Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Anthropic means 'of or relating to human beings or the period of their existence.' This relationship between man and the cosmos is said to be through intelligent design. Only a small range of possible values for the universal constants (such as the mass of an electron) are consistent with the presence of life as we know it. The significance of such apparent fine-tuning of the universal constants is disputed by those who regard it as trivial and those who argue from it to the necessity of life in the universe.

From my experience as a coach and creator, the very essence of our creative ability comes forth through our considerations of prudent actions that promote healthy people and planet. Our basic humanness revolves around the ebb and flow of energy we associate with loving and being loved, intermixed with all the conditions we anchor to the process and its results in our environment, personal and professional.

According to Stephen Hawking, "Cosmology used to be regarded as a pseudo science, an area where wild speculation was unconstrained by any reliable observations. We now have lots and lots of observational data, and a generally agreed picture of how the universe is evolving. But cosmology is still not a proper science, in the sense that as usually practiced, it has no predictive power.

Our observations tell us the present state of the universe, and we can run the equations backward, to calculate what the universe was like at earlier times. But all that tells us is that the universe is as it is now, because it was as it was then. To go further, and be a real science, cosmology would have to predict how the universe should be. We could then test its predictions against observation, like in any other science."

James Gardner's book, Biocosm, takes us further. He states in the introduction, "The holistic philosophy embodied in the sciences of complexity is uniquely suited to the mission of the intellectual voyage on which we shall presently embark: to seek out and delineate, as precisely and exhaustively as possible, a specific theory concerning the linkage and “consilience” (in biologist Edward O. Wilson’s resonant phrase)11 between the basic laws and constants governing the behavior of inanimate nature and the role of life and mind in the universe. As we shall see, the very fact that such consilience and linkage should exist is itself a profound ontological commentary."

Howard Bloom, in The Lucifer Principle states, "Superorganisms, ideas, and the pecking order - the triad of human evil - these are the primary forces behind much of human creativity and earthly good. They are the holy trinity of the Lucifer Principle. But there is hope we may someday free ourselves of savagery. To our species, evolution has given something new - the imagination."

"With that gift," he continues, "we have dreamed of peace. Our task - perhaps the only one that will save us - is to turn what we have dreamed into reality. To fashion a world where violence ceases to be. If we can accomplish this goal, we may yet escape our fate as highly precocious offspring, as fitting inheritors of nature's highest gift and foulest curse, as the ultimate children of the Lucifer Principle."

John the Revelator wrote about [the Beast] having a man's number - 666. Many have translated it as an evil thing, yet it is with intelligence we are admonished to interpret it. Could it be as simple as the carbon atom with 6 neutrons, 6 protons and 6 electrons? If we were able to have a scientific understanding of the nature of man [the Beast] we may be able to unleash the constraints of the Lucifer Principle. What of our current concerns for the carbon footprints threatening our planetary well-being?

It is by awareness and choice that we change the course of humankind toward a harmony of stewardship for the planet and her people. We have begun the next course of human development; the superorganism is evolving toward stewardship based on the need for survival. Ideas move beyond the ruthlessness of power and profit at any cost to purposeful planetary administration. The planetary pecking order has shifted from man's perceived dominance of nature to the natural consequences of its abuse. The paradox of the carbon atom is not only is it the basis for all organic life forms, it also has the capability of destroying the very same.

Applied technology in the new millennium - material, psychospiritual and scientific, with a collaborative 'greening' code of ethics, appears to be the answer to the carbon conundrum. Our threats are no longer from specific individuals, tribes or nations or even extraterrestrials, but from man's collective carbon footprint. In this shift to address global warming, we have found the true enemy: our own ignorance. This could very well give rise to moving beyond the 'might is right' or 'God is on our side' scenarios, eliminating the ideological barriers of belief systems through the call to save our collective civilization.

Alas, the ultimate paradox is in carbon itself, our life and death. In one mixture it holds the keys to understanding creation. In others, our worst nightmares exist – the destruction of a civilization. In the new millennium mindset mythweaving there is a core understanding of the web of life, a consciousness of conscience toward person and planet.

