Hi Architects of a New Dawn at this awesome time of the Wesak Full Moon - i just placed a cosmosgramme - a stone carving that works to support the multi-dimensional reality of the Earth's Cosmos, anchoring both divine celestial energies and the sacred consciousness of the Earth's Soul- this is the second cosmogramme i have carved and placed in specific energy centres atmy home in Wales, UK.
I am a multi-dimensional practitioner, and priviliged and blessed to work in Soul Education for many years. Since leaving mainstream education in 2007 where i taught in the theatre - i have been training with the world's leading Geomancer and Earth Healer Marko Pogacnik- it is he who taught me to carve the cosmogrammes in stone. As architects of the New Dawn, we believe the Earth's Soul Gea is transforming the consciousness of reality and she really needs us to open our cosmic hearts and souls to her multi-dimensional presence in the living landscape of the Earth - only through our expansion of consciousness can we truly begin to co-create the Earth's Cosmos, acknowledging the Divinity in all Life.
Angel Bluebell Blessings
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