Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Dawn Eve
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  • Netherlands
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  • Yuri Smirnov
  • Steve H
  • Mike Balitao

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Dawn Eve commented on Dawn Eve's group A new dawn
Jun 3, 2019
Dawn Eve commented on Dawn Eve's group A new dawn
Jun 3, 2019
Dawn Eve commented on Dawn Eve's group A new dawn
Jun 3, 2019
Dawn Eve commented on Dawn Eve's group A new dawn
Jun 3, 2019
Dawn Eve commented on Dawn Eve's group A new dawn
Jun 3, 2019
Dawn Eve commented on Dawn Eve's group A new dawn
Jun 3, 2019
Dawn Eve commented on Dawn Eve's group A new dawn
"Hey Carlos Santana,  How are you? I posted all these pictures on thursday and now I look again and it says only thursday. As if I said that word a lot of times. That’s silly. Can you show the pictures I posted? Thank you. Love Dawn"
Jun 3, 2019
Dawn Eve commented on Dawn Eve's group A new dawn
Jun 3, 2019
Dawn Eve commented on Dawn Eve's group A new dawn
May 30, 2019
Dawn Eve commented on Dawn Eve's group A new dawn
May 30, 2019
Dawn Eve commented on Dawn Eve's group A new dawn
May 30, 2019
Dawn Eve commented on Dawn Eve's group A new dawn
"Make petitions everybody!!!"
May 30, 2019
Dawn Eve commented on Dawn Eve's group A new dawn
May 30, 2019
Dawn Eve commented on Dawn Eve's group A new dawn
May 30, 2019
Dawn Eve commented on Dawn Eve's group A new dawn
May 30, 2019
Dawn Eve commented on Dawn Eve's group A new dawn
"I found a neurologist into the first ever official RSO trial to cure now terminal diseases! He lacks funding and the right strain. PROTEST! Growing freedom saves our climate & bees & drops the prices people are dying for greed! We need a…"
May 30, 2019

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What instrument does Carlos Santana play

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Hi friend,

Please :( Stop hurting my friends.

Now. No more excuses.

Do it because:

    1. It will protect your mental health. Because you are a good person and this moral schizophrenia hurts you more than can possibly imagine. These highly intelligent and feeling creatures scream and shout all their lives, their lives are hellish. Their children get stolen. They are slaves. Do you honestly want to cause that sort of misery?
    2. It will protect you physical health. It is proven nowadays there are greater health benefits of a vegan diet if executed right. The American Medical Association is now telling hospitals to go vegan and ban meat and dairy. The Institute of Research on Cancer is asking the population to cut down meat and avoid processed meat. And according to the Dietitians of Canada, “a healthy vegan diet has many benefits, including lower rates of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure / cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer.” And Canada’s Draft Food Guide Favors Plant-Based Protein And Eliminates Dairy As A Food Group.
    3. It will save the earth. All these animals that are bred for exploitation produce methane that is 25 times worse for the earth’s environment than CO2 is and is responsible for the largest part of the pollution of the earth’s atmosphere. Following a vegan diet is the best action to reduce one's ecological footprint (United Nations, Greenpeace, Forbes, Oxford Martin Schools research)
    4. It will free our friends and give us a society that cares. Or tries to at least by law. We do want to live in a world where slavery is illegal right. I do not believe in harsh punishments either. We want a caring society. So let’s teach everybody to care somehow. Or they can clean up plastic waste and do other earth improving activities.
  • Do it to stay free.

This is what could happen if you keep asking the governments to fix it for you:

This is their solution, wait a minute, is this total control in disguise? Do you trust this?

Agenda 21/ agenda 2030.

‘It is an incredibly clever plan.

The punchline is in the fact that anyone who lives on Earth,

has an impact on his or her environment and thereby falls under the global regulation

of Agenda 21/ 2030.

As a result, every activity of every person in this world will fall into the category:

sustainable development.

And now one of the focal points of this sustainable development is:

the control of the world's population ".

Honestly people, let’s do this our way now. Worldwide protest is required.

This is the format: Make one too!!!

Copy as much as you like or make your own.

It’s free. Share this message. Together we can do this. Now.

You will feel like you can really make a difference and you will.

Because only together, with all of us, we can do this.


Honestly people, let’s do this our way now. Worldwide protest is required.

No need to put your address in there. Together we can do this.

This is the format: Make one too!!!

Copy as much as you like or make your own.

It’s free. Share this message. Together we can do this. Now.

Clinical trials for R.S.O. and legalize cannabis worldwide.

I have found a neurologist who is interested in conducting clinical trials on this.

He lacks funding but this should be covered by the system and tested on all sorts of diseases.

On the internet I have been reading stories for several years now,of people, children and animals too, healing of terminal illnesses. After they were given up by the regular medical system they tried this R.S.O. protocol they (or their caregivers) had heard about. And they recovered completely.

For curing terminal diseases a lot of R.S.O. ( Rick Simpson Oil/ high thc high cbd 100%indica strain cannabis oil) is required (60 grams in 90 days). This needs to be eaten with an additional  month of building up to being able to tolerate this amount. For maintenance and preventative care a lot is needed too and it is all way to expensive now. We will not allow for this plant that would naturally grow by the side of the road everywhere to be eradicated, demonized, criminalized, synthesized and so monopolized to control the masses. We will not slowly become more and more enslaved to governments, pharmaceuticals, insurance companies and the very rich who think they can control everything and enslave people to the expensive harmful synthetic medicines they have an interest in. Poor and sick people are easy to influence and control and they will fight for anyone who claims to be able to make it better and they will fight each other. Is this what is going on in the world today? We will not stand for this. We are with many. Together we are one, living on one earth, and everybody has to be respected. We can make a difference worldwide action is required. We will not be enslaved by their system any longer. Protest!!! Please read and start a petition yourself too :) In it, ask everybody to do the same. After you hand it in, you can start another one. Until it is done. Together we can do this. Thank you!!! We need to immediately start a worldwide action involving everybody who is available for this to free our weed. No laws of how many plants one can own either. People will still buy good quality it will not collapse the market either. Let the governments everywhere know we will not take it any longer and lets make them change the laws by our never ending continues peaceful petitions.

We need more clinical research regarding medical cannabis, however so much research has been done already, also to the preventative benefits. It is absurd it is still controlled monopolized demonized and illegal. Read how healthy it is in the patent of cannabis of (yeah you are reading this right): the U.S. of America. This plant already deserves full respect. Read the petition for more information.n still sign it

There’s no need to put your full address in the petitions. So let not that keep you from signing.

Love and all the best, Dawn Eve

I have environmentally friendly, sustainable inventions if anybody is interested in a new business opportunity.

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At 5:13am on October 14, 2022, Yuri Smirnov said…

Thought you may be interested: Humble, practical approach to a Garden Master Course, full of earth-friendly, appropriate technology to eliminate the need for gick! Pledge here:

At 8:40pm on February 26, 2019, Steve H said…


Thanks and I shall be glad to join your group when you have it ready.


At 2:49pm on February 26, 2019, Steve H said…

Hi new Friend!
Thanks for the friend request, nice to meet you and I will check out what you shared and sign that petition.
Thanks for caring about life and planet!
If you or anyone you know is a singer, writer, rapper, spokjen word artist, poet, or video person there's this project you may be interested in, please check it out and share it around if you like.
Thanks again.



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