Just since the beginning of the new decade there has been an evo-leap in applied sciences and technology guiding the way for developing solutions, but some of those solutions have no easy answers. We still have people killing people because no one is stopping them, trying to understand why and coming up with alternatives that synergize our collective needs in harmony. It will not eliminate the Lucifer Principle, but it will realign its priorities.

Our dreams of change toward peace on earth and good will toward man cry out for being made real. Nations are rallying to create fuel and energy alternatives, which would offset some of the workforce downsizing movement. Still, we are faced with trust issues toward the economy and financial institutions. Education is suffering from the industrial age style ‘in the box’ form of environments that simply lack the methodologies for addressing the new millennial minds.

The vision of a planetary administration hinges on effective management of resources; human, material and even metaphysical, a new world order that puts those thousand points of light in proper perspective. We need our dreams to shed some light in on collective economic opportunities, holistic education and serious planetary stewardship. Many dreams envision harmony among people and planet. May our dreams mold future realities.

Now you may think I’m either insane or have impeccable timing, but I have a sense that we need to advance to quantum psychology to understand how to implement the change we desire, metanoia for the masses. On a global agenda, this begins with leaders willing to communicate and execute collaborative actions deemed appropriate for eradicating the evil superorganism, ideas and pecking order. Addressing a global consciousness, creating the desire to become one in planetary purpose for the prize of continued population, is a challenge for the new millennial man.

An Inconvenient Truth performed brilliantly, ONE shines light on poverty and Middle East resolutions help, not to mention the countless courageous change agents throughout education, energy and ergonomics. We’ve made evo-leaps in alternative energy development, nutritional delivery systems and alternate dispute resolution, but the looming challenge is still the confrontation and control of evils acts against ourselves, the senseless destruction of human and planetary life. Working with the willing is wonderful, but how do we address the aberrations of human consciousness collaboratively to live a harmony of people and planet?

We’ve made advances in radionics and mapping the brain’s frequencies already. Conceivably the neural net that engages selfish and violent acts is definable in some sort of frequency or vibrational range. This is where access to shifting consciousness begins, allowing a ‘higher’ consciousness to evolve through the right use of will. Research in psyonics, mental powers, has been occurring for centuries, seeing little light of day because of the ethical and spiritual implications in political and religious leadership if it were acknowledged.

The reality is that we face extreme ethical and moral questions in the process. Could we then also conceive of a mechanism or methodology derived through scientific methods that reveals higher thought patterns relating to prudent progressive action? There is plenty of proof for the argument toward meditation and positive affirmations, visualization in the art of creating and brain wave management through sound and light technologies. I mean, from a scientific and spiritual perspective, we now know that sound/light pulses provide physical foundations congruent with cosmic consciousness. Maybe we could begin to discover that God truly does dwell with man, our light no longer hidden by the sounds of silence.

We still have not addressed a potentially prominent factor in the evolution of man on planet Earth. We are not alone in the universe anymore, despite the unwillingness of our governments to openly acknowledge the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations. On a broad scale there appears to be two viewpoints of their activity. One is the covert operations in a plot to control the planet, but it’s pretty obvious that just ain’t happenin’. The other sounds more realistic: harbingers of change, for our potential inclusion in universe affairs. Their help hinges on our ability to coalesce for the commoner on a global scale; our purposeful action.

As we develop collaboration in consciousness and construction of communication plans, ignited by the current best practices and open-book management philosophies of the new millennium, we are challenged by the immensity of our task. There is encouragement even at the level of the new United States Presidency’s policy that directed all departments to the terms of the Memorandum of Transparency. We must be open with one another; greeting our collective change with openness and willingness to offer our very best efforts toward harmony of people and planet.

Rev. Zen Benefiel is a multi-masters degreed author, coach, consultant and facilitator with a passion for education and facilitating partnerships. Zen experienced a spiritual awakening in 1975, an honors student in college, complete with a very profound near death experience. He founded Be The Dream in 1988 as an avenue to promote holistic understanding in business and personal achievement. An international presenter on holistic project planning, he co-created a vision for a holistic model community serving at-risk youth, called Spectrum Academy. His most recent coursework, Transformation: A Guide for Change, assists adults challenged to live authentically in these times of accelerated change.

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