We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
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West Fest Woodstock Link. If you have means to bring yourself to Woodstock or send a representative to California ( someone locally) I will ask
the Producer Boots Hughston to provide 3 minutes on the stage between music performances to share the message. I know that 3 minutes is not a lot of time but it will be heard by 200,000 people seeking a PEACE message. It will be broadcast to thousands more. If we had a sponsor for Live Streaming or Mega screens it would be even more visible. We are still searching for a corporate sponsor or grant to acquire a larger global audience. The live audience will be massive.This is a huge financial responsibilty for a volunteer organization. All referrals to this venture are valued. I may have some one interested in your Argentina event ( a sponsor? who is helping us at Woodstock) Contact me at teresarhernandez@gmail.com
I believe in the URGENCY of this message. My birhday by coincidence is October 2, same as Ghandi. I am not rich, famous or artistically talented but I do know how to deliver the message of Peace ( olive branch/dove) to the world via transformative media.
I care. Teresa
Is there a twitter?
All international peace events, actions and messages are loved and welcome. I tweet via Twitter applications for Peace daily @x_go. I am a teacher for Peace! I also enjoy these peace portals : Frizzey Lights and ipeace.me
The real love more than goal
Even if we're not done yet
There's the way our heart knows
Blessings, Silja
Does the winged life destroy;
But he who kisses the joy as it flies
Lives in Eternity's sunrise.
~ William Blake