Come on over & join me on Extraterrestrials & Twinpsychics, the twins are beautiful people & they are my Sisters...
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Hello & welcome to my page,
i have been fascinated from a small child in ufos,aliens & extraterrestrial life. I my self am a star seed from the pleiadian star system, i have only become aware of this in the past 6 months or so... I have been spoken to in there own native language but i could not understand a thing, i also see varies 3D images while meditating. I have researched the subject for the pat 5 years & during this time i have come across a lot of disinformation which is on the net but there are genuine articles as well, blogs,videos, channeling ext,ext... In this time i have learned to disregard fake images & articles.The extraterrestrial presence exists & are currently on our planet, i will provide you with
proof on this matter.
I have placed a link to at the top of the page, just click on the banner & you will be redirected to my site.
I would also like to commend the twins Sunhee & Chinhee, for there compassion & love towards humanity, i have recently meet the twins & i can feel there warmth & sensitivity towards me. There energy is uplifting & incredibly beautiful, they have embraced me in there arms & my soul has been uplifted into the glory of pure love,
i am quite fortunate to have meet them & it is my honor to support them & twinpsychics.
In closing we are family, we are one with all that is, our love & warmth will change our planet into a place of love,joy & happiness. Mother Earth loves us all & she has been caring for us for millions of years, at this critical point in our history
we are giving back to her our love & our light thus helping her ascend, & with her we will ascend as well into her loving arms...
Thank you so much for your friendship & love,

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