opened until my Son said: "Why don't you get into Real Estate, Ma" - so I did.
What an amazing ride of Self Empowerment.
Again I chose a vehicle where I didn't know where the next meal ticket was coming from. 3 months in as a Rookie, I was topping sales in an office of 6 experienced salesmen. Not too shabby. Then, I made a strange decision to some. I went to Macleay Island, a place just off the eastern side of Brisbane. Life rolled on. I bought my first home.

Loved the waterviews, didn't much care for the home.
However, my vision had inspired me to purchase. I borrowed extra money and set about rebuilding a separate Unit underneath for Holiday accommodation.
Boy, did I face negativity on that one. I stayed with my instincts. What a great move, this manoevre paid for my mortgage. Life was good. Sales were great, I was working my backside off.
I bought another home, too good an opportunity to pass up. Needed refurbing, what a great canvass for an artist.
It was brown and beige inside and out. No-one noticed it, even though she stood in a prominent position 20seconds from the beach. Now she stands in magnificent glory.
Next step, I bought another home on Perupla Islandon water with her own jetty.
Why? Because as soon as I found out there were aboriginal drawings on the floor boards underneath the master bedroom, I "knew" that I had to extend myself yet again.
So I rented out my "Beach Lounge" and moved to Calmwaters. This is where the next stage of my story comes into play of following our truth through our Spirit.

I had moved into an old Queenslander who had received much attention from the previous owner, however she lacked loving care.
1 1/2yrs was spent gap filling and painting all the rooms before and after my busy Real Estate schedule.
Gardens were built, the essence of my home was taking shape.
During that time I drove down to Victoria - a 19hr drive -to see my family. On the way, there is an area called the Pilgaras where it is said to be haunted by Aboriginal spirits.
True or not true, who knows?
What I do know is that on this particular drive down south, as I was passing through this area, my right ear was abuzz.
I heard many voices whispering. I "knew" they were talking about me, yet I couldn't make out the words.
Back on the island after this trip, out of the blue I was told about the Aboriginal massacre which had taken place on Perulpa Island-apart of Macleay Island- and how their spirits had been buried on the island.
Approximately 2 weeks later I was awoken from my sleep. I knew I had to free these people (I do a lot of rescue work in my dreaming of lost souls- a journey I have been informed as part of my initiation to be the Spirit of All that I am)
The words came- "Do you know what you are doing?" The answer was given. "No, however I know that in freeing these spirits, I am freeing me"
Okay, so I set to work.
Time goes by. Again, another trip down south, when I got back to the Island I stood on my back verandah and looked out over the water and knew that it was time to leave the island.

Circumstances simply happened, I was offered a job.
One part of me wanted to go, another part of me wanted to stay.
I made the move on April 10th, 2005. 3days earlier, I had completed the inside painting of my home. It was amazing. I had created Artworks to enhance the walls. A tenant was found. She had very little, so I left the majority of my possessions as I perceived this home would ultimately be my holiday home.
5pm, the night before I moved out I was planting plants in the rain.

To the mainland I came.
I rented a home.
I cried my heart out as it was so ordinary compared to what I had created.
For some reason, I couldn't get my phone line working at the rented home. 20th April, 2005, I went and bought a new phone after the advice of the technicians was -It was my old phone that was the problem. As soon as I connected it, the phone rang. A friend's first words were: Tet, are you sitting down? The police are looking for you. You can imagine my alarm.

Why? - pause - Your home has burnt to the ground.

Shocked, was not the word, absolutely dumbfounded.
Shaking, I then rang the number I was given and sure as eggs are eggs, what she said happened.
I had to go the island for the investigations.
I jumped in my car, shaking like a leaf, get to the ferry where everyone is talking about "the Fire"..Ouch, keeping the tears at bay was no easy task.
To see my home as a pile of rubble finally broke me. On a higher level I asked why?
I was told about the freeing of the aboriginal spirits.
My home and all my possessions burning had transmuted the energy in the physical.

Logically, I understood and accepted this. Emotionally, well that took a fair bit of time to heal. During that time, no matter what I did on the physical level work-wise, everything fell flat on its face. Nothing worked. No money came through to me. A huge journey I was transitting through to clear, which I had begun 6yrs earlier.

Fear of lack of money and being alone. I experienced both. My friends were all on the island, my family down south. No money to draw on. My reserves had to be drawn on.

Ouch, good old fear had to be faced head on.
Rama Rhu, my cat was and is my best buddy.
I have even learnt to communicate with this delightful critter/ Xmas, 2005 was my turning point.
Everything began to change.
Money was still an issue, however the fear had gone, on rare occasions, it reared its head.

April 2006, I did a Christopher Howard workshop/seminar where without a shadow of a doubt, I knew that my journey is to be My Higher Self on the Earth.
Practical Spiritual Empowerment in whatever form that takes is to be the vehicle or gateway for others.
Oh my God, didn't that bring up some stuff - lack of self worth, confidence in the advice of my Spirit, etc, etc., even though I had been doing this work for the past 15yrs with other people.
In the past, I didn't have to think about money-it was easy- simply do what my heart loves.

The Simple meditations have been the greatest gift of my spirit, thanks to inner inspiration a booklet is ready to be completed.
The barriers have simply gone.
Now for the great news. Some time back I was guided to a shop called Crystal Journeys in a suburb of Brisbane. I found a gorgeous unsual piece of jewellery with Green Aventurine. I put it on layby.
Out of the blue I was inspired to go and get it.
This was extending my financial plan in the moment.
The owner of the shop was there. Normally she isn't, as they own other Crystal Journey shops. The intriguing aspect is, she is closing down this particular shop as after they moved there, they found that an aboriginal boy had suicided there some years previously, as the location was a bus stop before being developed.

A photo had been taken of the inside of this amazing shop and there he stood.
They have done a lot of healing to support this soul.
I "knew" that he was truly freed as I was.
I also knew the Island aboriginal spirits have also been totally liberated from their prison of despair.
The hard yards are over.
The essence of my story is: No matter how tough the road appears to be, if you follow your inner spirit, you are guided and inspired.

You are not alone.
You are supported every step of the way.
Much Love to everyone for taking the time to read, what for me had to be written to truly honour my truth.
Everything is not always as it appears.
Tetka Rhu

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At 5:05pm on October 6, 2010, Richard Lukens said…
Hello Tetka!
I just read through your story, how great that you are already sharing from the heart and inspiring all of us to trust our spirits. Welcome to Architects, its great to have you here with us. I hope you will continue to add great content and
empowering energy.
Best to you,
At 4:20am on October 6, 2010, The Ancient One said…
It is good to have a friend...
Someone to comfort, and someone to be comforted by.
Someone to trust, and someone to be trusted by.
Someone to play with, and someone who will play with you.
It is good to have a friend...
A true friend offers respect and honesty.
A true friend shows consideration and trust.
A true friend cares and supports gently.
True friends work together as a team.
It is good to have a friend...
Friendship is a very special gift.
Friendship is a very special bond.
Friendship is a very special relationship between and among people.
It is good to have a friend...
When one has a friend, one can feel loved for being oneself.
When one has a friend, one can believe and rejoice in the moment.
When one has a friend, one can travel through life in contentment.
It is good to have a friend...
Hand-to-hand, heart-to-heart, spirit-to-spirit,
Friendship is the key that opens the door to harmony,
The river of peace, and the hope of the future.
It is good to have, and to be, a friend.

- by Mattie J.T. Stepanek


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