Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

A Walk in the Dark's Like a Walk in the Park!


Living in the dark is like a magical mystery tour....a walk in the park on a moonlit night.

Sometimes the park could be an open field of ripe barley ready for harvest upon which the moon shines its silver light on gold and all seems perfect platinum. At other times the park maybe a graveyard upon which the moon's rays creates shadows perhaps disturbing one's soul just a little! And at other times it maybe a playground with swings and slides and roundabouts to enjoy all the diversities.

Whatever park we are walking through on this magically dark night, it is there for the experience! Let's enjoy all its expressions.

Living in the dark is living in the unknown and many who are consciously awakening and aware are in the unknown space of the new right now and as we baby-step our way tentatively through this maze of new and wondrous potential, we are choosing from a myriad of possibilities through which we experience our newly creating world.

Some choices are more benevolent than others, so it is worthwhile considering potential implications before stepping forth. Sometimes this may not be possible so we choose then step forward to experience and if not to one's liking we withdraw from that experience and choose again.

Remembering that in the place we are in in this moment, we are living our past choices while choosing now for the next moment's experience so the task at hand may be rather daunting at times, yet we Be it anyway for we are magnificent Creators. The Creator in fact.

In the barley field we play in the wisps of furry grass running and laughing and just Be the love and joy and freedom we are.

In the graveyard we may be rather tentative looking behind or checking the shadows "just in case", not quite so joyous and free as the barley field

The playground of swings and slides and roundabouts gives us choices so diverse we may enter in gay abandonment to experience all the many and different experiences on offer or we may hang back a little overwhelmed by all the choices on hand...."Which One, which One,??"

And then there is the balance of just Being in whatever experience shows up, detached maybe, the observer of all surveyed, in sovereign space feeling the wholeness and perfection of it all.

The Unknown is Being in the dark till, with the moonlight of pure understanding shone upon it, it now becomes The One Known as the form it takes is in full view in the sunlight.

We are each walking in the dark presently and no matter which park we wander through we will always find it perfect for the occasion at hand.

Celebrate well this beautiful time of the Unknown One becoming The One Known. Regardless of how It shows up, Love It All for Love is All There Is.

From the deepest depths to the highest heights and all spaces in between, the beauty of Love in All its glorious shades is there for the experience.

Honour OneSelf on All occasions. Love It Beyond All Else and feel OneSelf fully in each Blessed Moment as the Eternal and Infinite Presence It Is.

Bless OneSelf as no other, for there is no other.

Be the joy and love OneSelf Is for there One Is Free.

A walk in the dark's like a walk in the park. Which park to choose?

Explore them all, expand and express exponentially in the glory of fullest Self Love, in One's ever-expanding Self-empowerment and in expression of the joy of limitless freedom.

Shared from the Heart of OneSelf
IAM Elizabethxx

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