Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

As we Say Thank You

As we say Thank you so we reap the rewards of the Blessings of Heaven.
As we give thanks for all that we have been Given
We Recognize the Miracle of Receiving.

For we are being Given the Gratitude of those who serve God
And we are Receiving God’s great blessings.
We place upon the alter the Gifts of Service.
We lay before the Angels the Light of Love the
The gifts that Comes from our hearts and Souls.
Gods Gifts are their own reward.
Gods blessings are Given as we Believe we are Blessed
In the Giving and Receiving.

In the Choice to do Good we are choosing God.
In the Choice to be thankful we are Recognizing Gods’ Blessings.
In gratitude we are seeing the Good we have been Given.
And when we Say Thank You for the Pain and Hardships.
We understand how we have been given the chance to grow
How we have found faith and how we have survived
Through all of life’s challenges.

So say thank you to all of Life’s Blessings.
For all of Life is a Blessing.
See the ultimate Good in all in this evolving Creation.
Say thank you to the Earth, the Sky, the Waters, the Air
Say thank you for the Work you have been given
and those you work with.
Say thank you to your family and all your friends who have stood by.

But most of All say Thank you to God
And all the blessings in your Life
Given through the Grace of Giving and Receiving
This living Love and Light.

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