Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Theresa Bullard
  • Female
  • Laguna Hills, CA
  • United States
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Theresa Bullard's Friends

  • Paso Digital Film and Wine Fest
  • Alejandro Picker
  • Robert WoW De Souza
  • Jose Campos
  • J.S. Epperson
  • The Ancient One
  • George Papatheodorou
  • thomas
  • Bo Mary
  • Jeff Hutner


  • 1.
    Quantum Insight | An Alchemical Meditation

Theresa Bullard's Page



Theresa Bullard, Ph.D. is among a new generation of interdisciplinary scientists, whose inspiration for pursuing scientific research is founded upon a deep yearning to understand the Universe and its many facets. Combining a Ph.D. in Physics, an interdisciplinary research background encompassing quantum theory, crystal chemistry, nanotechnology, origin of life studies and more, along with a life-long path of deeply exploring ancient metaphysical teachings, consciousness expansion, subtle energies, alchemy, and holistic medicine, she truly embraces the new paradigm of synergy and synthesis. Theresa brings new, fresh ideas to the field of Science and Spirituality, with the ability to communicate them in inspiring ways that are easy to understand. Also a writer, speaker, and consultant, Theresa has been actively leading programs in self-empowerment and personal growth since 2002, and has helped hundreds of people from all walks of life transform their lives and awaken to their potential.

Theresa is the founder of EYE-RIS.ORG, a company whose mission is to help usher in a new era of Synergy and Synthesis within the fields of Science, Technology, and Spirituality.

We live in times of unprecedented change and rapid transformation. We are moving into an era that seeks connection rather than separation, synergy instead of discord, and attempts to put the pieces together into a greater whole in preference to breaking things into individual parts. These transformations of our world are the markers that an alchemical process is taking place. This alchemical process is one of purification and transformation that is meant to lift us to a higher and more integral state of existence.

At EYE-RIS we are committed to assisting this positive transformation through the harmonization and fusion of science and spirituality. As we venture forward into a dawning era of Synergy and Synthesis, we propose that a revival of ancient Alchemical techniques, synergistically blended with the principles of modern Quantum Physics & Consciousness Studies will help us to unlock the secrets of transformation once more. The strength of Alchemy comes from the Synergy of two or more forces or components combining to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Through alchemical practices, we can re-discover the methods whereby science, spirituality, and consciousness can once again work together and enlighten our technological developments. Alchemy may be an ancient and often misunderstood art, but Alchemy reintroduced into the Quantum Age is the next frontier of science at the Cutting Edge.

The EYE-RIS Promise is to:
  • Support and solidify a New Paradigm where science and spirituality are seen as a synergistic whole once more.
  • Help restore a worldview of integration, of seeing the bigger picture, and a sense of wonder at the amazing beauty and sacredness reflected throughout this universe.
  • Gather together a collaboration of conscious, spiritual scientists, artisans, and visionaries who will work together towards the common goals of ushering in this new era and performing synergistic research and discovery.
  • Offer tools, techniques, and products for expanding consciousness and transforming worldview
  • Deliver teachings on the intersections between science, spirituality, consciousness, and alchemy in a way that is applicable to all.

Science and Spirituality are like the Right and Left Eyes of the human mind that greatly influence our collective perception. It is through the iris of the eyes that the light of the world and of spirit may enter in to reawaken our perceptions of this vast universe. While we can see the world through just one eye, doing so limits our view and ability to fully grasp our environment and how we must respond to it. By seeing simultaneously through the eyes of both Science and Spirituality, we will be able to:
  • Have a broader perspective to grasp more of the Universe around us
  • Peer into the depths of knowledge about ourselves and how the Universe works
  • Discover a synergy that will bring us to a greater sense of the whole, as well as a deeper level of understanding and meaning
  • Have the foresight and vision to guide our technological developments towards more sustainable, holistic, and beneficial applications

Be easily carried into deep meditative states that go beyond ordinary awareness into Quantum Insight.

Guided imagery by Theresa Bullard, Ph.D. leads you through an alchemical procss that stimulates the pineal gland and opens the doors to higher consciousness. Musical compositions and binaural beat technologies mastered by J.S. Epperson help balance the hemispheres of the brain, open the energy centers of the body, and elicit deep, sustained meditative states.

For more information go to

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At 2:23pm on August 5, 2009, Jeff Hutner said…
Let's shoot for October. I'm on overwhelm at the moment...
I look forward to reviewing your CD.

At 2:30pm on July 30, 2009, thomas said…
hi and welcome I hope this site works!! wanna be friends?
At 12:24am on July 30, 2009, Jose Campos said…
I appreciate our friendship - Thank You!

Glitter Graphics

Glitter Angel Graphics

Thanks for BEing and Sharing Love and Light!
At 9:59pm on July 29, 2009, Jeff Hutner said…
You also might find the work of two friends, Alan and Dianne Collins of helps individuals, corporations and govt agencies think in a new way that produces out of the box results in smaller time frames than anticipated. They are just launching a $500 course. Their corporate teleconference was over 10k per participant.
At 9:55pm on July 29, 2009, Jeff Hutner said…
Hi Theresa,

No problem about time. I am involved in many projects as well so know how little time people have these days. When it works let get together for an interview. Your work fascinates me. I'd also be pleased to receive a review copy of your CD and put up a review and link ay NPD. My address is POB 1381, Ojai, CA 93024

At 1:24am on July 13, 2009, Jeff Hutner said…
Wow...just read your bio and...would love to connect. I am in Ojai. Please see my Lets put up an article and link to your site asap.

At 6:26am on July 3, 2009, The Ancient One said…
Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful,
for beauty is God's handwriting -- a wayside sacrament.
Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every flower,
and thank God for it as a cup of blessing.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson


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