Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I don't usually write a blog like this , But enough is enough...

Their are elements of the extreme right spreading so much fear and negativity I had to write this

A message of hope


In this time of uncertainty fear has been bred by those would

Manipulate the world to further their own personal gain.


There is such great need for a belief for the future to be brighter, and

To be clear when so many terrible doubts have been planted and fed.  We have placed the economic future of the world in those who only answered to their own personal gain. Many of which have had no concern for the world, just what they could get out of it.


There is such a need to believe in a positive outcome, and the power

Of that belief can not be based on those who would feed fear into the system so they can destroy what’s in place and take over control

For their own way to hold sway.


The worth of this nation has always been built on pride and illusions.

The pride still survives in the worth of the People, the true gold standard That exists here.

The Illusions of the American Dream need to be replaced by a new and

Greater Reality. Based on truth, strength and the love we have for this

Country and the world.


This is a time when we need Hope, when we need to believe, when we

Need to have the wisdom to not allow the ones who would destroy

Us with their own agenda as their only motive. They have stated that they want the President to fail, and they are doing everything in their power to make that happen.


And while they continue to spread lies and attack the effects of what they do are now having such an impact that they no longer can be ignored.


So stand for the Positive, believe in the Good, and Let Hope come

Back to our hearts. We know we will survive and be stronger and wiser for the lessons we have learned so we can build a better future.


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