The Astro-Sage
Looking at the Climate for March 2010...

“The cosmos is a vast living body, of which we are still parts. The sun is a great heart whose tremors run through our smallest veins. The moon is a great nerve center from which we quiver forever. Who knows the power that Saturn has over us, or Venus? But it is a vital power, rippling exquisitely through us all the time.” ~D.H. Lawrence~Greetings Pilgrims and Magi!
The procession of the heavens into March follows the Fulling of the Moon on February 28th at 9 degrees Virgo, a challenge to Sol residing in Pisces to create order within the realm. On the first day of the month Mercury also enters the Realm of the Fishes while later in the evening the Moon wains into Libra, seeking to claim balance once again. The proximity of the season of fulness to the retreat of Saturn back toward Virgo might have affected the traveler as the conjunction squared Pluto... Those who embrace wisdom realize a need to regroup. A diet of fruits and coarse grains will cleanse the body and water with minerals restore vigor with ease.
March 3rd brings potential for unexpected enrichment as faire Venus graces the Uranian Court... serendipitous adventure will bring Art to one's life! On the 7th the Lady departs Pisces and brings Grace to the postern of the Clan of the Ram. Tempers might flair in the fiery Hall of the Golden Fleece as Venus progresses to oppose Saturn on the 8th. Once again the chela will note that a T-Square has formed in the heavens as the Moon conjunct Pluto fills out this sword's double edge. Drawing down strife from the Tribes of Capricorn and Libra while embracing Aries in the folly as well... wise seekers stay alert for two days before and after the cycle completes.
On the 10th of the month Lord Mars turns his Chariot about and begins to progress forward through the Clan of the Lion, advancing the interests of all of the Pride. Those who are in trine to the Leonine Court will see progress with interests where stalemate and confusion had prevailed.
Doubly auspicious, the 14th begins the advance of the hour, Daylight Savings Time comes into place. Sun conjuncts Mercury and Moon conjuncts Jupiter... all who attend the Neptunium Court will be favored this day. Good cheer abounds!
March 15th finds the newing of the Moon as Sol and the Goddess unite! In the royal dance of the planets Mercury conjuncts Uranus, then the Moon and Uranus unite... the dance made complete when Goddess and the Winged One also embrace. Auspicious indeed, this is the day for fanciful flight! The Sage invites friends and shares a cup of good cheer~

March 17th sees Sol and Uranus embrace opposing Saturn's feigned insult, tension is high and could easily ignite... cautious words and mindfulness rewards one in search of nirvana, as Mercury lends reinforced union against the Ringed One while Pluto's furnaces purify from below. The 18th continues the plight as haste creates loss... if unchecked the chela will find his bowl empty of rice. Even great Masters note pitfalls and wide puddles have created need for caution on the path toward the Light.
Restoration! March 20th is balance, equal day and night. The Vernal Equinox is time for jubilation as the Sun enters Aries and spring takes flight. As the pilgrims leave weary winter behind, the fulling of the Moon in Libra on the 29th inspires hope of warmer weather... then, behold! the awakening begins... green growth unfolds across hill and dale.
March 30th is marked with the celebration of Passover, the Angel of Death departs from the land. As March ends on the 31st Venus rushes into Taurus where the Matron of Artful living is at home and expands.
March is a month of sudden shifts; doors open and close with impunity. The chela is counseled to be on guard for rapid evolution, while those who are unfocused will forced to turn back... rapid growth and the quickening will be the test. Offerings of gratitude as the journey unfolds is wisdom, and the ego controlled becomes refined and beauteous... a friend of the Spirit dwelling within. Embrace Life, give no resistance to Evil and Ascend with Grace this March, Dear Friends!
BlessingLight&Love from the Celestial Ashram...
In Humble recognition of our shared Divinity
The AstroSage~
“The puzzling thing is that there is really a curious coincidence between astrological and psychological facts, so that one can isolate time from the characteristics of an individual, and also, one can deduce characteristics from a certain time.”
~Carl Jung~
The AstroSage (aka Onefeather) can be contacted at:
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