Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Asking for Help or Accepting and Receiving…The Power of Change

I understand this is a challenging area for many, whether in your personal life, business or becoming an Entrepreneur, as there has been so much social and generational conditioning around ‘asking for help’ as a sign of weakness.

The truth is that at the very foundation of what you are and why you are here is the invisible force of contribution and service working at all times. It is merely your conditioned perception and belief that produces the experiences you witness in your day to day living.

So let’s look at these different aspect of asking for help or accepting and receiving from the energetic, internal environment, that is the basis of how your external world is created.

Through the evolution of science in cellular biology and epigenetics, we now have the verified proof, our cells take their signal from our beliefs. That these beliefs create the internal environment which subsequently, through the body’s functions create the holographic, projected perception of your reality from your occipital lobe. Where social conditioning comes in, is within your sub conscious, where you have been conditioned, generation through generation, to run a ‘fear based’ programme. So with the best will in the world of creating positive change in your life, if you have not done the internal work to change the sub conscious programme, it will always ‘default’ to the fear based conditioning.

How does that affect asking for help? It in effect, creates the belief you are ‘helpless’ and this will often have run right through your life, from experiences you had as a child making you feel this way, from other people’s own fear based programme’s running.
Asking for help will be perceived as having the belief you are without and therefore comes from lack and this energetically moves you into lower density (lower frequency). Your projected perception will reflect this place of belief in your external experiences and so the cycle of ;not having’ goes on.

In understanding contribution and service, you can reprogramme that sub conscious belief to reflect honouring your value and worth. This requires the internal work to identify where the negative charge in your cellular memories is coming from and release them, which is the choice only you can make.

I mention often the importance of becoming the observer in your experiences, so you learn the strength in your own vulnerability to be able to grow and evolve from each experience. This is where the invisible force of contribution and service is at work, as every action, word or deed is a reflection of what you believe of yourself, as in:

  • Insulting others – You reflect being insulted with yourself
  • In service to others – You serve yourself
  • Control others – You reflect your place of low self worth
  • Praise others – You reflect valuing your worth
  • Honouring others – You reflect honouring yourself
  • Love others – You reflect the love for yourself

So as you live contribution and service, it becoming your process of observation in your own evolvement. This however is just one half of the circle. Contribution and service is a two way street and the real power of change comes through accepting and receiving contribution and service by others to you.

As you change your sub conscious programme and accept and receive the love for yourself, the recognition for your value and worth, there is a natural move from the perception of ‘needing help’ to honouring yourself by honouring others in accepting and receiving their contribution and service to you.

I call this ‘The Cycle of Consciousness’, as the beauty of the invisible force and the tapestry it weaves, is in no accepting and receiving is actually about your ‘needs’. Accepting and receiving contribution and service, is ‘allowing’ others to fulfil their contribution and service TO others, so it becomes a full exquisite forward flow…and this is the power of change.

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