Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

For now, while I get my bearings here, you can check out some of my work and activities on my other blogs and sites...NONE of them are paid projects...they are just what I do, because they are what I am. I get no money for any of this. And in fact, I find money a pain in the butt...when you make money from stuff, people try and tell you what to create, and if you are successful, your success often becomes a gilded for me, I am with Siddhartha in the Hesse novel when he said, "I can fast and I can wait."

My Redroom Writer's page, with links to some of my Ioway language videos and creative writing, stuff I have published and other stories, including two chapters of a novel I am working on.

My Lance M Foster Studio page, with some of my art and art-related projects.

My Once and Future Druid page, about bioregional animism, being a modern-day druid, and nature spirituality

My Montana Archaeology project in progress

My Ioway-Otoe Language project ...I am putting up an 1848 language book about my tribe's language

Ioway Cultural Institute ...the website by a bunch of us from and about our tribe

Paranormal Montana ...where I write about weird things, events, places, ghosts, UFOs, cryptozoology, etc.

My YouTube videos...people seem to like the Ioway language videos and my poetry reading the best.

And of course my Facebook page.

Probably other stuff here and there that I've forgotten...haha!

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