COME MEDITATE AND CONTEMPLATE It is time to create a clear vision of what it is you truly want. 
Where is it that choose to go? What lies within your heart? For it is these thoughts and dreams that you should be focusing all of your energy on. Create the picture, create the movie of what it is you want and be totally clear on it. Then begin to focus on the stems that will take you there
now. What can you do
Now that will get you one step closer to that which you desire.
You are surrounded by support on so many levels. There are people around you or there are people who will feel your vibration and be drawn to you. There are your guides and your angels who are always ready and willing to work with you side by side to help you create in the physical realm, just ask.
Relax, Enjoy wherever it may be that you find yourself this day. Trust that you can make the best possible day no matter what is happening around you, and see the beauty and gift in all that is.
You are dearly loved and supported by us, with us, the angels and guides. COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.
thank you
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