FOCUS UPON YOUR STRENGTHSView yourself with compassion and love, always. 
Anytime you find yourself thinking or feeling poorly about yourself,
focus upon your strengths instead. Use daily positive affirmations to
lift your energy and faith. Your strengths include your loving heart,
pure intentions, talents and skills...all of those aspects of growth
that you have been working on. The more you honour and bless your
strengths and assets, the stronger they become.
Be flexible and know that life is full of changes and surprises. Keep
your mind and heart open to new ideas and fresh options. There is always
a solution to every situation, so look at all things with eyes of love
and expectation. Then life force will flow freely through you and to
You are dearly loved, the Angels
COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.
thank you
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