Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

DreamingBear Baraka Kanaan
  • Paia, HI
  • United States
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DreamingBear Baraka Kanaan's Friends

  • Catherine Carlisle McMillan
  • Frizzey Greif
  • nance
  • Silja Saareoks-Kaldre
  • Yaron
  • Peace Portal
  • Wendy DeMos
  • Sirah Vettese
  • Richard Lukens


  • 1.
    06 The Loveicide Bomber
  • 2.
  • 3.
    Love Junkie
  • 4.
    PLaymates for life

Let's be the Lovevolution!


The Lovevolution Foundation is dedicated to individual and universal transformation towards making the world a kinder place through efforts which evolve/revolutionize old compassionless paradigms into new love based world views. The Lovevolution Foundation philosophy is based upon on four simple universal principles, which are as follows:

* Education as Entertainment: making use of cutting edge knowledge from the various academic disciplines as a way of inspiring this world into a willingness to embrace their highest potential on every level.
* Earth Centered Awareness: conservancy and promotion of a sustainable healthy biosphere promoting a clean environment for future generations to inhabit.
* International Peace Advocacy: promotion of cross-cultural, transgender, & international equanimity by building relationships founded in the celebration of creative arts in order to unify rather than divide.
* Spiritual & Scientific Unity: by focusing on the commonalities between spiritual & scientific traditions we wish to create a dialogue for recognizing our inherent inter-denominational oneness & planetary unity.

The primary focus of TLF is to facilitate the emergence of individuals who actively seek to evolve into their fullness by offering inspiration as a path to fulfill one’s creative, spiritual, & intellectual potential. It is our intention to quantum leap forward a sort of new ‘science of the heart’ in order to co-create a more peaceful, creative, and educated society, in a project we call “lovevolution,” pronounced Love-volution. The concept behind Lovevolution is part evolution of intellectual & human centered processes into an ‘enlightened’ state, and part revolution of the way we approach our everyday lives by “being the change we seek” as Gandhi said.

Lovevolution Foundation has already begun to cooperate with mainstream media, academic & spiritual community efforts, & international partners to co-create inspirational events, both through television, radio, internet & globally sponsored events that contribute to empowering this generation to evolve into their highest potential fullness. Through conscious gatherings & events designed to promote creativity, happiness, and proactive peace advocacy in action, Lovevolution’s aim is to raise a generation ready for meeting the challenges our planet & our species are facing We ultimately wish to establish a ‘Center for Metamorphosis’ available to the public, in order to facilitate the emergence of new thought, through classes, community centered events, spiritual gatherings of all faiths, as well as academic & scientific establishment inclusion. Some examples of our outreach efforts may appear in the form of conscious documentary & inspirational films, media productions including the use of music, spoken word, art, books, various printed materials, & world tours of education, designed to explore relevant social issues facing our generation. In so doing, we wish to develop a cross global interpersonal dialogue to discover commonalities of humanity through mind, body, & spirit expressions.

On a personal level, the Lovevolution Foundation is dedicated to promoting a positive energy centered message of oneness, through all available mediums. A great deal of our effort will be focused on healing the broken hearted by using the concepts of forgiveness & unconditional love as a way of letting go of the wounded past, and transforming personal pain into creative beauty. The music, poetry, dance, art, & conscious performances represent the beginning of our inspirational efforts to make the world a more tender & beautiful place. Lovevolution creates a sense of self-rediscovery through encouragement of enacting one’s gifts in ways that contribute back to our communities.

The ‘Center for Unconditional Love’ is an establishment in progress where science & spirituality can be co-expressed in the form of creativity, commonality, and interpersonal relationships within functional community settings. Our intention is to help whole generations of people deal with personal hardships; through cultivating their creative gifts & altruistic capabilities, we hope to unconventionally help a society that has been sent reeling by the overwhelming nature of ugliness such as prejudice/intolerance/inequality, the cruelties of neglect & abuse, and the negative aspects of international wars. We seek to help others recognize ways to make their own lives & by extension, the lives of others more meaningful, and inspire them to take control of their ability make a positive & lasting contribution to the global family. We believe that the key to this “Lovevolution” can be found in our creative potential, our self-determined propensity for happiness, our ability to reject the ugliness of fear, & the understanding that together we can make the world more beautiful than it was before we came into it, by simply by being the inspiration we wish to see in this world.

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DreamingBear Baraka Kanaan's Blog


In This Issue:

* A Valentines Day Message from DreamingBear

* An Excerpt from DreamingBear’s new book, Wild Love: Kissed Into Consciousness

* The Lovevolution Tour Heads to Northern California. Check Out the Latest Dates

* Do You Live in the San Francisco Bay Area? Book a Private Empowerment Session with DreamingBear

* Help Make the Lovevolution Possible and Become a Lovevolutionary

* Watch a Video Clip of DreamingBear speaking on “What to expect in 2012… Continue

Posted on February 6, 2009 at 3:18am

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At 9:06am on April 8, 2009, The Ancient One said…
A Bright New World
by: Helen Steiner Rice

We feel so sad when those we love
Are touched by deaths dark hand,
Bu it would ease our sorrow
If we could but understand
That death is just a gateway
That all men must pass through
And on the other side of death,
In a world that's bright and new,
Our loved ones wait to welcome us
To that land free from tears
Where joy becomes eternal
And time is not counted by years.
At 11:29am on March 12, 2009, Jesse Becerra Jr said…
I really enjoyed the speech at Hawaii. At troubled times I repeat to myself "You are blessed when you are at the end of your rope."
Thanks. God bless!
At 7:53pm on March 5, 2009, dima27 said…
I am happy to invite you to join my new gallery which I opened just now. At this point this is by invitation only and I will be glad to welcome you there any time. I'll be grateful if you share with me your comments, suggestions and ideas.

Thank you!

At 11:32am on February 16, 2009, Silja Saareoks-Kaldre said…
Great videos!
At 3:34pm on February 10, 2009, Richard Lukens said…
Hi... thanks for joining me on Architects... heard you would be in Marin county... I am in San Rafael... hope you have a good time....
At 2:00am on February 9, 2009, Frizzey Greif said…
♥ ♥ ♥
Thanks for the friendship
Dreaming Bear

heartly welcome in
Frizzey Lights World
♥ ♥ ♥
At 9:28am on February 8, 2009, Wendy DeMos said…
Last night.
Words of beauty ... energy ... intent ...
Thank you.
At 10:55pm on February 4, 2009, Richard Lukens said…
Hi... welcome to the Architects site... thanks for jumping right in and populating your page with so much beauty... as I was approving your photos tonight I think there may have been some duplications.... perhaps you posted them several times while waiting for me to approve them... (out to dinner and a meeting, sorry) so if you see that you have many duplicates... and you have time... can you delete the duplicate photos? Anyway... it's so wonderful to have you join Architects of a New Dawn... can't wait to get to know you better...


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