In recent years many of us have felt like stand-ins in our own lives: understudies playing a role on short notice while we waited for our "real" selves to return. We've been in dress rehearsal for the quickening, and it's been a flume ride of the highest order.
The good news is that density is transmuting into destiny faster than we can say "anagram". The world stage is welcoming us as the
human holons we are, stepping up to the plate and into our soul missions as never before.
Holding the both/and has become paradoxically more challenging and much easier than in the past. We've had more than a taste of primordial chaos and pain; some of us are still slogging through the morass. The flip side is primordial joy: what sociologist Emile Durkheim called Collective Effervescence (the idea that ritually induced ecstasy cements social bonds) and anthropologist Victor Turner termed
Communitas: the spontaneous love and solidarity that can arise within a community of equals.
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