Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

09/09/09 Get to work, lightworker! The world needs your Divine life purpose right now. Fully embark upon your sacred mission without a delay or hesitation.

Cleanse the Currency on 09-09-09

I would like to encourage you in joining with myself and a Call to Action by Peggy Black to take a few moments today to set you intention to energetically clean your currency and money. The goal is that by many of us together cleansing our individual monetary systems we will create a shift and heal and transfrorm
the matrix of the monetary system.

Why do I need to clean my money?

Money passes through many hands and picks up the vibrations of those whose hands it flows through. It picks up the vibrations of fear and lack just as it picks up the vibration of abundance that is imprinted on it energetically by the thoughts and beliefs of those who come in contact with it. This causes a different energyetic value on some money making it worth less than other pieces. Let me provide you with an example. Suppose someone writes a check or uses their credit card to pay for something they do not have enough money to cover. As they are completing this transaction their fear based poverty thought forms and emotions are projected onto the money. This projection of energy devalues the money so when you receive it, it is worth only part of its value perhaps 50 cents on the dollar. You will find that this money since it is "worth less" will go more quickly.

How to cleanse your money:

The solution for this situation is to energetically upgrade every dollar that comes to you thogugh your intention and make sure it is worth 100% of its value. Hold the money in your hand and imaging that White Light is running from your hand and through the money while setting your intention to upgade the money to 100% of its value. Continue this process until you feel that the money has been cleansed and upgraded to its full value. If you do this regularly you will soon find that each time you hold money it will automatically clear and upgrade. You can also set the intention to place an energetic fiter on your bank and investment accounts, the money in your prosperity bowl if you have one and any other area so that all monies coming to you will be cleansed and upgraded to 100% of their value. This is a part of my daily practice and assists me greatly in manifesting prosperity and abundance in my life. You will notice a difference in how quickly your money "spends" when it has been cleansed versus when it has not been cleared.

So please join us today in cleansing our monetary system and in creating a shift to heal and transfrorm the matrix of the monetary system.

View Peggy's video on "Cleanse the Currency" for more information.

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