We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
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where aaarrrrreeeeeeeeeee you? Hhmn?
xoxo Nike
Within Temptation is the definition of a rockin' good time! Let's do the things we normally do is a fabulous film. The actress is soulful and the scenery is beautiful. The song is evocative and it's brilliant the way the video weaves a story. Thank you so much.
Love, Erin
Oh! but that was the amazing part!!! Yes, this tree was at least 2 stories high, maybe 3?, but stands alone, very much like our palms, here (good-sized trunk)--- we (americaners), were oogling the coconuts.... "hmmn, do you wait for them tp fall?"... and our friend (jamaican) laughed and said, "Oh, no, watch!"--- he grabbed a machete and zoomed up that tree so fast, we were holding our breath! then, raced down, and cut it in half--- this is what I "see", if i see or hear the word, coconut!!!
p.s., your captions are bery funny!
I didn't think that looked like a coconut tree! (seen them in Jamaica--- run up and bonk! cut the coconut off, eat it fresh)
I tho't, "maybe Mumbai has different coconut trees!!!)
very nice new photos! Nike
Well, the black ones expression is priceless, and I can (easily!) believe he's a smart one
Also, meant to say, the tree, esp. that branch is wonderful-- adds a lot to your photos (diagonals, etc)
hope all's well there, Nike
Sorry; not my thing, I think those glorious birds in the trees are much more... well, they are truly beautiful!
oh! and your black labs expression is really dear--- he looks at the camera like, "Hello!" cheers, Nike
Yes, she was a student of my Dad's, (art professor-sculptor), I knew her as a little girl (me), somehow we've stayed in touch, and I told her about this place! (kind of neat, yes?)
He had mentioned his dog; so (of course), I ask "what kind?"... when he said "yellow lab", well, (of course!), I said "No Way!" (do you say that, there? "No Way!"... "Way!" ... just funny)
Anyway, his dog looks like the sister of mine! Just funny
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